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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I am not personally interested in it, even a little bit, but I know that some people are. Knowing that some people were very excited when Stadia started and sad when it stopped, it makes me sad for their sake. My employer has pretty much everything built on or around Google services and they are a lot like Microsoft. They frequently eliminate features and services that people like. It's seems as if they get their jollies by giving good things just so they can play god by taking them away later, or changing things that are not broken just to get people pissed off about it.
  2. Googirl and Micro$lop are pretty nimble when it comes to identifying something they did right so they can put a stop to it.
  3. It seems like the undesirable overpriced junk is the only thing available for most people to buy. The desirable overpriced junk is sold out. I am kind of surprised to see people buying 4080 in volume. Not that everyone wants the best GPU money can buy, because we know that is not the case. Just that they're willing to pay the price that the best option is worth to own the not-the-best option. Maybe it is just poor judgment coming off of the cypto-craze and fear of having nothing. That said, I hope the availability of the peasant AMD and NVIDIA GPUs is due to a lack of desire to purchase them rather than an abundance of available stock. I can't think of a better Christmas present for AMD and NVIDIA than to have it rotting on store shelves because of not enough people interested in their second-rate garbage for them to continue manufacturing it. Yeah, it's really repulsive to me. I guess if that is what floats your boat, it's all good. It all seems really goofy to me. Very effeminate cartoon garbage. Might as well be a Malibu Barbie or a Sesame Street GPU. If you're a big boy you can get the Ninja Turtles Edition and it comes with a share-size bag of Skittles.
  4. I don't understand why Galax seem hellbent on making the world's ugliest video cards. I'm not talking about the white color (not my favorite) but the disgusting extra garbage that is just so tacky and goofy-looking. It bothers me a lot when people outside of a country think of themselves as being well-versed or knowledgable about things which they know absolutely nothing. It really exposes the degree to which they are hopelessly lost imbeciles. They have no earthly idea how utterly full of crap they are because they believe the nonsense they see/hear on TV and on social media, which is almost entirely fabricated, severely misrepresented or taken out of context. It bothers me even more when people that live in the same country, and are best equipped to identify the lies, are incapable of identifying truth versus fiction when it goes against the narrative of the agenda or cause they have chosen to believe in. The world we live in is circling the drain and numbskulls like that are accelerating the destruction. I think the end of days is probably closer than we think, and won't be any kind of "environmental" tragedy that shakes our Etch-A-Sketch. It will be the irrational hatred of one-another and rejection of truth and goodness that have become hallmark traits of the largely-retarded human race.
  5. Wow, that is a really nasty can of worms. Would have been much better for them to delay launch rather than releasing a defective product deliberately. Smells like an Azor move. Skunks don't change their stripes.
  6. Let's see what kind of response this gets... I'm suspect someone(s) with a famous user name(s) might get butt hurt about having to play by the same rules as us pions. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/221655-mandatory-systeminfo-555-update-and-new-benchmark-rules-for-rtx40-series/#comment-632711 Now this is interesting... https://forums.evga.com/My-Arduinobased-RAM-SPD-readerwriter-free-and-open-source-m3053544-p6.aspx
  7. Yeah, 100%... "they'll come behind you guys and lock it down" 😞 Totally butt-headed Gestapo crap. A lot, maybe most, of everything that is good and awesome about overclocking is attributable to EVGA. NVIDIA is probably relieved they are no longer an AIB partner, and their competitors are probably glad they do not have to be held to standards as high as where EVGA set the bar for GPUs. Heaven help us if they stop making motherboards. Do you still have that 2-slot spacer daughterboard? Truly a collector's item and a piece of history if it came from Vince and Tin.
  8. Historically, AMD has been anti-overclocking and has had a very anti-overclocker policy. By leaving a lot of headroom on the table it makes it easier to deny warranty if they can find any evidence of overclocking or performance modification, and they even go as far as mentioning that using the overclocking software they provide is a basis for warranty denial. If they push things to the edge (like NVIDIA) and the GPU fails, they're automatically on the hook for the warranty. So, they are being rather sly with self-insulation by selling an under-performer with lots of headroom that they know full well some customers are going to tap into. It seems that rules seldom apply to the people making them up. The rules only have to be followed by the people that the rules are designed to victimize.
  9. Probably to increase performance to look better for marketing purposes. Harder to demonstrate value and sell grossly overpriced products when the price difference for the less expensive overpriced products has a smaller performance gap. I think everyone got "talked out" in the HWBOT thread. Decisions were made by the people with the power to make them who made an "executive decision" how to handle it in the way that best served their own interests. Bad decisions made by bad people wrongly gifted with authority seems to be the new normal no matter what the subject matter or the realm of authority.
  10. ttps://hwbot.org/submission/5143023_mr._fox_aida64___memory_read_ddr5_sdram_129455_points
  11. Hot off the presses, with Vince talking about EVGA's GPU secrets. Different topic...
  12. Are you using a smartphone? Stupid stuff like that happens to me when I do. Simply edit the post and delete all of the extra space. Yes, it absolutely does. They made a very bad decision and it makes them look bad for making it. Whether it was due to being misinformed, or because they enjoy having deceptive people on staff, is anyone's guess. It is very discouraging. A big reason for it is that the people in control of everything don't care about enthusiasts, don't share our passion for overclocking and don't really understand what makes us tick. The politically-based cliché applies here as well as politics... "elect a clown, expect a circus" and to that I say "not my circus, not my monkey" LOL. The difference is, we don't get to vote on the clowns that are in control of the technology, so we can't blame our friend and neighbors for the messes their stupid decisions caused.
  13. Well, the Team Group Delta 7200 A-die was buggy and got refunded by Amazon, but the G.SKILL 7200 looks like it might be a keeper. I haven't started any intense tuning. Here's a down and dirty that passes memory stability testing. Not bad considering some of the timings are still sloppy (set on Auto in the Z690 Dark BIOS). Not too shabby for a $300 A-die kit. @Raiderman Sharp-looking pickup, bro. My favorite color, too. (And, the least appropriate color for the dusty blast furnace that I live in, LOL.)
  14. Just take your time with it. If you're not benching and what you have does what you need it to well enough, save your money and wait for the prices to fall. They probably will. Depending on how long it takes for idiots to max out their credit cards, it might happen sooner or may take a while. I mean who would have thought that I would own a 3060 Ti or that I would entertain the idea of buying an Arc A770? Even I would not have believed it until a year or so ago. When I bought the 3090 KPE and began to reflect on what benefit I got for spending my money (or what little benefit if you look at it that way) it caused me to reflect on things and adjust my perspective. I spent a lot of money and got something that wasn't a whole lot better than ordinary. Based on what I spent, it should have been a golden sample. While it was better than average, it wasn't nearly as special as the price tag would have suggested it should be and less than what I deserved to receive for paying the extra premium. Do I want a 4090? Hell yeah, of course I do. But, it's a really poor value and unless I got extremely lucky with a golden sample that allowed me to be successful at benching against "the chosen ones" that get cherry-picked silicon for free, chances are fairly good I am going to regret having burned a really huge wad of cash on a run of the mill ego-crazed gamerboy's cracker jack trash card. I'm not saying that my foolish side might not eventually rationalize the decision. That could happen. But, the final outcome (speaking of the regret over the money spent) will probably turn out the same. Sounds like your disappointment with things is similar to mine. Sorry to hear that, but it is what it is. I never expected it to be cheap, but when you have to pay far too much money to get something that may turn out to be an overpriced piece of garbage, then have the fun taken out of benching on top of that... what's the point? If it isn't fun any more, then I guess there is no point. Fun was the basis for it in the first place. Exactly. Very similar to my comments to Brother @Raiderman. Don't let the money burn a hole in your pocket. Just wait for the kill. You can shoot when you see the whites of their eyes.
  15. LOL, did I call it or what? Very predictable. I wish I would have been wrong about this, but I always expect the worst when it comes to how companies treat consumers. That's just the sad world we live in now. If what you want is desirable, chances are great that you're going to get screwed and it should be almost taken for granted that you will get hosed on the price. They use "supply and demand" as the excuse to legitimize their thievery, but let's make no mistake about it... just good old fashioned greed and price-gouging with little or no connection to supply and demand. They'll charge as much as stupid people are willing to pay. Prices will go down only when overpriced inventory stops moving.
  16. Out of all of the air-cooled 4090 cards I think it is the nicest looking as well. I'm not buying one because they're just too damned expensive to entertain the idea, but if I were going to I would probably go with that one. The money saved can be put toward a waterblock.
  17. C'mon now... we know you value function over form. You should. I do, too. Form is nice. Function is essential. Balance is nice when you can achieve it. But, those fans are just ridiculous, LOL. I would even go as far to say so ridiculous that function is impaired. The unbearable noise is a functionality limitation. You have to run the fans slower to not have your ears bleed and that reduces their capacity.
  18. If sales are slow that could also drive lower prices as we saw with AM5 CPUs. Oh, is that all? [sarcasm]
  19. What they are doing certainly doesn't come anywhere near the order of magnitude of the WWII atrocities and can't be compared to that, but the approach with the censoring and agenda-driven information (disinformation) control is remarkably similar. This is unacceptable and totally contrary to normal American life, not to mention unconstitutional and illegal. They are basically blocking everything that is true, accurate, normal and mainstream and replacing it with extreme woke, hard left nonsense... wickedness on steroids. They shroud their agenda in a fake presentation of being anti-racism and anti-hate when it is exactly that they are guilty of. Totally ludicrous.
  20. Wow... still down?!? Seems like something more than "service enhancements" because it is taking a crazy long time. Wonder what the deal is? Maybe trying to keep the lid on something they don't want exposed for discussion in their forum? Or, maybe a mishap that wiped everything out? Neither one would be good.
  21. The problem is the censoring, and in particular, the censoring of everything that doesn't fit their extreme left woke socialist agenda. It forces people from the center to move hard left or right, moreso of the latter.
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