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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. If the results from Igor's binning are an accurate example of the norm this is an improvement. Not massive, but still better than average. That said, it would have to be or they would not be able to justify the new SKU. We also do not know if that person has a poor, average or superior 13900KS sample. If it is a poor sample, a good or great sample might be truly amazing in comparison. I guess the price, along with all-P+E core, ring and memory overclocking capacity, will tell us whether or not it represents a good value. It will be interesting to see how it shakes out once they are widely available for purchase. Probably "scalper" if it ends up being priced as I expect it to.
  2. It took me a few days to adjust, so I understand. I did not like it at first but now I love it and wish my Predator monitor was curved. I do have them mounted on a tri-screen pedestal and raised 9 inches from my desktop surface so it is close to normal eye level. I would really hate using a monitor at a lower height and doing so would cause neck strain and fatigue. I have my 27 inch 1440p Predator monitor raised 9 inches as well. It used to be that the OC version was actually a different GPU, but looking at the specs for most of them today it seems more like a scam, with the power limits and voltage in the firmware and hardware build seeming to be exactly the same from what I can tell. It looks like you are just paying extra for a vBIOS with maybe a 50MHz higher boost clock. There might be some OC versions with different hardware, but I have not noticed any. It's unfortunate that the OC versions do not have a 200-500MHz higher default boost clock.
  3. This is not "fake news" no matter how you slice it. It is a live recording of direct conversation. If you don't watch the whole thing, at least listen to the first 2:48 and pay attention to what Rand is describing. It really outlines the degree to which government has become overreaching and abusive of power as it relates to the mistreatment its own citizens.
  4. 4K is nice with a big screen and 100% scaling. Only sucks on smaller screens and with scaling ovee 100%. But, I really like 1440p and that is a very good monitor you have. I think the G-Sync is a gimmick if your framerate is as fast or faster than the refreshrate above 120Hz. I doubt you would be able to tell a difference. I can't and have never been able to. I would say it boils down to deciding what you want to do and just do it because you want to. I suspect you will be happy either way. You will adjust (eyes and brain) to the new resolution and it will become the new normal in a few days. Although they are 1080p, I really like my curved monitors in a triple-wide array. It look me a short time to adjust to the curve, but going forward I only plan to purchase curved monitors. Especially nice with two or three because they will fit in a smaller space width-wise and once you adjust it is easier on your eyes and more ergonomically pleasing. If they were flat, I would not be able to fit the triple-screen setup on my desk. It would overhang the sides too much and interfere with placement of other things, including my mid-tower case on the right side and tall cabinet on the left side. Edge-to-edge is 54 inches. If they were flat the same array would be 63 inches wide. Huge difference in the amount of space flat panels would require and they would be harder to use for 10-12 hours per day. I noticed the delayed ship time, but also "free shipping today" and wasn't sure which was accurate. But, I'd be fine with waiting if it meant spending $300-$500 less and the shipping was free. It would give me time to sell other things to help stop the hemorrhaging of my wallet before I got billed for the frivolous self-indulgence.
  5. If you really want one, I saw the PNY 4090 at TigerDirect Business for $1600 a day or two ago. It was tempting, but I managed to avoid it.
  6. 100%. If I were going to buy a 4090 it would be the Zotac Amp Extreme AIRO. I probably would not even bother looking at other options. Short of that option, it would be an MSI GPU. I would end up wanting to block it for sure, but I think Zotac also has the best aesthetic of all of the air cooled options. The ASUS trash is overpriced and the warranty service too shoddy and shady to even consider it, and the Gigabutt options are pretty lackluster and I think theirs are uglier than any other GPUs except for the gaudiness of the Galax HOF (hard to match tacky looking tech on that order of magnitude). I think I would just save $400-$600+ and settle for a PNY 4090 XLR8 before I would give my money/scalp to the goons at ASUS or Gigabutt.
  7. I suspect they probably have been to some degree. They needed feckless leadership to be put back in charge because they were terrified by what was happening under leadership with gonads. What is interesting is how all of that got twisted and deflected though. The party accused of being in cahoots with the Russians was the one that wouldn't be, and the one that the Russians (and Chinese) feared the most. It is so obvious, especially considering the Russian and Chinese business deals that the media have tried to cover up and suppress. It is diabolical that so much information was suppressed, skewed and concealed to manipulate public opinion and influence election outcomes. The outcome has been damaging to this nation by every measurement. Not one identifiable good thing has come from it.
  8. That is a good way of putting it. Another way of putting it is blinding people to the truth with a relentless barrage of lies and disinformation, similar to a DoS attack. Everyone is passionate about what they believe, even when it is irrational and they have no solid basis for it, and that creates division and vitriol. It is a form of brainwashing and the resulting outcome behaves like a virus. The people that recognize the lies and call them out are dismissed and accused of being deplorable extremists wearing tin foil hats, whose voices need to be silenced. They are often falsely accused of violence when, in fact, they are often victims of violence from their accusers. Those that believe the lies anoint themselves with a fake mantle of enlightenment and self-validate their woke foolishness with virtue-signaling nonsense. And, nothing good gets done. "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
  9. Still overpriced, and unlikely to sell at that price, but I guess that is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Interesting info on the top 5 4090 cards. Very damning for ASUS and their sucky warranty service and poor reliability (I know... my surprised look is not on my face about that) is found starting at 6:13.
  10. Well. Hmm. That sucks. Nice response from AMD, too. How reassuring, LOL. Should be interesting to see what kind of software fix is going to take care of what der8auer already proved was a mechanical problem.
  11. Another lie that the media-driven left have convinced their constituents and the rest of the world that do not know any better, or have any way of knowing different, due to hardcore censoring of information. It is absolutely overblown hype and driven by an irrational hatred of Trump. You'll probably continue to believe it only because it is what you have been conditioned to believe and have no other information to work with. And, that's by design. They only show the little snippets here and there that they want the public to see and hear. They don't show the abuse of the people present that were causing no trouble. The entire thing was a setup orchestrated by the left. What happened at the nation's capital was like an elementary school puppet show compared to the heinously violent riots and protests that frequently occurred across the nation that were entirely composed of extreme left woke lunatics gone wild. There were no murdered politicians, no blown up cars, no molotov cocktails, no buildings set on fire, during the so-called "insurrection" in Washington DC. The lunatic rioters were temporarily detained and set free to cause more mayhem, yet many that were merely present and breaking no laws at the capitol remain incarcerated with no legal basis for it, no explanation of charges against them, and no trial date for their cases to be heard. Why? Probably because if they get released and their story is heard publicly, there could be a real insurrection and a good reason for a real insurrection. The so-called "extreme right" are about 90% composed of ordinary people that are patriotic Americans that represent a traditional family, and adhere to Judeo-Christian values that this nation was built on. A large chunk of those on the left represent the exact opposite and they have the support of big tech and big media behind them. They seek to "fundamentally transform the nation" that doesn't want or need transformation. The people on the right have been unjustly stereotyped as militant hateful extremists in the same way that all Muslims were sterotyped as terrorists. Both are myths that are totally untrue, but believed by many because of the liars with "journalist" in their job title. Some in the middle are moving hard left or hard right, depending on what is more natural to their inclination. The middle is shrinking. Most of what gets reported as "news" is opinion and disinformation, or misrepresented information, not facts or real news. That gets pushed out to other nations as "US News" so the lies become global misinformation. What is exceptionally bad about this is the fact that people that live in other countries only know what their media present to them. While, here in the US, there is growing distrust and rejection of the lies pushed by the media. So, what the outside world assumes to be accurate and trustworthy is not accurate, and not believed or trusted by a very high percentage (and growing percentage) of the people that live here. The good part about all of this is Americans citizens have placed too much confidence in the government for way too long. I can see a possibiity of that confidence further disintegrating (and I hope it does) because the government in its current state has become more powerful and controlling than it was ever intended to be. When you cannot trust Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, FBI, even our own military, to do what is right and they become agencies used as weapons against our own people, it's a good sign that it is time to dismantle that government and replace it with something that better resembles what it was intended to be, and used to be until about 25-30 years ago. It has been in decline for a while and have progressively moved toward a "Deep State" monarchy with a token President. Love him or hate him, Trump was a serious threat to the liberal establishment (composed of both Republicans and Democrats) and that freaked out the lefty libs real bad. He treatened to unravel the corrupt web it had taken them more than a couple of decades to weave. 100%. But, some (many) choose to stay and put up with it. It's amazing to me how many do. Yet, they complain about the mess instead of either provoking change and voting idiots out of office, or by voting with their shoes (i.e. leaving the stupidity behind and moving to a better place).
  12. The US is polarized. It's about an even split, extreme left Marxist nutjobs or extreme right zealots with a small group in the middle that doesn't stand for anything. The extreme left is very militant, intolerant, hateful and deceptive about everything and want to silence or outlaw everything that doesn't fit their agenda. They accuse those on the right of being everything their leftist views exemplify. So, your option #1 depends on which idealogy more closely resembles your point of view. You're going to find a diverse majority that is almost a 50/50 split on most things, or a 33/33/33 split on other things. The only thing you can find a 2/3+ majority view about is the current President and his cabinet being horrible and ineffective. A lot of the people that helped elect him hate him now and wish they had not, and the other 50% of the country voted for his competitor because they knew he was a loser before he joined the presidential race. Here is a common sense conversation that somewhat illustrates the level of stupidity that is normal in some venues.
  13. Yep, yessir, more filth, piled on top of filth.
  14. The problem with fact-checking is identifying a reliable source of "facts" that is unbiased and agenda-free. Almost everything, with extremely rare exceptions, is a sliver of fact, taken out of context, misrepresented and spun in a way that supports the agenda of the self-anointed providers of "proof" who are actually spin-doctors and liars. You can rely on them, and your friendly local, state and federal governments, to feed you an endless line of crap. Nobody that claims to have a line on truth or facts actually does. They merely have a source that they agree with. The only real "proof" comes in the form of unedited data, unredacted documents, video and audio recordings that captures every detail of information and and presents every spoken word to the audience for digestion without being cut-down or combined with or repackaged with biased editorial about "what they really meant" or speculation about what was implied.
  15. Typical Azor-type denial using the "this is fine" answer for overheating, thermal throttling and product degradation. That response proves a lack of care for the product and the consumer, with the probability of an underlying incentive to shorten the product lifespan in hope that they can sell a replacement when the product fails prematurely. What it fails to contemplate is the probability that unless the consumer is an idiot they won't repeat the horrible decision again and will buy something better from a competitor next time.
  16. We (all people) tend to use the word "need" in place of "want" without giving a lot of thought to the meaning of it. Nothing wrong with wanting more or accepting only the best. There is an element of computing that typically focuses on actual needs where business is involved, and wants where a hobby is involved. Thank God for hobbies, or many of us would find life boring if not difficult. Being a PC enthusiast is not nearly as expensive as many of the other testosterone-fueled hobbies to choose from, but we do tend to shoot ourselves in the feet by throwing caution to the wind and exercising poor judgment when it involves our wants. I think there are even some PC enthusiasts that make a hobby out of spending the least amount of money they possibly can to achieve a minimum level of functionality. I can't relate to it personally, but if doing that makes them happy or gives them a sense of accomplishment, then I would call it a legit hobby. At any rate, we are our own worst enemy when it comes to feeding the monster. To a large degree, we have only ourselves to blame for the retarded GPU prices. There was a point in time where the crypto-morons were driving it, but right now we have to look no further than the closest mirror to identify the reason. NVIDIA can't set a bad example for AMD on how to rape consumers with inflated prices if consumers refuse to purchase overpriced junk. Getting everyone on the same page with a mass exodus, mutiny or boycott is like herding cats. Many are too selfish to even care about being part of a solution versus contributing to the problem, and it is not beneficial in terms of a solution when a tiny minority of consumers take a stand on principle, even when doing so is the right thing to do. All it does is make them a target for the Kool-Aid drinkers that look for ways to legitimize stupidity. And, if you refuse to fall in line with the totalitarian mindset you are an extremist that gets tagged with a list of totally bogus labels by rabid sheeple and their imbecile zombie squad commanders.
  17. Agree. Personally, I think it is better to get the best or go with a lower-budget option. The stuff in the middle is kind of a disgusting compromise to me.
  18. Most people make irrational decisions involving money because our priorities get all jacked up. We are all guilty of it to some extent. Some struggle with it more than others. NVIDIA and the other jokers playing in the retail space know this well and they're not bashful about exploiting that human character flaw. If we're honest, there is going to be something we find to be a nearly irresistible shiny object. Resistance requires a deliberate exercise of self-control.
  19. The thing I figured out about "fake news" is that it is only fake to those that do not want to believe it. That is why hardly anyone on the left or right watches liberal or conservative "news" anymore. We all get fed a nonstop load of crap and twisted information in a manner that spins the agenda the direction the presenters of lies want it to go. The only way to handle it is to decide which agenda is closer to the truth as one sees it, take the bits and pieces from the source deemed less dishonest, pick the pieces that align with what one suspects is true, and dismiss the rest as nonsense with the understanding that 98% of anything the talking heads that pretend to be journalists say is utter bullshit. The trick is identifying the 2% that is factual. But, I do find it useful to know what makes my adversaries tick and what kind of phoney baloney is floating in their sick little heads.
  20. Since you are in Canada and it is cold outside, set your max overclock and max out the fans and bench it outside. I bet you will break 9K. The GPU is going to be thermally limited long before it actually ever gets hot. Even the high end desktop GPUs suffer from this idiotic and sucky firmware algorithm. The colder you can get that GPU the higher it is going to boost using the applied overclock offset. I post his videos often in this thread. He is really amazing. Check out the other videos on his YouTube channel. Since I subscribe to his channel I see his new videos the day they are posted. I had him replace a bad memory chip on the 2080 Ti FTW3 that I recently sold. He was fast and very reasonable on the pricing. He is near Seattle, WA.
  21. You're welcome. You earned them. And, who needs benchmarks when you have cheerleaders. 🤣
  22. Ed Bassmaster is hilarious.
  23. I still haven't forgiven myself for that and I am not enthusiastic about repeating that mistake. 4090 performance is compelling, but the pricing is as repulsive as it was with 3090. While I believe the 3090 KPE is a fantastic overbuilt GPU, I still regret paying what I did for it and still kind of feel like I got screwed over. I am somewhat disappointed with it and have been since the day it arrived. I do not find it remarkably better than an 3090 FTW3 in terms of performance. The only thing about it that I consider "great" is that it is an EVGA product and backed by their industry-leading service and support. What makes it worse now is that a plain vanilla cracker jack 4090 (sold by a company that I know will be a huge pain in the butt to deal with if I need warranty support) is priced like it is a Kingpin-level halo product. It is sad how seldom anyone leaves feedback for me on eBay. I go out of my way to communicate with them, ship immediately, provide additional information to them about the product after the sale, and give the buyer good feedback. I hear nothing more. I have pinged them numerous times with a message to ask if they received the product and everything was as expected, and they will often reply that they are very happy and thank me, but still leave no feedback. I generally only use eBay as a last resort when my efforts to sell something have failed in another venue. I was going to look at selling on jawa.gg for PC parts, but when I went to sign up it seemed like a real hassle, so I never finished the sign-up process. Pretty chintzy MSI GPU...
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