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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I still haven't forgiven them for back-stabbing 3090 owners with the 3090 Ti. I hope they never release a 4090 Ti and stop the financial shell game. It's not welcomed and merely shows what a sucky greed-driven outfit they are.
  2. If they overclock well (TBD) it could dramatically change things. I have always cared a whole lot more about how well a CPU or GPU overclocks than I care about how it runs stock. If it runs great stock and sucks at overclocking, then I have no interest in owning it. It's boring and I don't do the "everyone gets a trophy for participation" thing. That is also frequently used as a lame excuse that [insert brand name] is giving their customers the best by leaving nothing on the table for overclockers which is baloney. If it were true, it would mean there would be many failures, malfunctions and RMAs as the poor silicon samples can't function properly at stock spec. The Linux support is compelling by itself if you are a Linux user. If they wanted to really open a can of whoop-ass on the Green Goblin they would include Windows 7 support. They would have an instant following and demonstrate they care more about the people that own their products than being an obedient muppet that licks the boots of the Redmond Retards.
  3. I generally view the need to verify misbehavior by the internet Nazis like Twatter, Facepoot, Goober and YouPoop as an unnecessary denial of what is already obvious to those paying attention. Also very hard to verify what they do because it is always so deceptive, secretive and misrepresented. What is more revealing is how deep and wide the scope of their evil plan and devices were and are. I am super glad that Musk is releasing all of the dirty garbage from the former Twatter Gestapo. It certainly puts things in perspective.
  4. I ordered a kit of Team Group Delta 7200 A-die. It is being returned for a refund. It is unstable and fails memory tests with errors and BSOD on both of my Z690 systems running at rated settings and only worsens with tuning efforts. Oddly enough, my M-die can run all of the Delta 7200 timings at 7200 with no errors and higher read, write, copy speeds and lower latency. My manual overclock of the M-die at 6800 performs as well or better than their XMP profile. The only way I could get it stable was to reduce the speed to 6800 and then it was slower than my generic M-die. I have had several TG Delta M-die kits that were fantastic, but this Delta A-die kit is rubbish. Kind of disappointing that it is not as good as my generic green M-die.
  5. Yeah, that is a big improvement. The thing about gaming is you don't need to buy the most powerful and expensive GPU to get the job done and enjoy a satisfying experience. If you were not looking at an on-screen overlay it would not be possible to tell one from the other. If you jack the settings up so high that it tanks your performance it does very little to improve the quality of the image on the screen. I find it difficult to tell any difference between high/very high/ultra other than a corresponding diminished framerate.
  6. Yeah, totally nuts. That is even worse than the Delta fans from what I can tell. Higher pitched and more obnoxious. Do they move a ton of air, or just make lots of noise?
  7. What is even more sad is that many, if not most, sheeple are accepting of this utter bullcrap. Laptops have been around for how many years, and never needed to have soldered filth because of being moved around. People that believe nonsense like this are as dumb as a box of rocks, and the people that tell them nonsense like this are evil and dishonest. They can't be honest about it because the accurate answer would just make everyone angry... even the stupid ones drinking the Kool-Aid that seem to enjoy being sodomized.
  8. Really? What? That is so weird. It seems contrary to common sense, doesn't it? I wonder if this could be a symptom of a faulty manufacturing/soldering process like with Roman's defective Strix 4090? Higher temperatures may help mitigate the poor connection and colder temperatures exacerbate it. I think part of it is the desire to avoid risk and drama, so many pay extra (way too much extra even) to spare themselves of the nonsense that AMD has a reputation for. I know for me it has nothing to do with brand and everything to do with regrettable past ownership experience. I also question whether AMD is in their right mind for even offering it. Seems pretty stupid. They are picking up bad habits from the Green Goblin.
  9. The way I view it, if they sell an overclocking-centric product to an overclocker and it doesn't overclock worth a damn, I am calling BS on their defective crap and would return it because it is falsely-advertised defective crap. I think I am done playing by their rules, or their lack thereof. No point in paying a premium for top quality when it turns out to be garbage that fails in the silicon lottery. They can give my money back and pawn it off on some other stupid sucker.
  10. Interesting. Looks like the Strix 4090 may have a production flaw. The second video is the demonstration of the repair discussed in Roman's video. Got to love ASUS and their high pricing and low quality. Status quo for them.
  11. Yikes, so only $100 less than XTX makes it a severely overpriced downgrade. That smells a lot like an AMD version of an overpriced 4070 that used to be called 4080 scam. I don't know why anyone would want it if it is only $100 less. Should be at least $300 less.
  12. Can you return it as defective or get in-store credit for a different GPU? If the memory overclock is that limited on what one would think is their best model, it is defective. They should save the crummy memory chips for the less expensive cards and stop screwing the customers that spend the most. I absolutely hate it. I think it looks like pure crap. A solid backplate with only screw holes is the proper approach. I had not thought about it exposing the GPU to hazards. No only water... what about a screw or washer falling in there and causing a short? So, it is both ugly and stupid.
  13. More glorious fallout from the woke Twatter echo chamber getting its pants pulled down, LOL.
  14. It is diabolical, and they are a very evil company. They are in the same league as crApple and Satan, and worthy of damnation. I know it would make things difficult for many people, but I would really love to see crApple and Micro$lop both die and go out of business in 2023. I love Linux. It's limitations are difficult, and the newer your hardware is, the less likely things are going to work correctly. When everything works correctly it is stinking awesome. I would really love to see Linux commercialized for consumers with the sames level of driver development and software support everyone received from the Redmond Retards, minus all of the draconian control freak nonsense. For those interested in Team Red unboxing videos. I don't get why there is a 7900 XT. I am guessing the real story is they are poorly binned 7900 XTX for ~$100 less if you are willing to live with an inferior silicon sample. If I were going to buy one of these I would find the idea of saving $100 (a few pennies per day for a year) and getting an inferior GPU on purpose kind of absurd.
  15. Maybe for 13,000 dimes, but not dollars. About $1300 is all I believe any graphics card is worth. If you have to pay more than $100 a month before the product becomes absolete it is a really horrible value.
  16. I would be SHOCKED if that did not happen. It is almost guaranteed and taken for granted. Scalpers may be one of the few sources available and I expect they will try to match 4090 prices. I doubt anyone will be able to buy an AMD card for anywhere close to MSRP unless they are in a town with a Microcenter. Screwing the public is one of the value-added services they are happy to provide at no additional charge.
  17. Not likely. If they did I might be receptive to giving AMD one more chance to prove they deserve my patronage. That failure, specifically, played a part in my decision to drop the Arc A770 out of my shopping cart. I am trying to decide now whether to bite the bullet on the idea of Mr. Fox dropping all Windows support and just sucking it up and living with Linux and its shortcomings. I could keep it on a small NVMe on my work computer for work, but just stop using it altogether for everything else. I am not having a good time with Linux misbehaving on my ASUS board though. Seems like ASUS might be too sexually involved with the Redmond Retards.
  18. I posted a photo and asked if he is still looking for one. You could send him a PM. I still love that case and if he doesn't want it then I may take you up on your old offer. I have more desk space than when you offered it to me and now I can accommodate it. Looks like we have the same Logi speakers. Nice looking rig. 👍I don't know if computer parts could truly be considered an investment. I think the true problem is the people selling them are greedier than ever and the people buying them are dumber than they used to be. But, it is kind of a sick (as in demented, not "cool" LOL) benefit to be able to prosper off of the idiocy of the general population. Lord knows their idiocy causes more than enough problems in other areas of life.
  19. @Raidermando you still have that old EVGA case? If so... https://forums.evga.com/Anyone-have-a-FF-EVGA-DG87-or-86-Case-for-sale-m3582069.aspx No sure if yours is what this guy is looking for or not.
  20. Small fans like those used for it frequently fail swiftly. I am not sure why they are generally unreliable, but they usually last me 3 to 9 months regardless of how much or how little I pay for them. Quality seems poor at all price points.
  21. I love it when an evil plan gets its pants pulled down.
  22. LOL... good illustration of my comment. Just stumbled upon it by accident.
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