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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Everyone had good reason to believe 7900 XTX would be a game-changer and the performance crown contender based on all of the overhyped crap marketing baloney. You weren't silly at all. You just heard the same nonsense that the rest of us did, and who doesn't want to believe good news. There is so little of it lately, it is natural and good to have optimism. If we lose hope, there is nothing left. We live in a world where good reasons to have hope are becoming rare. So, our take-away is don't believe anything we hear. Believe what we see and act on fact. But, we should never lose hope that the good things we hear won't be a load of crap after the fat lady sings. That doesn't solve the problem of criminal pricing.
  2. It certainly looks that way to me as well. I am not convinced that statement is accurate. If it is, then it is a bizarre optical illusion. The Helios is a nice really looking case. It's fairly large, but still too small to be useful for me. Especially the limited clearance above the motherboard. Not sure why case manufacturers think it is cute to make that space so cramped. It is really stupid. You should have ample clearance to put a really fat radiator with push/pull fans in that space without any difficulty or feeling of being cramped.
  3. I honestly value the fact that AMD has brought competition to NVIDIA. I am grateful for it and agree it is sorely needed. I just don't personally have enough confidence that I would be content enough with the outcome to show any appreciation financially. I am not sure. It is not something I pay attention to. I don't mind massive parts, but I make all my GPUs smaller by installing a waterblock. 4090 is actually a freakishly small GPU. Only the heatsinks are massive. I really like the 13900K a lot. I might even go as far to say, my favorite CPU so far. X299 HEDT was awesome and so was 129000K/KS, but not as good as 13900K. I wish my silicon sample was just a tad better, but it is not terrible and it is a very good, and powerful, processor. I wish all of the E-cores were P-cores, but that does not diminish the fact that it is an excellent product.
  4. Yes, because I had a really miserable history of multiple defective AMD GPUs, or AMD GPUs that stopped functioning in a year or less, had horrible driver support and totally sucked at overclocking. That's why. Conversely, Intel has never failed me in the grand ways that AMD has more than a dozen times. I am less worried about something turning out wrong and never being resolved with Intel than I am AMD. They may be better now, but I am extremely skeptical, and my recent miserable experience with 5950X/X570 reinforced the basis of my skepticism hadn't changed with time. The idea of giving them another chance is extremely difficult for me. Given their track record of producing unreliable products, I basically have no apetite for risk or forgiveness with them if there is a monetary cost associated with it. I would be more than happy to if I didn't have to use any of my money for that experimental journey. Maybe if I lived in an area with a Microcenter, I would throw caution to the wind and get all of my money back, no questions asked, if I didn't like it. Taking a chance on a $350 GPU is also very different than a $1000~ GPU, regardless of who made it.
  5. Maybe. Certainly a reason to avoid AMD if you care about ray tracing, especially. For me, and probably others who have had similar experiences, it is a lack of confidence in AMD products to function well, an abbreviated lifespan, and garbage drivers. I have had severe reliability issues with AMD GPUs and the notion of rolling the dice to see if they've got something good to offer is very unsettling. I've had more misery with defective and unreliable AMD GPUs than any other technology-related experience. If I could get one for free so that I didn't have to use my own money for an experiment, I might end up changing my mind and become less risk-averse. But, I am not a gambler and don't want to risk my money on something that I have good reason to expect (based on past experience) will provide a less than satisfying ownership experience.
  6. Because people will continue to pay it. There are many people that will not purchase a GPU from AMD and will pay more for something from NVIDIA. The Green Goblin knows that and they are willing to take advantage of those people... because they are bad people that make good products. And, 4090 FE probably will remain largely unavailable until they sell off most of their obsolete overpriced product to the suckers willing to overpay for obsolete products. Nothing wrong with the product, or with being obsolete. Both of those things are fine, but paying an inflated price for an obsolete product takes both a shyster and a sucker. As they say, "it takes two to tango" LOL.
  7. A good wife is the most precious gift life can offer a man. It is, without a doubt, beyond absurd and totally dishonest. However, that is a NewEgg Marketplace seller. They are not all bad, but many are dishonest, shady scalpers. If you buy something on NewEgg, the only way to avoid getting screwed on price or otherwise defrauded is to only buy items "sold and shipped by NewEgg" and I filter everything that way. That is starting to be a more common issue with Amazon as well. Anything that is not "Prime" and coming from Amazon is usually grossly overpriced. That is not the "normal" price in the US. The normal price is retarded, but not "as retarded" as that.
  8. I not particularly fond of crypto in general, but setting that aside, I do like how he thinks in the context of that video. While I do not care to label myself, I do agree with a great deal of what is found in a Libertarian view. There is probably not an accurate label that I can identify with because I am like a Heinz 57 cocktail, with a "live justly, show love and have mercy" anarchist core. So, the view that governmental power should be extremely limited, agenda-neutral and influence-free (law enforcement and military power focused) and almost entirely subservient to the national citizenry is spot on IMHO. That is one of the major reasons why. It is not as undesirable as ESG investing, but there is also that "something from nothing" ex nihilo element coincidental to the mining craze that just doesn't set well with me. I generally hold a belief that money should only be earned, inherited or received as a gift.
  9. Smart fellow. I like him based on his video. I had never heard of him before. His truth is common sense, which is something the world we live in is sorely lacking. People don't think. It's too hard and if they did it might require that they change what they believe, or admit they have been wrong. It is easier to let someone else think for them and continue believing illogical nonsense because it's popular with the idiots they want to identify with on Facepoot or Twatter.
  10. My interest in Linux has never been as great as it is now. I hate feeling forced into choosing the lesser of two evils. Linux is a fantastic option in a myriad of way, and a truly horrible option in a few ways. Windows 7 going EOL is unavoidable. I wouldn't be as upset about it except for all of the deception and strong-arm Nazi crap they have stooped to in an effort to force adoption of the new garbage OS. I mean, blatant lies about things such as compatibility and functionality that have been deliberately crafted to deceive and mislead the public. Adjustable Bar, SpeedShift, UEFI support, DX12... an endless list of bald-faced lies and bullshit from abject losers that make no apologies for their nefarious behavior. It makes it difficult to not hope for tragedy to utterly destroy the Redmond Retards and collapse their Empire of Filth and Mediocrity. God forbid that they would ever actually care about what is good for, or desired by, the users of their products. They are not worthy of any of us being users of their products garbage. Yeah, that is really bad. One of the most beautiful places on earth governed by evil and criminally insane socialists. I wish you and your entire family could relocate to the United States and leave them to drown in their own feces. It is weird how the corrupt and insane members of society seem to have a way of ruining the world's most beautiful places. I see that trend here is the States as well. I live in an ugly place now because the gorgeous places where I used to live, for many years, are controlled by depraved lunatics. @Papusanisn't it shameful how so many of these irrational nutjobs that want to demonize, penalize and outlaw tobacco use are simultaneously pushing to legalize drugs (to generate revenue for the government, no doubt) and provide needles and other paraphernalia, normalize immorality, pay for genocide with taxpayer money, rewrite history, ignore constitutional law, create division and racial strife, destroy the traditional family and brainwash our children to advance their agenda? They represent their agenda, not the people that pay for their excessive and undeserved wages.
  11. Yikes! SO MUCH money. Looks like the pre-tax price in your area is precisely equal in absurdity as the prices are here. At least $1,000 more than what it is worth. I am both jealous and not jealous at the same time. Congratulations. You have waited a long time for a GPU upgrade.
  12. I loaded an Arc A770 in my shopping cart last night and walked away for a couple of hours. I really want one, but I changed my mind and emptied my cart because I just can't accept the idea of never using Windows 7 again on a system where it is installed, and the fact that enabling CSM/Legacy mode severely cripples it due to Arc's reliance on adjustable bar support to function correctly. I felt very sad, but probably not as sad as I would have been about being forced into doing things I do not want to do. I know that day is coming whether I like it or not, but I'm not OK with embracing it. I will still be resentful and continue loathing the dumbing down of Windows "garbage as a service" when it happens. I'm not going to make my molestation easy.
  13. I'm so glad to not care about Alienware, or for that matter any brand, laptops. Alienware has been producing garbage computers (notebooks and desktops) for a very long time. It seems totally illogical to expect that they would do anything right or good. I hate them all now. I view all laptops as trash. Alienware just tops the list for their mastery of hypocrisy and betrayal. Their fall from grace was a self-inflicted wound. It is just me, or has ASUS Forums been down for several days now? This is all I see for days now.
  14. I think it is appropriate that the 4080 is 25% cheaper than 4090. What is not appropriate is the 4090 is overpriced by about $1000. So, they are both ridiculously overpriced and represent a horrible value. Neither one is worth the amount of money they want for them. Totally absurd. I probably still wouldn't buy a new GPU even if the price was appropriate due to lack of Windows 7 driver support. But, certainly not at the asinine current price. That sounds awesome. Please share some photos when you have time, and as the project progresses.
  15. Could turn out nice, eventually, for a person that wants to own a second-fiddle GPU. Personally, I only want flagship X090/X090 Ti or budget X060/X060 Ti. The middle-ground mediocrity stuff like X070 and X080 is replusive to me.
  16. 4000 RPM: https://www.alphacool.com/shop/luefter/luefter/29579/alphacool-core-120mm-luefter-pwm-4000rpm-120x120x25mm 3000 RPM: https://www.alphacool.com/shop/luefter/luefter/29578/alphacool-core-120mm-luefter-pwm-3000rpm-120x120x25mm
  17. Where did you find it? I was wondering the same. You lost money in the process? Paid $50 more that you sold your last one for? Sounds like a "Mr. Fox" bad luck experience, LOL. Unless it is due to poor silicon quality, more watts usually goes hand-in-hand with more performance. Lower wattage is never a goal for me. Lower voltage is good because it prevents heat, but I don't care how many watts it uses as long as it runs like a banshee. I don't consider low wattage a benefit, only a potential byproduct. If you don't mind me asking, how much did it fetch? I might follow your example if it sold for enough. Not only do I love how the A770 looks, might be a great way for me to douse the flames of my benching addiction. I am already content with the modesty of the 3060 Ti FTW3 in my work PC. It games well enough and I'm not benching it. (Well, not benching it that much... just a little.)
  18. I am tempted to sell my 3090 KPE and Hydro Copper block, replace it with an Arc A770 and pocket the difference.
  19. I think it is an exception or a lucky accident most of the time when something tech-related turns out great. The norm is the opposite. I think they are all capable, but caring is questionable.
  20. It may be the cord itself and not the PSU power socket. My EVGA 1600 SuperNova P2 also has a C19 cord. It fits snugly enough that I have to use a small amount of force to insert or remove it. The original was extremely tight. I am using an aftermarket C19 with a 90-degree connector at the PSU end so my computer chassis can be closer to the wall behind it without putting a kink in the cord. @Etern4l as long as the prongs are snug in the slots it should be fine. You could wrap the outside of the cord with a layer or two of electrical tape if you are wanting to make it fit tighter into the socket.
  21. Thank you. After eBay extracts their pound of flesh will cover about half the cost of the 3060 Ti downgrade that replaced it. Financially, I was doing better than ever before, and upon the change in regime things are worse than ever before now... at least during my lifetime as an adult. It doesn't require any special analytics to identify that my current mess is unprecedent thanks to Brandon and his woke clown posse. Can't identify a single good, desirable or commendable attribute or success story for American life since these lunatic demoniacs took over.
  22. Thank you. Yeah, it sucks. It is a loss, not a profilt. Everything I sell on eBay was purchased with after-tax income and sold for less than I paid for it. That's how I am approaching it. The 1099 thing is a socialist scheme, diabolically crafted by black-hearted douchebags, to finanically rape and defraud our citizens. Collecting sales tax on used merchandise where sales tax has already been paid is also dishonest. I am not paying income tax on things I sell on eBay because it is not income.
  23. I agree. I really do love the appearance. Performance is also solid for the price. I think it offers excellent value.
  24. No doubt the EVGA product is going to be good. Not sure how they would compare on cooling, given the signficant difference in size. I know nothing about the product, just saw an excellent price for a 360 AIO while looking for a modular AIO with a pump on the radiator (but did not find one). No software should be needed for the AIO that is $160 less if you used the motherboard headers or a separate RGB controller (hardware), but regardless, EVGA software is almost always great. It is never UWP dumpster garbage like some of the other RGB software filth. Saving $160 you could certainly afford to buy some powerful fans. Some of the popular AIOs are getting so expensive that you are pushing into or beyond entry-level custom loop cost range.
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