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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Twitter and Facebook are as much or more of a political tool of the radical extremist left than legitimate businesses. Being a major contributing tool to global misinformation and agenda-driven opinion manipulators, I am happy to see something like this come unraveled. I do feel bad for people that lost their means of supporting a family, but that could be lessened to the extent they were actually drinking the Kool-Aid rather than merely enjoying a paycheck doing what they were paid/told to do. To the extent any were thrilled with the opportunity to contribute to the cause, I honestly have no more sympathy than I would for a hit man that didn't get paid for his last assassination.
  2. I remember someone asking about the rep icons being updated. I always wish I had one of those red "100" tags. 😉
  3. Carbonaut won't even work for that. It is too fragile. You have to use a generic (Panasonic) sheet or the IC Diamond option if you want it to hold up to remounts. I have not tried Carbonaut (nor do I plan to waste time doing so) but I tried the Panasonic sheets from Digi-Key and IC Diamond had me test the product they offer before it went to market and both were absolutely horrible. Worst thermals I had ever seen before... to the point of making my overclocked system unusable.
  4. Same here, mostly. If you mean majority in the context of the Twitter zombie horde you would be correct. In the context of mainstream, decent citizenry that have not submitted themselves for reprogramming, you're squarely in the normal majority. They want you to think you're in a minority, because people who are concerned about whether or not they are popular will be influenced and subdued by the fear that they are not. They create a perception of power and greatness by gathering together and excluding or silencing those who think for themselves and won't be intimidated and won't back down on expressing an opposing view. That's why the liberal social media dictatorship banned so many. Having rational members that are willing to go against the flow is a serious threat to their agenda.
  5. I cancelled my Twatter account after the Thought-Nazi censoring started with all of the irrational orange man bad emotard haters. I created a new account after Musk stepped into oust them. I don't use Twatter or Facepoot for the reason previously mentioned, but wanted to show my support for his hostile takeover of the woke libtard echo chamber. All of the retarded Tech Giants get a pass for their intolerant wokeness and lopsided political correctness.
  6. I am glad that I have no interest in purchasing a GPU right now. It feels nice that I can say, "Nah, I'm good... no thanks."
  7. Yeah, I think the "blow-through" fan thing is also a really stupid gimmick. I know it is subjective, but I think that also detracts from the aesthetic quality of the final product. I find the openings on the backplate to be very unattractive. I also do not like the opening for the four screws and X-bracket on the modern GPUs. I'd much prefer a clean backplate covering up that ugly mess. Overall, I think the back of the newer GPUs is very ugly-looking.
  8. Definitely could have been executed better. I think putting it in a really dumb location at the top center on the PCB and trying too hard to make it a little connector reflect poor planning. They could have done something beefier, like a shorter 12-pin version of the 24-pin motherboard cable. I think making the PCB 2/3 of the length of the GPU cooler created design issues for them that had a cascading effect that caused other issues. Having the cooler be 1/3rd longer than the actual GPU seems really limiting and restrictive on engineering flexibility. Doing that accomplishes nothing useful for the end-user when the total package is massive. It would be different if the entire GPU were smaller. Then they could move the connector to the end of the PCB facing the opposite direction of the I/O panel. They could have also put it on the back of the PCB through the backplate with a 90° cable so everything would be neat and tidy.
  9. I bet NVIDIA is wishing they would have left it alone. The push for the new 12VHPWR connection was another idiotic change for the sake of change, purely for the sake of padding someone's, or some group's, wallet. There was, and is, no need for this stupid revision. Another example of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" being the best advice. In a bit of a sadistic way, I find it gratifying to see self-serving schemes like this turning to crap. Unfortunately, they won't learn anything from it.
  10. I got a tube of this with the Kryos waterblock and it did not work well at all for me. It seems way too thick. My load temps were about 10°C higher than they are with KPX or MX-4. With KPX and MX-4 I end up with an almost invisible layer of thermal paste on the IHS after mounting the block. After remounting twice with the Alphacool paste it remained very thick in comparison. I think it might work really well for a laptop and offer resistance to pump-out because of that. On the first attempt, I tried using the mounting pressure to spread it from a line down the middle. Big mistake. Did not compress well enough. I spread it evenly across the IHS with a spatula after remounting and that helped, but the temps were still north of 102°C in Cinebench R23 (easily a 10°C temperature increase).
  11. Excellent technical breakdown on this filth. Thank you. For those with a short attention span, we can cut to the chase. DCH drivers can be casually described as Deliberately Crapified Hype produced by degenerate imbeciles for their zombie sheeple herd... which is assumed to always be the case for the projectile-vomited malware distributed by Micro$lop through the digital cess pool they have dubbed the "Microsoft Store." We are expected to believe they are better just because they say so. Took about 2 weeks for this to get here. CPU load temps are the same as the OptimusPC Foundation, but it is far less restrictive. My loop flow rate increased by about 40 l/h.
  12. Yeah, it was a hard decision. The 2080 Ti FTW3 is absolutely a better GPU in every way. Had eBay not shafted me I would have probably just kept both of them. I decided based on economics and tried to stick to common sense and logic rather than getting hung up too much on sheer performance metrics.. The 3060 Ti FTW3 is brand new and has a new block. The 2080 Ti FTW3 is pretty old now and needs a new block. Spending another $150-$200 on a new block for the obsolete GPU make little sense. It is unlikely I will earn any points benching the superior 2080 Ti FTW3. I've milked it for all it's worth pretty much. I can shunt mod the 3060 Ti FTW3, set some 3060 Ti records and gain some additional hardware points if I decide to. If high-framerate gaming was super important to me I would keep the 2080 Ti FTW3 instead.
  13. Do you want me to put it on hold for you? Sorry you missed out on the last deal.
  14. Yes, there is often a legitimate basis to it, but it's the reaction that can be comical and very telling about certain individuals. Sometimes I wonder how they have managed to survive so long without a heart attack.
  15. Sometimes haters like that are an incentive to post. It can be amusing to poke the (gummy) bear just so see what kind of shrill crybaby noise it is going to make.
  16. Looks like everything is still a poor value and priced very stupid until you get into RX 550 and GTX 1650 ~$200 price range. It is expected that something current is going to be overpriced, but my goodness... some of the old garbage that nobody wanted when it was new tech is still priced for idiots. The fact that it is still rotting on a store shelf because nobody wanted it during the pandemic when people were happy to have something better than integrated graphics say a lot.
  17. Price: SOLD Condition: Very Good Warranty: Expired Reason for sale: See Comments Payment: PayPal, Zelle Item location: San Tan Valley, AZ Shipping: Lower 48 US - Negotiable (will discuss with buyer via PM, phone or text) International shipping: Actual cost plus any taxes, duties, VAT, etc. I am unable to estimate these costs. Handling time: Next Business Day Feedback: eBay Profile; OC.net MarketPlace Specifications: EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Samsung GDDR6 (excellent overclocking) Hybrid cooler (much better than stock air cooling) Original Box (no accessories - box is a bit rough) Dual vBIOS (mechanical switch - stock feature) Shunt Mod (totally eliminates power limit concerns) 2000W Firmware Power Limit (vBIOS #1) 373W Stock FTW3 Power Limit (vBIOS #2) This GPU has spent most of its life running stock clocks with a full coverage block on a custom loop. It was benched overclocked on chilled water and set a LOT of records on HWBOT in the class I compete in. Consistently bested K|INGP|N and Galax HOF 2080 Ti competitors that were using chilled water. I am not a avid gamer, so it hasn't done a lot of that. I purchased it from Brother@Rage Setabout 3 years ago. It runs freakishly cool on the stock hybrid cooler using the stock vBIOS. Since I purchased the 3090 K|INGP|N about two years ago, it has done almost nothing but drive 3 displays on my work PC and mundane tasks like render video conferences and display PowerBI and Excel worksheets. Overall, it has had a pretty easy life except for the chilled benching sessions before I bought the 3090 K|NGP|N. I had a bit of a mishap about a six or eight weeks ago (accidentally knocked my tower over) and after a reboot it had artifacts. I ran a MATS test and found one of the memory ICs was affected. I purchased a 3060 as a temporary substitute for work and I sent the GPU to Tony at Northwest Repair to fix. He replaced the affected memory chip, fully tested every other aspect of the card and now it is as good as new. I love this GPU and I was undecided whether to keep it. I hate the idea of getting rid of it. But, eBay and USPS decided for me this afternoon. I sold a TeamGroup DDR5-6200 memory kit on eBay. It was never delivered. The buyer was issued a refund by eBay and they have withdrawn what I was paid from my checking account. My budget doesn't have a $300 cushion, so here we go. Hopefully, I can get part of my money back from USPS by filing a claim, but I will still be roughly $75 short (not getting back eBay fees and postage). I pulled my 3090 out and fully tested it this evening. Tony already stressed it with Furmark, Heaven and Valley. Even stock with the shunt mod this thing is a holy terror. Passes all tests with flying colors. Holds about 2050 core boost (stock) in games and benchmarks and maxes out about 58-60°C on core with the hybrid cooling. Now it's time for it to be a blessing to somebody else and help me recover the money I lost on the RAM debacle with eBay/USPS. I know some people care a lot about boxes. Full disclosure: the box is rough because it got smashed by one of my kids a couple of years ago when we moved to a new home. Here is the obligatory proof of ownership photo... Test results (this evening)... I still have the EKWB Vector block and back plate. I can send it if the buyer wants it. It works, doesn't leak, but the plexi is starting to have spider web fissures around the allen screws that attach the plexi to the copper cold plate. Works fine and it as clean as a whistle inside, but it doesn't look perfect for a vertical GPU mount. In a horizontal installation they would never been seen and they are hard to see with water flowing through the block. EKWB no longer sells the plexi top as a replacement part. I was going to buy a Bykski block for it and never did because it wasn't leaking and nobody but me knew they were there.
  18. Well, no good deed goes unpunished. Screwed again by the devil-worshippers running eBay. Seller Protection my a$$.
  19. Nope, both running with firmware defaults. Neither one overclocked. The 2080 Ti FTW3 is the beast I bought from Brother @Rage Set about three years ago that I shunt-modded and flashed a 2000W vBIOS, but in that comparison running the stock EVGA vBIOS with no offsets. The 3060 Ti FTW3 is as it came from EVGA except for the GPU block. It had a memory chip fail, so I sent it off to be fixed. The 3060 Ti was a surrogate GPU. Now I have to decide which one to keep. I'm almost thinking it's smarter to keep the newer GPU. It's good enough and might go an extra year or two on driver support before the Green Goblin's genocide squad steps in to ruin everything. Some people can ruin anything just by staring at it for a minute or two. If they touch it, guaranteed... it is going to be effed up... real bad.
  20. Thank you. I am a believer in the concepts of sowing and reaping, paying forward and getting back what you give. The more I can be a blessing to others, the more I am going to be blessed in the long run. I can still remember how hard it was being a young man and trying to scratch out a living to support a family. Having nice things usually wasn't within my reach. I'm far from wealthy and concerned about what my retirement is going to look like with socialist filth literally destroying our economy and ransacking the modest nest egg I've worked and sacrificed so hard my whole life to build, but if I can help people have something nice that they couldn't otherwise afford, maybe someone will return the favor for me some day when I need it most. You've got your priorities straight, bro. That real life thing is what matters most.
  21. On a happier note... no melted cables (yet)... 2080 Ti FTW3 rises from the ashes to execute its wrath on the unworthy... The scrappy 3060 Ti FTW3 isn't lagging its older brother as much as I expected though... ...and, they aren't very far apart in terms of specs either.
  22. Sadly, many people never give feedback. Maybe 1 out of 10 things I sell on fleaBay gets any feedback. I have had people message me to say they are very happy with the item purchased, but even still they give no feedback. I always do as a matter of courtesy, especially when I am happy with the item.
  23. I packaged it with an added layer of corrugated cardboard lining the walls, floor, and a layer between components internally. I hope the box holds up to the trip its new home better than the box transporting the 2080 Ti FTW that I sent to Northwest Repair to fix. The GPU made it back undamaged, thankfully, but the box looks like it was hit by a truck, LOL.
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