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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. This guy does some impressive fabrication work. I really like the MOAB II Elite, but the level of detail and craftsmanship on the others is pretty crazy.
  2. I think this is where I am landing for my daily driver settings. This has proven to be stable in every scenario, including benching and a 3-hour session of Battlefield V.
  3. Good morning!! Here is the screenshot. HUGE aesthetic improvement for LTSC 21H2. I still prefer LTSC 1809 with only AeroGlass and OldExplorer, but AeroGlass doesn't work on newer versions of Windoze 10.
  4. I followed your instructions and it worked perfectly. It looks great. Tomorrow I will post a screenshot. I don't have access to that computer right now, otherwise I would do it now. But, anyway thanks for sharing. Ugliness is only part of what makes Windows 10 suck and this fixes that part.
  5. Even if the BIOS did not support it, the mobile Extreme CPUs were generally overclockable using XTU and/or ThrottleStop. In the case of Alienware laptops and the stock BIOS, you could accomplish more by using software. That much has not changed. Laptops all have skanky trash stock firmware and probably always will. But, the ideal solution for an Alienware owner was an unlocked BIOS from Brother Marco (svl7). Before @Premabegan unlocking Clevo firmware, they were truly horrible products that were severely castrated and performed quite poorly due to botched up firmware. Once they got some of that PremaMod love they immediately started destroying Alienware laptops.
  6. Yes, you are exactly right. Some people make money selling chicken manure. Some people make money recycling garbage. Some people earn a living working in sewage treatment facilities. If silly people want crappy laptops, then there is a buck to be made selling them turdbooks. The problem is as much on the consumer side of the situation as it is the clowns manufacturing trash for losers, LOL.
  7. I would agree with that. I have seen the videos and spoken briefly with @B0B about the Eluktronics water cooling thing. I think it is interesting for sure, and it seems to work fairly well. The one they offer has a 120MM radiator and a 240MM would be better without adding a tremendous amount of size and weight. The part that makes ZERO sense to me is making thin and light laptops and then fashioning a colostomy bag cooling system for them. It would make more sense to build something more substantial with better air cooling, because the selling point (for those that drink that Kool-Aid) is the notion that a thin and light form factor plays to portability and ease of travel, etc. The colostomy bag is counter-intuitive in that scenario and the underlying product remains compromised. The addition of the colostomy bag flies in the face of logic if they are using the portability/travel excuse for accepting a compromised form factor. It is more like a band-aid for a botched job of notebook engineering. Remember, these wimps whine and moan about a 330W AC adapter being too big and heavy, LOL. It would have a ton more merit on a DTR IMHO. Something like the X170 would be an ideal candidate. But, nobody makes anything equal or better anymore. Sad days we live in for notebooks.
  8. Clown show is a good way of describing it. We are surrounded by hopelessly worthless dumb-dumbs, and I can identify multiple areas in life where this is applicable and abundantly evident beyond the topic you are speaking about. People with properly functioning brains, ordinary intelligence, common sense, guided by decency and morals are a shrinking minority. There was one piece of good news if you look hard enough for it. The article mentioned, "Interestingly, only 11.3 percent voted that they care about the environment and hence take issue with high power-draw components. This figure, by the way, is much less than the 14.5 percent who voted that they don't care at all about components with high power draw." I am glad that the percentage of stupidity is so low as it relates to the number of people that are drinking the climate change hoax Kool-Aid. It is encouraging that the percentage of those that don't care at all about power draw still outnumber the tree-huggers. I can sympathize with those that want to keep their electric utility bill as low as possible. I can't fault anyone for wanting to give their local power company as little money as possible. Now we need to figure out how to get the tail to stop wagging the dog and put our nation's house back in order again while there is still something left worth salvaging. For the record, I am super happy the 4090 is going to be drawing massive amounts of power. That fact alone makes me want to buy one even though I don't need it.
  9. How do you spell retarded? W-I-N-D-0-W-S-11. Everything they do to it makes if seem more like some nasty chunk of dried up dingleberry butt crust rather than an operating system.
  10. What theme are you using for Windowblinds? I have tried it off and on for years, including very recently, and I can never get it to look proper. It has never functioned to my satisfaction because there is always something in the UI that is messed up for me and I have always regretted purchasing it. However, that actually looks pretty decent, I must say. Please share and I will give it a go again to see if I like it. I'd really like to love Windowsblinds if I can, because I feel the exact opposite of love for any version of Windows after 1809. I am the kind of person that would identify one theme that I like and use it for more than a decade with no desire to even try another one because I place more value on consistency and predictability than anything else. I do not like the Stardock Start menu. I think it is too functionally limited and doesn't produce as aesthetically pleasing results as StartIsBack does.
  11. The absence of AeroGlass beauty has been a problem for a good while now. The problem was solved for a time using Aero Glass for Win8+ but Big Muscle (developer) seems to have vaporized and no longer supporting it. Newer versions of dwm.exe after LTSC 2019 are no longer compatible with Aero Glass for Win8+ mods. And, I'm sorry, but Windows 10 Acrylic is a totally lame excuse for a replacement. The flat color schemes, especially the abusive overuse of white and pastel colors, in Windows 8-10-11 makes me want to puke... truly disgusting.
  12. Yeah, the rules don't apply to them. It seems like the people anointed to make up the rules often exempt themselves. I believe a fair amount of the "security" stuff is a gimmick that was created to generate money on fixes. It is a very inefficient UI, and that is putting it kindly. It takes more mouse clicks to do most things. Personally, I find the Winduhz 11 GUI extremely unattractive as well. Almost everything about its appearance is unattractive to me. The only thing I have been able to identify that is improved in terms of efficiency/ease of use is the Settings app. Performance is diminished in Winduhz 11.
  13. Probably so. Macro$lop Winduhz 11 is the technology application of the old joke "you were such an ugly child that your parents had to tie a pork chop around your neck to get the dogs to play with you" LOL. Even the "Insiders" don't really like the latest abortion. 22K views and only 397 likes. That is a 1.8% approval rating on their "Task Manager Features" webcast. That's even lower than the POTUS approval rating. The Remond Reprobates' idea of "special" is having the new Task Manager color scheme match the applied Winduhz color theme and having a pop-out hamburger menu instead of top navigation. Whooopeee-dooo. As if that even matters. They've totally lost touch with what is important. They have no idea what is important. They just make up stupid **** and tell their sheeple what to think about it.
  14. I might be more inclined to buy an ARC GPU versus an AMD GPU if I were going to buy a new GPU. I am glad the Green Goblin might have two competitors finally, but I don't like the idea of spending any of my money on AMD.
  15. It's not even April 1st. Maybe Intel slipped someone at UL/Futuremark a few greenbacks to mess things up and enhance brand recognition for the incoming ARC product line.
  16. LOL. SO, it is UL/3DMark that is messed up. I just looked at some of my previously uploaded scores and it shows the same. Too funny. 😄 https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/15002432
  17. Wait... are you pulling our leg Brother @Talon? Why does it say Arc 3 A350M at the top of the benchmark result, but in the system details it shows 3090 Ti? Did you mess with the NVIDIA driver INF file to make Windows call it something different. 😉
  18. Nice! So, as usual, the talking heads on YouTube are either pathological liars or they're as stupid as a box of rocks, eh? The irrational Intel/NVIDIA hate and AMD man-boy love thing is too disgusting for words. How do Fire Strike and Time Spy scores look compared to 3090/Ti? I care more about them than I do Port Royal. Please post some photos and let us know where you purchased it and how much. Happy Memorial Day, everyone! Thank you to all who have served this country, and blessings to the families who have lost loved ones fighting to defend what true Americans hold dear.
  19. 3DMark 11 Physics: https://hwbot.org/submission/5007313_ 3DMark 11 Performance: https://hwbot.org/submission/5007318_ 3DMark 11 Extreme: https://hwbot.org/submission/5007319_ HOF Rankings (for some reason my best Physics result isn't listed, only my second-best is)
  20. A fellow on overclock.net was trading messages with me and asked if the silver aluminum heat sink on the kit I sold to @electrosoftand the one on my Z490 Dark actually makes a difference. He is considering doing the mod because his RAM kit has the crappy G.SKILL factory "heat sink" that is eseentially worthless. This is exactly as expected, but it is nice to have proof that it works rather than the belief that it should. About 2°C cooler with the finned aluminum heat sink versus without.
  21. Well now... this is certainly interesting. I guess the added thermal conductivity of liquid metal wasn't necessary because the contact was already perfect and the KPX did not create a "bottleneck" or insulative effect. The only way you can really tell it is not the same Cinebench run is the score and Windows time on the taskbar. Compare the overall and individual core temps. Totally unexpected.
  22. What they did (releasing a 3090 Ti) is the height of betrayal and ultimately a show of disrespect and customer hatred. I think the best way to get a new graphics card is to wait and buy one used from last generation. You can still have the best, but wait and buy last generation best. Same thought process for buying automobiles. Better to let someone less intelligent absorb the loss on depreciation and take it off their hands later for pennies on the dollar.
  23. LoL, Brother @saturnotakuI watched this video today and came to start a thread relating to it. You beat me to the punch, bud. 🙂 Great minds think alike. Yes, Brother @jaybee83they were/are supposed to. Winduhz gets dumber and crappier by the day, so waiting for Steam to release an "official" replacement for Windoze probably isn't the best idea. Winduz needs to go away sooner rather than later. It is only suitable for losers and wimps at this point, but we all end up stuck tolerating its incredible suckiness due to not having an alternative.
  24. So, when I was fiddling with Wraith yesterday and installing that ILM frame I changed a couple of things. I added a thermal pad between the water block and memory jackets on my RAM cooling and adding a pad made the RAM temperatures higher by 2°C under a TM5 stress test versus bare metal-to-metal contact, LOL. So, I guess I will remove the thermal pad and go back to using nothing. I never cared for the veritcal orientation of my water sensor meter, so I moved the EK distribution manifold over to right a smidgen to make room for horizontal mounting. I think it looks a lot better this way versus how it looked before. Old: New:
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