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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. That is truly appalling and I hope that horribly tragic and unrecoverably devastating things happen to Micro$oft and they end up filing bankruptcy. They do not deserve to live anymore (speaking of the company, not the individuals employed by them and their families, other than finding a new place to work). Brother @Raiderman is going to love hearing he won't even be able to get Windows 10 drivers. Hopefully they will be easy enough to mod for Windows 10, but the Redmond Reprobate Cartel have been pretty effective at going full-psycho-Nazi on blocking Windows 7 driver mods. This also is an extremely negative reflection on AMD for being so willing to bow down and worship the biggest coward clown possee in the technology space (Micro$lop). But, don't be too surprised if Intel joins them in elevating the coward clown possee and validating their criminal behavior. It's probably just AMD being the first to prostitute themselves. The level of blind obeissance the industry demonstrates to Redmond's Digital Dictatorship is too repulsive for words. I think the only possible ways to explain it is that it is being driven either by inter-industry collusion or blackmail. Either way, it is criminal by nature and intent. Their malign approach to things should be against the law. That will not work. Allowing hemorrhoids to go untreated can have undesirable complications.
  2. 💯 - many are quick to blame Intel, and it doesn't help that there are trash silicon samples out there. Those are Intel's fault. But, I agree that a substantial contributing cause is end-user ignorance... not knowing how to tune anything, and expecting to get world-class results from dollar-store grade parts, and trying to insert high-end components in a low budget build. I see examples of silly gamerboys trying to use 13/14900K/KF/KS and 4090/7900 XTX in crappy air-cooled systems with cheap motherboards, cases and power supplies. And they wonder why they have problems, LOL.
  3. I haven't found any need to cap amps or power. I am running with both maxed out, and I am using my mini-ITX system with fixed voltage and 57x all P and 46x all E-core overclock and the RAM manually overclocked to 8200 with no stability or peformance issues with the EK 360 Nucleus. I have never, even once, needed to do such a thing, so there must be some really extremely awful silicon samples out there for anyone to have to do this because of instability. I could see where it might be necessary for thermal management if a weak thermal solution is utilized, but not for stability reasons. Other than Thursday and Friday, and then only because I had to use Windoze for Micro$lop PowerBI to create monthly reports for my employer's largest clients, I am starting on my third week of using only Linux for work. I did have to find and download a few fonts that are not native to Linux/LibreOffice so that the formatting of Word document templates isn't all jacked up, but other than that I have absolutely not had a need or an urge to Winduhz even once.
  4. Other than Thursday and Friday, and then only because I had to use Windoze for Micro$lop PowerBI to create monthly reports for my employer's largest clients, I am starting on my third week of using only Linux for work. I did have to find and download a few fonts that are not native to Linux/LibreOffice so that the formatting of Word document templates isn't all jacked up, but other than that I have absolutely not had a need or an urge to use Winduhz even once.
  5. What is even more funny is the artist name is "Aim to Head" LOL.
  6. Artificial intelligence is an adjective that accurate describes those who are promoting AI technology.
  7. Congratulations brother. You got a good price for it and it came close to covering the cost of your 14900KS. So it turned out that your 14900KS was better silicon?
  8. If I were in your shoes I am about 99% sure I would stick with the NZXT options. Much safer and the company has a better reputation than the others. You are far more likely to have something with much better upgrade options down the road, and starting off with a AIO liquid cooler is much better than those low-dollar air cooled options. I think all of the other options have very limited future potential in comparison.
  9. @ryan skip all of that above. I recommend going here and selecting what you can afford. Looks like a Player One Prime option will fall within your budget and be better and safer than any of those other potentially sketchy choices. Good base to start and customize within your budget. White or black options, good case, liquid cooling support (even includes a Kraken AIO to start). https://nzxt.com/product/player-one-prime
  10. @ryan - try this one. Looks like a better option in terms of potential for upgrades later, especially in terms of adding a 360 AIO later. It is a DDR4 motherboard though. https://www.amazon.ca/Skytech-Chronos-Gaming-PC-Desktop/dp/B0C9P8F78D?th=1 The biggest issue I see with the case on most air-cooled prebuilts are they are just way too small and adding better liquid cooling later is difficult or impossible. Edit: @ryan You might get more for your money on Facepoot Marketplace, but there is always a risk there. Check the ibuypower and cyberpowerpc web sites and see what you can do. https://www.amazon.ca/Skytech-Shadow-Gaming-13400F-4-6GHz/dp/B0CW8YM8VG?th=1 https://www.amazon.ca/CYBERPOWERPC-i5-14400F-GeForce-Windows-GXIVR8060A20/dp/B0CW28S6TY https://www.amazon.ca/Skytech-Shadow-Gaming-13400F-4-6GHz/dp/B0CWSJD7NJ/?th=1 What is your budget? These are similarly priced.
  11. I don't know. The seller has two reviews and both are poor. I'd be more comfortable with the Best Buy option even if the specs are not as good.
  12. I am trying to find information on the MSI case, but it does not look like it would support a 360 AIO very well. It might, but it is difficult to tell from the photos. Probably not a good option if you plan any upgrades. Let me look at this one. Be back in a few.
  13. The price is good but you should be aware that the CPU is not unlocked. You need a "K" CPU if you want to overclock. You could upgrade the CPU later. Not sure what motherboard is in it or what kind of overclock settings it has in the BIOS.
  14. Here is some tech that would be a ton of fun to play with, and dangerous if not played with wisely. This looks equally fun. I like the propane tanks right after the car door. 🤣
  15. Here is some tech that would be a ton of fun to play with, and dangerous if not played with wisely. Edit: this looks equally fun. I like the propane tanks right after the car door. 🤣
  16. Yeah, I saw. Using a 240mm AIO for the GPU, not cooling the GPU VRMs and then putting a 120mm AIO on the CPU. That is a ludicrous approach to things no matter how you slice it.
  17. Released 15 minutes ago... 🤣 Whenever I listen to their music it always reminds me of the John Wick headshot shooting rampages.
  18. Yikes! That is truly repulsive behavior. It is hard to relate to a segment of consumers that approve of that type of approach. It is a very foreign concept to me and difficult to appreciate. The fact that it is so ungodly expensive makes it an even tougher pill to swallow.
  19. Yeah, right on. I have lots of very good friends and relatives that I love very much that have different opinions and ideas. It doesn't diminish my love for them as friends and relatives. I respect their opinion and I am willing to learn why they think the things they think, even if I don't agree with them. I expect the same courtesy in return. What does greatly diminish my respect for other human beings is that mentality that anyone who disagrees is an enemy that is deserving of hatred and needing to be ostrasized and silenced, or ended. People like that are sub-human and they are the ones that are a threat to a decent and peacable way of life.
  20. 💯you're spot on. Sadly, we see this same behavior in just about every online venue regardless of subject matter. It feels like almost everyone, everywhere, is defensive, has a axe to grind, and feel compelled to attack (or feel like they are being attacked) whenever a different opinion is expressed. It's a very combative, sad and childish mentality that has become prevalent. Anyone that doesn't fit that zombie sheeple horde clique du jour is niche, extremist or an object of contempt. I do believe it feels that way, but the likely reality is that it is a tiny but vocal minority putting on the dog and pony show and the segment they like to pretend to be niche is sometimes more of a silent mainstream than they care to admit... but it goes against their agenda and narrative.
  21. Some people just need drama in their lives and always need to have some kind of controversy to work them into a lather. Pretending to understand things they do not just compounds the problems caused by ignorance. Even using that word gets them riled up because they have a poor command of the English language. Their understanding and perception is driven by social media and professional media disinformation. Instead of looking up the meaning, it's easier to just be offended by words that are not understood. Lacking information or awareness isn't a crime and identifying the condition isn't an insult. It is merely an observation of fact.
  22. I guess I've ruffled a few feathers with the gamer girls posing as overclocking enthusiasts that are trolling the Z790 Maximus thread at overclock.ney. Oopsie, LOL. Cry me a river kids. 🤣
  23. Seems like they are either literally insane, or they want everyone that isn't a stupid boot-licking zombie to use something better. They must be banking on the hope that enough people will actually care enough about 24H2 that they will feel compelled to fall in line with the Nazi edicts and mandates. Maybe the sheeple that comprise their pathetic 25% market share will care and they are content with a 25% or less market share, but I suspect the other 75% will continue to not care. I hope that is the case and their market share continues to decline. @Papusan will you be among the first to update? Are you excited, brother?
  24. Send it to Tony at Northwest Repair. He fixed the 2080 TI FTW3 I used to have and he was fast and reasonable on the cost. Check out the amazing craftsmanship on this custom fab build. The guy made everything, including wire guides and veneers. Insane.
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