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Everything posted by razor0601

  1. Sometimes you have to do the cmos reset 2 or 3 times before you get a picture. Happens to me with my p750tm in the past with latest Bios and upgrade from 8700k.
  2. For only one core this could be possible. But not for all. Then it would throttle.
  3. Don‘t try to overclock the 9900k. The P751tm is at it’s cooling limits with this CPU.
  4. As I can read the posts correct. That user m0bil used only a simple Hex editor to change the clocks an to unlock the cards?
  5. What can I get for a Clevo X7200. I7-980X, 12GB RAM, Full HD Display, GTX 680m 4GB, 256GB SSD. Light wear
  6. Yes, I tried both. 970m GSync and 970m Clevo non GSync. The GSync card goes in a Bootloop and the non GSync holds at the Startscreen Alienware Head Also the Dell 770m from an AW18 will not work. Not in PG and not in SG-Mode. I don’t know the right VBios for them.
  7. Maybe something in the corners is blocking the clip because of Broken plastic parts?
  8. When you lock the clip it doesn’t stays in this position?
  9. So I installed the next MSI GTX 1070 1BE1 in an Alienware 18. without any problem in Hard- and Software modding. Card works fine. The only thing is left is an 100w AMD heatsink. But here in Europe hard to find.
  10. Today I will try my cards in SG-Mode first. I have installed unlocked A04 Bios.
  11. Gsync will never work in the M18X R2. But in the past I had issues with one Alienware 18 and a GSync MSI 1070. That’s the reason why you better go for a non GSync card. But you can try it with your cheap GSync 1070. Could be that it will work without issues.
  12. I also saw this Heatsink. Try this one. A non GSync card would be better. But not easy to find.
  13. Here you go. It’s the AW18 but similar to M18X R2. https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/alienware-18-and-m18x.1092/[SUCCESSFUL] Alienware 18 + MSI GTX 1070 MXM/
  14. I can test an MSI GTX 970m Gsync 3GB, Clevo GTX 970m and HP Quadro P4000
  15. Yes, there are different Dell 770m versions
  16. Now I installed the 2 GTX 770m from my Alienware 18. But it gives me a black screen. No Post. No matter if SG or PEG I read that 765/770/780 and 880m had VBios issues with the R1. So which VBios do I need? The 770m has
  17. No need to flash the EC. When the card arrives put it in and look if you get a pic. Normally it works out of the box with Dsanke Bios. From where do you have the 3080?
  18. I heard that 980m/970m doesn´t work because of the no uefi Bios. Is that right?
  19. Hi there, I want to know what I can get for an AW18. Fully working with 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD. Original 770m Dual. I also could install a Quadro P4000 or 970m. QWERTZ Keyboard.
  20. I have a link to the eurocom site. https://eurocom.com/ec/upgrade(2,267,0)Alienware_M18xR1 Are there any other card which will work?
  21. In 99% the cpu isn‘t faulty. So you are the lucky 1% 🤪
  22. I don’t think it’s a CPU fault. It’s the Mainboard itself. Had this twice by myself. maybe I have somewhere a pic where you can see the defective components. But it must be the beep code for faulty CPU.
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