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Rage Set

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Everything posted by Rage Set

  1. I don't think anyone thought you were trolling but there are many reasons why someone could have an array that is larger than 10TB, as in your case. In my case, I completely eliminated local spinners in all of my physical rigs (all eight of them) and I have a dedicated volume for each on one of my servers. This allows me to monitor all of the spinners in one location, helps with backups and more. I also spin up VM's for various projects. I even thought about hosting a forum when I learned NBR would be no more. I have one massive volume that holds all of my RAW footage (4K to 8K, damn you Canon!!!) from all of my cameras. You'd be surprised to learn how much storage RAW footage eats up. I am a storage hoarder.... The funny thing is I don't have a central location for my Steam games, go figure.
  2. Raw capacity for the server with spinners, is well over 80TB. What I'm proud of is the raw capacity on the server with enterprise SSDs. Nearly 60TB. WD loves and hates me. Full disclosure: I'm always testing certain products and I'm always under an NDA. The storage IS being used for business purposes and some personal aspects. Lol
  3. * whistles quietly in the corner, not mentioning how much storage is in one of my servers*
  4. This whole eBay chiller transaction is becoming a nightmare. The seller initiated the refund and I have to return it, however he is supposed to supply a return label. I haven't heard anything from him since Jan 29th. I call eBay and they said the refund was canceled and the seller didn't provide a return label. On the order details page, I am supposed to ship this chiller back by March 1st. I explain that to the agent. She tells me to ignore that. Upon further inspection, the return was canceled due to a technical issue and that she will have to issue a refund manually. WTF? The manually refund will take 3 to 7 business days. She also said to keep the chiller because the seller voluntarily refunded me. It appears like I have to go through AMEX to solve this. If I didn't call eBay, I wouldn't have known my refund was canceled due to a "technical issue" and I am sure they would have waited until March 1st to deny me the refund because I didn't send the chiller back.
  5. I really like your setup bro. I spent the past 3 months wiring my house for 10G (one of the reasons why I wasn't as active on NBR). Will you ever go TrueNas?
  6. I got mine directly from Corsair. I haven't seen any 6200 CL20 and I'm not sure if any of these boards could handle those timings under normal air cooling.
  7. Both sets are finally here. G.Skill 6400 CL32 vs Corsair 6200 CL32. Great chance they will perform the same.
  8. While it is far from high-end, the Strix Z690-H D4 is decent. I got 4000MT's with my 4800 rated DDR4 sticks at CL16 CR1 without any trouble on this board. Those sticks can be pushed much harder but I haven't tried tighter timings yet.
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