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Rage Set

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Everything posted by Rage Set

  1. Due to this guy, I purchased a new soldering station and I am currently researching a microscope to go with it.
  2. What I gather from all of these 7900 XTX reviews is that AMD does, in fact, challenge the 4080 in everything besides RT. We all expected that. What I find interesting is no one is talking about the frequency these cards are hitting. They are averaging 2.675 at stock. I have yet to see an overclock video on the XTX but based on the evidence and if you can use the MorePowerTool/Red BIOS Editor, I am sure these things are going to hit over 3k. Now I am a bit more interested in these cards than before.
  3. @electrosoft I agree with you. The A770 is a very sexy card. Intel shown a lot of skill with the design of this card. The materials used alone make me wonder if they are losing money on these cards. I've never seen such high build quality on a $350 card. Installation was short and simple. I'm using it on a 11900K gaming rig and so far, it appears to be working normally. I haven't tried overclocking it yet. Right now I'm running all of my benchmarks at stock and once I'm satisfied, I'll start overclocking.
  4. AMD will respond with a non-pro Threadripper but they are going to learn that many of us TRX40 users won't touch it. I have a soft spot for TR, but I will not forget that AMD abandoned TRX40. I am and likely always be interested in the HEDT market and I will keep my eye on W-2400 series. I suspect that series is going to require a monster amount of cooling if you want to hit 4.5 to 5.0 allcore. Broadwell-E all over again.
  5. It as @Etern4l stated, you're likely thermal throttling. You're unfortunately limited by the heatsink and TIM in that X170SM-G, especially with the 10900k. Has the 10900k been delidded? Even if you are not going for world records, a delid will increase your thermal headroom. If you are uncomfortable with a delid, what TIM do you have applied? Does the X170SM-G have a modded bottom cover, to allow in more air? If you want to go the simple route, you are going to have to lower your allcore to something that is achievable with an undervolt. This could mean, allowing 4 of the cores to be at 4.8/4.9 and the other six at 4.4/4.5.
  6. SInce you have a laptop, it is probably safe to say you don't have control over your RAM timings and your cooling is "fixed" (excluding using an insane laptop cooler...I made one with four Delta fans when we were over at NBR, lol). If I am in your shoes, I will have throttlestop with two profiles. One is when I don't care about hearing (using headphones) fan noise and one for office work. Now I will say this, while I know how to undervolt GPUs, I never done so...even in my laptops. With Nvidia laptop GPUs, you are heat/power limited anyway, so there isn't a point of undervolting in my eyes. With my safe base settings in hand, I go after the full overclock. Squeezing as much performance at the top end, that means adding voltage.
  7. I don't want to live there but with snow like that, I would love to stay one winter. I may sound crazy (some think I am) but I do want to visit some of the coldest places on earth. The only reason why I've stayed in the Northeast is due to the four seasons we get here and when we get snow, we get buried. Your snowfall looks a lot like the snow Buffalo, NY gets. I'm slowly getting my wife ready for either Colorado or Vermont. Before I sleep my final rest, I need to be near a wilderness, as my backyard. Anyway bro, congrats on the card. I am sure you are going to do some major damage with that card in benching.
  8. I did pick one up. I am very curious on how it will perform, especially now that they are improving DX9 support. I also want to experiment with it in a cheap photo/video editing rig.
  9. Are you looking for the best general performance or for a specific app? Is this desktop or laptop? How I start anything is defining my cooling potential. From there, I learn more about my chip's quality or lack thereof. For gaming or general compute, I start at the predefined allcore boost clock and then start lowering voltage until it isn't stable. After that, I start working on RAM within that stable allcore/voltage. Once I have got the CPU and RAM stable, that becomes my "safe base" setting which I save.
  10. A770 is available on Newegg.com if anyone is looking for one.
  11. Here I am feeding into my storage addiction with a pair of 8TB NVMe drives while everyone is going with new CPUs and GPUs. I am turning my AMD Threadripper system into a server. I have already replaced the custom water loop with an IceGiant ProSiphon Elite (my first personal "air" cooler in over 15 years), 128GB of TridentZ Neo 3600 DDR4, one Asus HYPER M.2 X16 GEN 4 Card (of which houses two 8TB NVMe drives and two 4TB NVMe drives) and I think I'm going to use the 6900XT in this (since linux plays extremely well with AMD GPU's at this point) and "downgrade" from the EVGA 3090 FTW3 Ultra Hybrid. I want to find a "server" style case that can accept 6 to 10 hard drives.
  12. Did he e-mail you that information about receiving the chip or was it messaging in their forum? An e-mail could serve as a receipt that he received it and could be used as evidence if he were to attempt to scam you. A PM through a forum wouldn't help your case though. This is why I don't allow PayPal as a payment processor, because I'd hate to have that hanging over my head months down the road where someone (even someone I trust) could still claim their money back. I am sure that caused me to lose on potential customers but I accept it.
  13. LOL. Just sold the card locally, literally about five minutes ago. It was a great price and I was hoping someone here wanted it.
  14. During the height of the GPU pricing apocalypse, I purchased multiple 3090's brand new from retailers that were priced well above "MSRP". As anyone that knows me, I build and sell custom rigs but I never charge more for the components from what I paid. Most people here that bought GPUs from me would attest, so would all of my clients. Actually, a good portion of the people during that time paid less than what I originally did. My point is I was able to buy multiple 3090's when many couldn't get a single GPU. Some would argue that I was or am, a scalper...even though I never sold these GPUs for more than I paid. So your definition of a scalper is different from others. In my defense, I have always purchased multiple high end GPUs since the forever (lol again a lot here would tell you that). Call me stupid, perhaps I am, but I always tried to break even. Never profit on the components, though.
  15. I for one don't want any legislation. I'll be frank, scalpers are scum but you can't really place the blame completely on them. All retailers are essentially, "scalpers". Buy low, sell higher. Some retailers are better than others in this regard, only seeking modest profit. What most retailers have are competitors, which ensures (for the most part) competition on prices, customer service and etc. At the end of the day, you can choose to buy from various places, the same product (or something very similar). GPU's, like a lot of consumer tech, are luxury products. No consumer really "needs" them but they are nice-to-haves. All of the things I have seen that have been scalped (excluding medication but that is a WHOLE other debate) are not necessary. You are completely correct when you wrote that the guilty party are the people who buy from the scalpers at such high prices. But the let those idiots do that. What do they say about a fool and their dollar? I do not condone the use of bots or scalping in general, but a law(s) about scalping can get out of hand really quick. Who sets the limit on the number of items you can buy before you're considered a scalper? Two items? Three? As @electrosoft noted, the crypto boom and chip shortages are what caused these outrageous prices. Crypto is in its winter and the chip shortages are NO where near as bad as they will have you believe, because demand has fallen due to the recession. Let the scalpers play, as many of them are playing with fire. As the recession worsens, a lot of them are going to be stuck with some high value items they can't sell.
  16. Oh, trust me, I knew those limits very well. One of the reasons why I left high end DTR's. If it weren't for @Prema, the DTR I purchased from @Mr. Fox would have been my first and last high end DTR.
  17. So it has begun. Nvidia's 4080 has a TGP of 320 but Nvidia has limited it. Apparently, "recently" Nvidia changed how their cards boost. Before, Nvidia's cards would try to adhere to their TDP while under load and even try to go above it, with performance to go with it. Now the TGP is the LIMIT, so with the 4080, it will try to avoid going near the 320W TGP cap. I told you guys that Nvidia was going to nerf the power draw of the cards. They haven't figured a way to do it with the 4090 (at least the batches they have already sold) but watch the next batches that make it to the public have different performance deltas compared to the ones people have. They may sneak a vBIOS update in their drivers, you never know.
  18. Since you are (were?) a MORA owner, have you ever splice your fingers on the fins? One day I was moving one of my MORA radiators and held onto it partly by the fins on top. I dusted it and the fans. I went to go wash my hands and I noticed that four of my fingers had tons of cuts on them. The cuts didn't really hurt but I couldn't believe the number of fine cuts I had on them. Great looking setup bro. I am thinking of buying the 7000D or Define 7 XL. I am not sure which one I may get. It needs to house a water cooled 13900K/3090 setup.
  19. Very close save. What I don't get, if this guy CENS is scamming others, why is he still active on that forum? If you are a known overclocker/scammer, wouldn't that make the rounds? I don't want anyone thinking I don't believe Falkentyne, but it is a bit interesting that EVGA has a guy on their OC team that is a scam artist.
  20. Interesting but it is an overall good value offer. LOL, hopefully that board comes with an active warranty knowing your history with Dark boards.
  21. Why do they have so many in New York? Leave the one in Yonkers alone but they can spare one of the others. I wish they had one in CT but I won't complain. 50 miles is not bad and if they had one closer, I would be in deep trouble.
  22. HAHAHA, only der8auer throws a fan on the VRAM while drawing over 700W on ambient "water cooling". I guess you can be a little crazy when you get the products for free.
  23. No recall incoming, but a vBios nerf is. They are going to lower the power draw, watch and see.
  24. The one thing Nvidia and its CEO hates the most, outside of not having the "top" performance crown, is having egg on its face. The 4080 12GB did that and it embarrassed Nvidia (blame their marketing department). Nvidia got wind of the 7900 XT and XTX performance, saw the performance of the 4080 12GB compared to the 7900 XT and subsequently, 7800 XT. No way was the 4080 12GB aka 4070 going to compete with those cards. Now Nvidia is forced to keep these prices, 4090 and 4080 16GB. If they were to lower the prices for either the 4090 or 4080 now, there are going to be a lot angry consumers (especially 4090 owners) and AIB's. Right now, Nvidia has DLSS and Ray Tracing. They are the top dog in those features. Is that enough? Remember when Intel still had the overall performance lead over Ryzen but AMD gave you more for the money. I can say, in my opinion, it has finally happened to Nvidia. RDNA3 gives you more for the money. I have to say, when the 4090 TI does come out, that will be the card I get. Same for the top AMD card 7950 XTX.
  25. I normally don't mind an arrogant person, as I am one to be quite truthful. However, I am only arrogant when the knowledge, training and experience dictates it (i.e. a field I am well versed in), but some less knowledgeable people are belligerent when they KNOW they shouldn't be. It's all an act, make himself look to be the smartest person in the room when he clearly isn't; but he has the followers that believe he is.
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