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  1. I have been a hardcore WInamp user for an eternity. Since it's "official" demise, i switched to Foobar and never looked back. It's highly unlikely to match my current experience with Foobar - already running 10+ years strong - even with a rekindled Winamp. Foobar already has everything to offer. Customization, very fast and still lightweight.
  2. Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (2020, refurbished)
  3. What are these users doing to their system all the time? I cannot reproduce anything of the above on my machine, but this isn't news for me. I see these reports, have a laugh and move on. But Microsoft has the obligation to address these "bugs", even if it affects only 0,001% of the users. And they get bashed for it. Pathetic.
  4. Windows Defender is totally fine, when you know, what you are doing online. I haven't had a single piece of malware on my machines, since the first version of Windows Defender and that was a very long time ago. In addition it was somewhat bad in detecting malware then, but has very much improved over the years.
  5. Chrome. Since eternity. And Opera GX - as Edge f.e. - is Chromium based, so almost identical with Chrome under the hood. Performance-wise, Opera GX is not faster than Chrome on my machine. Some of the features are nice to have, but lacking impact on my daily use. As long as the "competition" also uses Chromium, there is no reason to use another browser than Chrome.
  6. This topic is getting out of hand. At least every 2nd posting consists of whining around. You don't like Windows 11, we get it. You don't have to repeat it over and over again. Tiresome, but somewhat hilarious as well. Everyone in here is better than that, i am sure of it. But stop repeating yourself.
  7. My perfectly running BGA machine always bursts out into uncontrollable laughter when reading "statements" like this. As @John Ratseyhas already stated correctly, everything has it's pros and cons.
  8. Thank you for an objective voice of reason. Hard to find these days.
  9. Since it is always plugged in, i have never really checked battery health. But there was also never a reason for it, no issues. Battery health (capacity) is still at 91%, which i find remarkable, considering it's age. On the other hand, it has been running on battery power for only a couple of hours during the 5 years. When taken abroad, i always use the power cord. Despite it's 200W brick, even in trains it works without issues.
  10. I already casted my vote, but i am content with everything it will be in the end.
  11. Are there still people without backups? At least every now and then? I get it, if people have issues with external cloud backups, but personal local backups are mandatory today.
  12. Nice article, very comprehensive. You brought up some things, that can be relevant to many. I belong to the "no big deal" group. The only Windows i have skipped since my first computer, is Vista (since version 3.0) I always find ways to adapt and i always find interesting and useful stuff while adapting. On the other hand, i don't try to break my OS, i am fine with it, if everything works, that i use daily. And this the case with Windows 11.
  13. Even that i called this the forum without a name until now - out of the original three branches - the current one has a unique moniker to it and i have actually voted for this. Just let it be, it feels like something new and unburden by the past. What i can't evaluate is, if it is more difficult to be found on search engines because of the unique name.
  14. I have already refrained from this a couple of years ago. Around 2005 i bought my last machine, that i wanted to buy badly. Since then i only did buy hardware, that i really needed. Saved me a lot of money. My two last desktops and my current laptop - which is the only computer i currently own - are the result. It is already 5 years old and still easily manages everything i throw at it.
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