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Everything posted by 6730b

  1. ^^^ ref post above, another one from this strange musical world. Whichever the bands in that genre, am always enjoying the drums! Labyrinthus Stellarum - Vortex of the Worlds
  2. Don't be fooled by the start.... wait for 7:37 :O) Am listening to such stuff not so much as music \ songs, but rather attracted, baffled and intrigued by how (and why :O) they compose and produce such wall of sound \ energy, and still manage to include that underlaying musicality \ harmony woven into it somehow, there's a relaxing stream under it all :O) Crazy guys, but skilled ! Oh, and those great vocals & lyrics πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ btw, playing such music very loud in old age homes would probably kill 90% of the people there πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ Panopticon - ...And Again Into The Light
  3. Psychlona live | Freak Valley Festival 2022
  4. Latetst ltsc kb install report: .....am always 'hoping' for something to write about, this or that breaking, good things removed, stupid things added, but, as always, ...nothing.
  5. A dose of wake-up music (...i'ts late afternoon :O) Insomnium - The Primeval Dark + While We Sleep
  6. ^^^^ This? Looks like great stuff https://www.space.com/spacex-announces-compact-starlink-mini-dish-internet FTM, my 4G setup got ok speed, ok monthly GB's, ok price. If that wasn't the case or needs change, Starlink on the shopping list.
  7. And another one for the 5540...that feeling of imminent ☠️, but all went well.
  8. Time to leave this troubled planet for a while... Outpost Theta: Dark Ambient Sci Fi
  9. And this month's ltsc update report: nothing to write about. Just a perfect OS.
  10. "I tested the 100 most popular free VPNs in the Google Play store and found significant security and privacy flaws affecting Android apps that have been installed over 2.5 billion times worldwide." https://www.top10vpn.com/research/free-vpn-investigations/android-vpn-security-flaws/
  11. Space, Experimental & Stoner dept :O) Maha Sohona - Endless Searcher Yuri Gagarin - At The Center Of All Infinity
  12. https://www.androidauthority.com/shut-down-google-ai-overview-3446038/
  13. May ltsc report, concerning nothing to report :O) 1809 update done, no changes, no ads, no MS plagues, no problems, just works.
  14. https://www.hivesystems.com/blog/are-your-passwords-in-the-green https://www.ghacks.net/2024/05/09/how-long-does-it-take-to-crack-a-password-in-2024/ Interesting too see those jumps from millions to billions, trillions.
  15. ☺️ 8.1 ? + classic\open shell = 7 Mk2
  16. Completely crazy band indeed. But making a good living out of it :O)
  17. Hello, am not using a dock or high W usb chargers, so can't provide any specific info. Am sometimes charging with some low W Samsung phone chargers directly to usb-c, works. Charges slowly but reliably, and laptop needs to be off. Starting up the laptop the charging (correctly) stops, and resumes as soon as the laptop is turned off. Make some tests with different usb-c chargers \ cables directly to 5540 usb-c, and it may be 'something' with the dock, it's communication \ interface \ setup. I'd 'guess' the 100 W charger you mentionned 'should' manage to charge correctly with 5540 on and off, but it could still be too low W's, and charge only with 5540 off. Also could be as simple as bad \ wrong usb-c cable, high W's needs compatible \ quality cables. And make sure all relevant drivers are installed \ updated.
  18. From the old days. Uriah Heep - Sunrise
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