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Everything posted by KING19

  1. Sadly the era of MXM is dead and i wish it wasnt the case, Even if they bring it back it going to cost way more than its worth. If you think the prices for desktop GPUs are bad the pricing for MXM cards are going to be double or even triple the cost depending how long inflation will last. Anyways imma leave this here. Dynamic boost ruins it.
  2. Finally seen The Matrix Resurrections on HBO and it was bad as i thought. It started out decent but then it went downhill after that. The whole story made no sense whatsoever and its a insult to the trilogy and especially to the first matrix as they tried to rehash certain moments from it.
  3. Haha. What makes it worse is that the Intel Arc A770M is weaker than an RTX 3070 which makes it a mid range GPU technically. Also Intel's GPU drivers are pretty bad so it'll affect performance more. https://www.notebookcheck.net/Intel-Arc-A770M-GPU-Benchmarks-and-Specs.613274.0.html https://www.notebookcheck.net/First-Intel-CPU-GPU-Gaming-laptop-Clevo-X270-notebook-with-Intel-Arc-A770M-GPU-breaks-cover.624990.0.html
  4. That just plain nasty. I still dont see the point of it, Even if a CPU uses like 25w when gaming it still should use its full turbo boost clock speeds. Even in my current laptop when i play low demanding games my CPU uses like 10-15w and it still be at its full turbo boost speeds. I havent seen any proof of it improving gaming performance at all. Like i said before people are getting screwed hard and they dont even know it.
  5. I havent been following the trial much because i been busy and plus i dont care about celebrity drama but im glad Johnny Depp won because Amber Heard is a example of evil women that willing to lie and manipulate to get what they want and sadly you have a lot of women who are like her including a past Ex of mines. Its more cringe worthy that the media was defending her even though the fact every time she opens her mouth she openly lies and its obvious to everyone who was watching and plus her evidence was clearly photoshopped to make Johnny look bad plus her leaving poop on the bed is some crazy sh*t. I seen the clips of the trial and it was pretty damn bad for Amber, She was doing everything possible to destroy this man out of hate and im glad Johnny cleared his name and restored his reputation . Overall it was a clown show but at least the right person won.
  6. The Legion 7 with a RTX 3080 was on sale on walmart in this thread but its sold out now which is not a surprise But i found another good deal for a Legion 5 Pro with a RTX 3070 for only $1400 https://www.walmart.com/ip/seort/484883807
  7. Looks like Cyberpunk will finally get its first expansion pack https://www.notebookcheck.net/CD-Projekt-Red-accidentally-leaks-the-plot-of-the-first-Cyberpunk-2077-expansion-pack.622653.0.html
  8. I dont know what desert heat feels like but i bet it feels better than what we get here on the east coast because our dew points gets into the 70s making it feels hotter than it is. 90F+ weather can feel like over 100F here and you'll sweat a lot. Gotta keep yourself hydrated through the day if you going be out in the sun and have some sunscreen as well. At night at times its worse than the day because of the high humidity and it feels like a oven, Worse if you dont have an AC. At least in the desert it feels cold at night!. We have all 4 seasons on the east coast, Northeast to be exact. We have cold winters and hot summers, Its a good balance besides the snowstorms and severe thunderstorms at times..
  9. That's crazy and an overexaggeration lol! When i used SYY-157 it was easy to apply, Plus they'll give you a tiny spatula and cleaning wipes in the package
  10. Yea that is bad, i noticed that on the videos when the GPU is almost using its full power that the clocks on the CPU drops almost to stock clock speeds. A CPU is not going to use its full wattage when playing games but there no excuse for not using its full turboboost clock speeds, at that point you mind well disable turboboost but also it'll cause some stutters while playing games at times because of that. People are getting screwed hard and they dont even know it. The future of gaming laptops is pretty bleak.......
  11. I use Honeywell 7950 which is used as stock paste for the 2021 Lenovo Legions i think. There are two versions of it the pad version and the paste version, The one i am using is the paste version. I think the pad version works better as i heard on reddit. Paste Version: https://www.ebuy7.com/item/641009621899 Pad Version: https://www.ebuy7.com/item/632208664079
  12. That is a very good deal for a full powered RTX 3080 Legion 7 and a Ryzen 9 5900HX! They must be trying to get rid of them before the 2022 models get released
  13. Update: A full week after repasting my Legion 5 with Honeywell 7950SP i gotta say so far this is the best thermal paste i used on a laptop. Any game i played are getting great temps, like mid 70Cs and at times with games like RDR2 even in the upper 60Cs range with spikes to the lower 80Cs range after an hour of gaming, Same with Cyberpunk. Also my GPU stayed in the Upper 60Cs range despite the overclock. Im not sure if the pads will have better results than the paste Cinebench: This time I broke my record score with no change in temps.
  14. I used SYY-157 which was the 2021 version, It was good at first but then after a week to a month my temps started rising again and at times over 100C+. Im not sure about the 2022 refresh version though but still i think it depends on the laptop so you wont have the same experience as me. It wouldnt hurt to give it a try
  15. I said i think 330w is the maximum because i wasnt sure if it still is. Also with that power brick you wont be able to travel on a airplane lol. 😋
  16. Personally i dont see it as a a big deal because no application is going to make the CPU/GPU run at their maximum wattage at the same time besides stress tests. Laptop's power bricks are already limited to 330w i think, anymore wattage it'll require having a second power brick like in the past. At that point you mind well buy a desktop instead and save money. I still dont like MSI's false advertising about it like its a new thing......
  17. You can also try monitoring your temps while running cinebench to see if your CPU is throttling due to overheating and lift up the back of your laptop to provide better airflow instead of laying it flat on a table.
  18. ^Nice The Legion 7 most likely will be the best gaming laptop of the year and worth its price. Looking forward to the full review!.
  19. Its hard to say because there not much info about the paste version even on reddit. All i heard about it that it has a cure time but it doesnt seem to be the case in my testing. It feels like im the only one who tried out the paste version. I did some quick tests today It went to 92C when i first started the test because the fans wasnt running on max speeds but then it hangs around 87-90C during the test so i think the paste works pretty well on my Legion 5. The only game i tested so far was Mafia Definition Edition which constantly goes into the mid 90c range and at times up to 103C before the repaste using SYY-157 but after repasting with Honeywell 7950SP it stays in the 70c range and spikes as high as 86C which is a massive improvement for me. I'll try out other games like RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077 later. Overall i think the paste is great so far and I'll post more updates when i can. Also if you guys wanna give them a try here the links: Paste Version: https://www.ebuy7.com/item/641009621899 Pad Version: https://www.ebuy7.com/item/632208664079
  20. I finally got the paste version in the mail. It took almost 3 weeks Gonna try it out later tonight. Im not sure if i should spread it out on my CPU and GPU or just do the line method and slap my heatsink on it to spread itself like i been doing.
  21. Sadly its the latest trend with laptops, The days of big and thick laptops are over. They're going keep getting thinner and thinner every year and people will keep buying them and later complain why their gaming laptops are overheating and later in the future asking why they cant upgrade their RAM, Wifi and storage drives anymore.... Even thin and light 16-17" desktop replacement laptops will throttle like crazy because they cant handle the heat especially with powerful Intel and AMD CPUs. We enthusiasts only represent a small minority of PC consumers these days so companies are going to cater to the lowest common denominator..
  22. Good find. I wonder what the prices will be, Most likely insanely expensive especially for the Intel version.. I noticed they're using a 1080p webcam which is about damn time. Sucks that the AMD version is not using Thunderbolt 4/USB 4...
  23. Yes i am from the US and I'll keep that in mind. It sucked using my old laptop trying to finish my work project because it's pretty slow and i havent reinstalled windows 8.1 in years on it. Also my GF's laptop is slower than that and she really needs a new one, I'll surprise her on her birthday later this year. I got the charger on Tuesday so everything is good. Nearly finished my work project just putting the finishing touches on it.
  24. Finally bought Cyberpunk 2077 It was on sale for $29.99 on steam for 2 weeks i think
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