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Everything posted by jasces99

  1. i really need the groups help , i need to know the correct thermal pad size for this model i have , went to get replacements and think they put wrong ones on the machine no instantly over heatting 90c plus with ts as well , 99 plus on work at only 3600mhz please let me know asap
  2. thanks and idk , was looking for info .. as i have a few machines with prema bios and all got a x170 wanted to see if it is avil ..... also anyone have any info on a pc50dn2 model , having heat issues is a origin model picked up second hand hitting some 100-102c on normal settings want to replace the thermal pads but cant find the info on thickness and all .... looking for some pointers as i know it was on old forum @Mr. Foxi know your the wizard at these things and most of the serious clevo umm modes i saw your proof in ,.... wondering any in put on a pc50dn2 model for thermal and the pad replacement can you give some light?
  3. anyone have a way to connect with him or mr fox as i know i would follow them on old form ....... trying to see about a donation to prema for something j
  4. sorry sound noob but what is this set up your doing on here
  5. keep me posted please i was busy setting up new office and didn't even know was closing till yesterday , wish i had known ahead of time but yes let me know that site saved my butt numerous times!
  6. how can i help can we get a fund going to rebuild the database and site completely maybe workon grabing a site for 20 yr lease or something@ how much data did the site actually have? as in space curious.... what all is needed .... maybe we could work on a vip membership ? to support site to never again get washed out , as well were are the back ups lol , no offense in the it world should have back up images of the site data base , might not have all but most correct??? Mr Fox any input ?
  7. sad that the site closed hope we get another great useful resource i wish i would have paided more attn , and known they were closing down would have grabbed links to share for everyone instead of killing a great stie with information and experience ...
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