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Everything posted by Bidelloman

  1. has anyone tested the water cooler diy option for this laptop?
  2. you sir are awesome, yes I am already running that bios and my experience has been excellent with it. yeah I asked the partner I purchased the laptop from and they can't seem to get it to work either thanks a lot for those drivers!
  3. Hi there, I'm another nomad from the old forums, I also own an x170sm g ( 10600k, 2080s) I have a few questions: 1) in the old forums we had a guy posting a modded bios ( not prema), did he post it here as well? 2) sound blaster atlas doesn't seem to recognize devices capable of using its services ( tried everything, drivers, ddu, clean installs, etc), can anyone please help ? 3) I have no idea what these are, as far as information goes, the only thing I did was unplugging the led strips on the back and sides, rest is all connected etc. Thank you
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