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Everything posted by Bidelloman

  1. I wonder at this point if the copper IHS is too tall for this heatsink.
  2. Ok so I dismounted and checked the pads and thermal paste on gpu side. It seems bottom side ( towards cpu) has less contact. I triple checked pad thickness with the picture guide and indeed after another test they show regular pressure on all components. Pity the gpu seems not that lucky. Pic quality is terrible but every pad shows signs of normal contact. Edit: checked pressure contact without any pad whatsoever, issue persists, and it so happens the heatsink is slightly bent on that side, gonna try and fix it and see if it is enough.
  3. That's the problem, it is fine (thermal paste on gpu is kryonaut and conductonaut on cpu btw) on both sides. I'mma open it back again and check
  4. My heatsink finally arrived, though it seems I got some contact issues. With regards to screws: springed white long ones on the gpu and black ones on cpu I gather? I used the aliexpress scheme for pads but yeah some seem to struggle with contact.
  5. i chose DHL, but wasn't chosen. Apparently it was done to avoid congestion as the shipping price was the same.
  6. Mine is also parcelup, it auto selected fedex regardless of my own choices, did contact them on this. "Volume weight" is double the actual listed weight. I just hope they do not use the same perfect heatsink pictures as proof before sending..
  7. Boy them shipping fees to EU...more than the product itself
  8. Well, I tried everything to get that dreaded taobao website to work, 3 people around the country and still everyone with the " detected unusual activities on your network", took me days to actually get registered with a real phone number, first time I try to login, account frozen for "very serious reasons", and the only answer I got was to contact their support and show ID cards etc. But the most common suggestion was to have an alipay account verified with which to login without failure.. GuessI'll have to do without the heatsink. Edit: finally discovered how to use it, with agents and such, and managed to purchase it, will see what's what when it gets here, should also get pads.
  9. I still gotta check because I need an account to actually view the product, is everything included? The ssd heatsink and fans for instance.
  10. So tempted to buy that heatsink..but when you wrote it arrived borked and bent I kinda stopped. Wonder if the aliexpress version (375euros with everything included I hope) has better quality..though I doubt it. I suppose the ssd heatsink is separate from that package
  11. thanks a lot, do you happen to remember the pads thickness?
  12. which thermal pads did you end up using? any different measurement from the stock heatsink? You mentioned screws included weren't entirely correct, which one did you end up using? Got any numbers regarding air only temp results? Would also love to know where you purchased it at that price as aliexpress has it much more expensive, thanks for the review!
  13. thanks, i gotta look for what that hybrid watercooler uses then
  14. Cheers, do these apply for the hybrid heatsink as well?
  15. Wonder if this is even accurate, also what "original" means in terms of thickness
  16. see those chessboard-like patterns? those are, for lack of better terms, the famous uneven bits, if you pass your finger on them you'll feel small bumps
  17. I handled x170 heatsinks for years ( I also got 2) and never discovered this. Thanks I also notice your gpu vapor chamber has the nice and lovely bumps that occur when you clean it and polish it with enough force, I gather your gpu temps aren't great either?
  18. Nothing like a new shiny gpu. Speaking of pads: I wanted to get this hybrid heatsink even though I'll likely used with air alone. But I'd like to get new pads for it, is the aliexpress description accurate? (I also hope not to spend 400€ on a heatsink..)
  19. Are you supposed to buy the fans separately? the one I found at aliexpress is (apart from being more than double the price you paid) separated from the fans, not sure how you mount them together.
  20. Yes, I'll do that too. Still does not justify why pcspecialist put a double stacked thermal pad on one of the gpu side, I noticed it time ago. I also need to be careful with sanding. It can bend the vapor chamber
  21. even after cleaning away the LM and replacing it with phobya, same thing's happening Small note, there were 2 double pads on one of the gpu memory sides, dunno why. I should also say that not matter how much I tried, I couldn't restore the entire reddish copper colour on the vapor chamber, used alcohol, the solver I used to remove the stock tim on the cpu and fritz polish afterwards but there are still some uneven bits.
  22. how normal is a gpu hotspot of around 90 to 92 C ? (2080s @0.975 2085Mhz and 10600k) while the gpu temp sits at least 15C below? After many cleansings and changings of LM i'm thinking it's the old stock pads that maybe aren't up to scratch
  23. you guys use a decent fan control software? not exactly a fan of obsidian's ( the reverse dust clearing mode gets borked easily for instance) nor of the stock clevo one
  24. yes indeed, that was my aim and why I wanted the 10700 in the first place, best I could do with this 10600k was around -92mv for stable daily operations, and a more potent cpu would put the x170 to the limit even if delidded and with liquid metal. So you say my best bet would be to wander around forums and try finding sellers then? I checked websites like caseking in germany but they only have the 11900k as pretested ( and at 700 euros to boot), silicon lottery has closed too so no go there either, such a pity
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