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Everything posted by 1610ftw

  1. Sorry, the unlocking I did with the KM-G was done under Windows and with an old Clevo bios from 2021 so not of much help if you cannot get there. I have not tried to unlock the XMG bios as I like it the way it is but you might be able to request an unlock on the bios-mods forum.
  2. So this laptop never worked since you got it? 10100T and RTX3060 and Samsung 2666 should work just fine.
  3. So it worked with the 10100T and it stopped working? Which GPU did you have before?
  4. 10850K here with no issues, using the latest EC and Bios from XMG. What hardware did your KM have when it worked?
  5. So the fans weren't working properly? You may still want to do a "repad" of the CPU and GPU with PTM7950 and also check the thermal pads. I would have very little use for a screen that is only 14" but if there was a laptop with top of the line CPU and a lower end internal GPU that can also connect to an external GPU I would be very interested.
  6. Is that still your Omen? If yes then that is some serious decline in numbers - was it getting too hot before?
  7. The X170 have very good GPU cooling so you may want to look into using PTM7950 - temps may initially be a bit higher than liquid metal but it is reported to last extremely long. I have only used it for maybe a year and have been very happy with it, very consistent. If you use it I'd go for the sheets and not the paste - takes out a lot of the guesswork.
  8. I thought you had it set to 3200 before so it was just a matter of setting it and not waiting for the 3200 to be applied automatically? That sounds pretty good! Regarding the bios message it look it is an issue with all 128GB capable bios versions so I am pretty sure it is not something you can get rid of that easily. The 10G Sabrent adapter works via Thunderbolt, I can tell you that much:
  9. That GPU is cooking, better check what is going on!
  10. You may want to try what happens when you manually set the sticks to 2400 or 2666. Could be that it will boot faster and more reliably if you do that. I would keep the Prema bios and check the other things first. My Thunderbolt also did not work but now it does, at least for my purpose - I just had to change the bios Thunderbolt settings to the first option, something like No security. Here is a more detailed thread on the matter that will help the TB connection to work properly including display and probably without my workaround, I just did not get around to look into this any further: Please note that if you "only" need a display output there are already three direct display outputs on your Clevo and it is unlikely that you will get more than three external monitors running even with Thunderbolt. See my comments above on the GT600.
  11. Strange - mine always reliably boots on 2666 memory speed but then this is with Samsung 2666 memory that seems to play very well with Clevo, Dell and MSI laptops. What kind of 128GB bios did you use was it Dsanke or something else? The 600 seems to be pretty good according to brother @Snowleopard due to its many different fan settings. You'll want to modify or leave off your bottom cover though to get the most out of it as it restricts airflow a lot.
  12. The qtj1 chips will require a modded bios, not sure if that will also support 128GB memory? In any case the ones I found are listed with a base clock of 2.1 and 4.6 turbo boost which seems kind of low to me but they are really cheap, too at around 115$ plus shipping! So maybe worth a try if you get the bios sorted out but it would be easier if they could just trick the Clevo into thinking that the CPU is a 9900K.
  13. It is annoying but as you probably know you can continue to Windows when via the ESC button. Can you please check the total time it takes you to boot into Windows? For me it is 2 minutes with a P775TM1 with a modded version of the latest XMG bios. It is clear that 128GB in these machines does have some issues so it might be an idea to pull all the info together in a dedicated thread as it is really hard to come by this information. I got it running with 4 SSDs, a 9900K, 128GB memory @ 2666 and I can still use Thunderbolt for 10G network but I am not sure how many monitors I could still drive in a multi monitor setting.
  14. First of all it is a much more bitter pill to swallow if a manufacturer of socketed like Clevo goes BGA only but that is not the only issue. There is also a lack of successors that are still top of their class like the Clevos of old. If you look at the threads it is mostly about socketed flagship laptops that are kind of exciting whereas a middling effort like the X370 isn't. With everybody else having gone BGA I would not have blamed Clevo as much for a BGA monster with at least 325W combined CPU and GPU power, up to 192GB memory, 4 SSD slots and an 18" screen but instead we get utter mediocrity that is not even that light weight. If it wasn't for companies like Schenker / XMG and some companies that offer Linux systems with the Clevo chassis they would be completely irrelevant by now.
  15. They also have the Prema bios which will help some. The MSI is performing a lot worse than some of the ones on 3Dmark.com but it is pretty clear that lower memory speeds will always hold it back to a degree - that is the price of having a memory architecture that allows up to 192GB memory. I would like to see MSI or other manufacturers try their hand at liquid cooling as Uniwill / Tongfang with their two memory and two SSD slots and only up to 17" just don't do it for me although their performance obviously is very impressive. OK so I have seen the whole thing now and the MSI results strike me as rather subpar compared to what I have seen elsewhere. Still it is obvious that the water cooling will allow much better performance at moderate noise levels and in a stationary setup this should be the way to go. I just would not want to lug a water cooling solution around on the go so it would have been cool to also find out about the performance without the water cooling.
  16. Looks like Eurocom has done something to the fans for their power supply as early iterations were criticized for fan noise for example at notebookcheck.com. The y-cable is my ticket so to say to take the X170 on the road without the hassle of carrying around a trunk full of cabling and power supplies. That always annoyed me and then there was the chore of extracting the whole assembly from its place in the office which also was rather painful. So it works for my use case and power cables are not something magical and with proper isolation there is not really an issue with having a Y-cable. Maybe at some point SlimQ will even produce one themselves which would be much nicer than having to resort to DIY versions.
  17. Obsidian could at least make the latest versions available again - it is not like people will be able to do much with them without a license.
  18. Glad you got the one where the fan speed can be adjusted! How loud would you say it is approximately when you compare it to the fan noise of the Clevo - like the Clevo at 30% or louder?
  19. OK guys, after a 4 month odyssey from SlimQ to a forwarder, then to me, then to a good friend and now back to me I have finally received my Y-cable for my current X170KM-G (10850K and RTX3060) and it seems to work just fine. I connected it while the laptop was running with three screens and other periphery so I first swapped one connection and then the other just in case but it seems that all went well. I did a quick Cinebench R23 and easily made it to 150W on the CPU alone so I am quite happy as at least with the KM-G not even a reboot seems to be needed. Then I made a quick weight comparison of the two complete power supply combos: combo 1: 2 x 280W original Chicony chargers with cage I really prefer to take the cage with me as it makes a setup on the go a lot cleaner 1 x special Y-power cable to supply two adapters from one socket - that saves a bit of weight over two power cables but the main attraction was to have cleaner cable management and only needing one power socket total weight: 5 lbs combo 2: 1 x SlimQ 330W charger with Y-adapter 1 x power cable total weight: 2 lbs So in the end it is "only" savings of 3 lbs but with a lot less volume and hassle on the go and I also can use the SlimQ with all other laptops that I had / have which over the year are or have been from Clevo, MSI, HP, Lenovo and Dell - very convenient 🙂 Now 330W may be stretching it for hardcore gameplay with the biggest CPUs and GPUs and especially with the SM-G with its 200W 2080 Super and Prema Bios but when stationary one can still continue to use the original combo. Then on the go the SlimQ combo is an option with a not too big power reduction that should still be good for something like 250 to 275W combined CPU and GPU usage which I almost never exceed as I like my laptops to be reasonably quiet and with only air cooling even the X170 gets much too loud for my taste beyond a combined load of 200W so the SlimQ fits my needs just fine.
  20. Happy to help, this is what the forum is for 🙂 In defense of the Eurocom it CAN be had for a lot less on Ebay when there is an occasional auction, but: It would only be for one type of laptop while I wanted something that can at least take five different types of tips and that would have been rather expensive with Eurocom. Also the Eurocom is really big and has fan-based cooling that I am told is rather audible and it is VERY big - all not very helpful for traveling.
  21. Thanks, sounded to me that 200W would have been with a stock card so I thought I may be missing something with my system. Sorry to hear that one card did not survive as these are not the easiest cards to come by! And yes, judging by your signature I would have guessed that you kind of prefer Alienware laptops 😉
  22. Ah, so you had an 8th gen CPU with the 2080, that is of course easy. As you wrote GT75 VR I thought you had started out with a model with an Nvidia 1070 or 1080 as those have a different heatsink array. I have only ever seen these being marketed with the "VR" moniker: I am just puzzled that you could pull that much power from the 2080, mine only ever pulls up to 155W despite overclocking in MSI Afterburner while the Area 51m happily goes up to 200W.
  23. The 780W Eurocom power supply is rather big and noisy, I do not think it is a good alternative. The SlimQ version is nice for traveling as it weighs in at not much more than 2lbs when before the total power supply assembly with its rack and cables was more like 6 lbs. That is a lot of weight and volume that one can save when on the road and it is quiet, too and also charges other devices via two USB-C ports, of course only when the laptop is not already pulling 330W! Just one caveat: It it small and light and therefore can get quite hot, especially when nearing its power limit.
  24. After several crashes suffered by using the worthless Clevo Control Center I had to again search for something different to control fans. So I have in the last weeks tested RLEC Viewer and Clevo Fan Control and I have settled on Clevo Fan Control: At first RLEC viewer seemed to have some advantages as it also supports three fans but I only need support for two and for me it has an annoying glitch where at least in my Clevo X170KM-G the fans go briefly down to zero when they ramp down from one temperature bracket speed to another. They would for example ramp down from the 60° to the 55° bracket and there was always an annoying clicking sound in between when the fans turned off and then on again. So for a two fan chassis I would definitely recommend Clevo Fan Control and use RLECViewer only if needed for Clevos with three fans as the third fan is not recognized by Clevo Fan Control in its current state. So far Clevo Fan Control also seems to work reliably and I always turn it on manually on powering up, same as Throttlestop. I have the program and my CPU and GPU temps (via Throttlestop) in the corner of my task bar to be able to check temps if needed (CPU power only as I am not much of a heavy GPU user): From left to right is: temp Nvidia GPU power uptake CPU temp CPU Fan Control symbol I also like the option to quickly ramp up fans to max or 50% if needed or to give control back to the Clevo Default, all via right click on the fan control signal.
  25. This is what it also says with 2.4.9 fan control: So pretty much looks like the latest to me. I have in the last weeks tested RLEC Viewer and Clevo Fan Control and I have settled on Clevo Fan Control: At first RLEC viewer seemed to have some advantages but it has an annoying glitch where at least in my Clevo X170KM-G the fans go briefly down to zero when they ramp down, so they would for example ramp down from 20 to 18% with an annoying clicking sound in between. So for a two fan chassis I would recommend Clevo Fan Control and RLECViewer only for Clevos with three fans as the third fan is not recognized by Clevo Fan Control in its current state.
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