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Everything posted by 1610ftw

  1. I think that the heat sink still isn't big enough to dissipate even more heat, it just isn't that much metal there to make a big difference when both CPU and GPU are running. It would be interesting to know how high you can go with only the CPU running something like CB R23 multi core as it is very well possible that this design lends itself well to CPU heavy loads with little GPU involvement. For more improvements in heavy gaming I would probably go for the water cooled version as that should run a lot cooler and most important more quiet but at least right now that isn't very tempting considering price and complexity of such a solution.
  2. The whole argument is not about profitability any more for a certain product or even excellence at a possible cost of losing a bit money on a flagship product - yes, companies did that - but it is about pandering to a certain lower denominator above which nobody shall rise any more. The 250W ceiling that EVERYBODY adheres to looks very much as if it is something that came about due to some backroom deals between manufacturers who do not want to compete any more for performance but for the most RGB glitz and who has the thinnest and the sleekest with the smallest screen bezels.
  3. @bodosko - that GT75 is a magnificent machine, will be hard to top that design and connectivity and say goodbye to 4 memory and storage slots each unless you get the last gen GT77. Sad current trends of slimming and dumbing down laptops aside the last generation MSI units can be about as non-flashy as it gets when you take the Vector or GE76/77 and even the GT77. If a 3070Ti with 1080p is enough you could get the GP76 if you want to move up to QHD take the GE76 if you want a better CPU, too and QHD that would then be a case for the GE77 more memory and storage options and more quiet cooling? take the GT77 To my knowledge you can switch off all RGB on all of these and I have tested this myself on the GT77 that can be configured to have no RGB lighting at all. The MSI units have a number of benefits and you know them so not sure if you want to look into other designs. If you do look at others maybe go for Tongfang / Uniwill that are sold by Eluktroniks and others like Cyberpower. You even have a water cooling option for them and they can be configured to look very plain. Eluktroniks has @Prema modded options which may be interesting but I am not quite sure if that would still be in the 2500$ upper limit of your budget. Please not that their screens are 17" and therefore more narrow but in return you get some added height and an overall slightly bigger screen. Legion has some understated looking models when it comes to the case and so do HP it seems but both to my knowledge miss the easy bios overclocking abilities of the MSI and they do not really have something like the easily adjustable fans that you find on MSI units including cooler boost so if you are coming from MSI that may be a consideration. If you are looking for something understated that does not break the bank for this generation you may want to look at the 18" Acer with an 18" screen. The Asus units are interesting only when you do not mind that they scream I AM A GAMER which is rather unfortunate. If you can live with that the G18 with a 4070 or 4080 could be interesting.
  4. Looks to me as if you have a bad implementation of LM. Do the fans ramp up when you run CB23 and what is your single run and 10Min. result? What is your graphics score on 3Dmark? Around 13.5K or better would be a decent result and nothing to be ashamed of.
  5. Have you checked how much life is left in your battery? My son has a battery that is essentially dead in his P870. It probably was constantly charged to 100% and that killed it. Now it does not even last long enough to go with it from one room to the next. Apart from not having a charging technology that properly preserves the battery It looks to me as if Clevo did not really make much of an effort to save energy in these desktop replacement designs. It is clear that the Intel desktop processor is not the issue with consumption below 5W in my case and less in yours yet total system power consumption is around 30W even without a dGPU. That is way too much and just not a very good design when it comes to energy efficiency and given a 96Wh capacity of the battery. To be able to comfortably use the X170 for about 4 hours and taking into account that we do not want to deep discharge or overcharge the battery 20W seems like a desirable number but it is far removed from the power that the X170 really needs.
  6. I am using a 10850K and it is now using 3W in iGPU mode while playing a YouTube video. Looks like the iGPU mode and 60Hz refresh for the 1080p panel are helping to stretch use to about three hours. Wifi is switched on, bluetooth is switched off and brightness is at 20%. Still not great but good enough to get some use out of battery mode. I did not try to kill a bunch of processes or other exotic stuff just a battery optimized energy mode and a battery optimized Throttlestop mode with turbo boost deactivated which is still plenty. Throttlestop tells me that the CPU is at slightly less than 40°C and at 3W according to the info icons in the tray, this has been confirmed by HWmonitor.
  7. IQ test as in you are stupid if you are buying it instead of a currently much cheaper 3070Ti laptop 😄 Of course this is not completely true as there may be other reasons for getting a laptop that has this GPU like a superior CPU and/or a bigger screen.
  8. Has anybody checked battery life with the unlocked bios and found a good combination of bios/other settings that would significantly increase battery life? I am currently running my KM-G with supposedly only the iGPU and still the battery does not last for more than two hours with a bit of youtube playback which frankly is pathetic when the CPU itself only consumes between 3 to 6W of power - there must be a lot of power consumption going on elsewhere.
  9. Very thorough review showing a bunch of disappointing scores for the 4070 compared to the 3070 Ti and also what is the reason for it. The subs are pretty good and it's definitely worth a watch.
  10. It is possible that one of these will turn up in the Alienware m18 but indeed Intel seems to have covered pretty much all flagship designs with their 13900/950/980HX. Maybe it will turn up in one or more of the upcoming workstations from HP or others.
  11. Yep, the 4070 is a meh upgrade over the 3070Ti but if the price is right it still is better than the 4060 and 4050. I would not be surprised if Intel and certain companies struck a deal where those companies have to buy a certain minimum number of 13980HX to be able to use them. I think that XMG has alluded to that somewhere. This would also mean that they have to go into a higher number of laptops which for a change is good for the end user.
  12. If they had a workstation version with more memory and storage slots and a less hideous look I would be very interested. Even the keyboard with its extra keys is quite nice - always liked that. The screen / resolution combo is the best one for me right now and so are noise levels according to people who have used it. There is a 13980HX / 4060 and a 13650HX / 4050 option which makes the 4060 option interesting for people who just want the top of the line CPU. Edit: Looks like the 13980HX is also paired with the 4050 in the US - wow!
  13. Don't worry, you are among friends here. Many of us remember better days when it comes to laptops and for those of us the current situation is kind of depressing and Nvidia trying to sell us a 4080 chip in a laptop as a 4090 is silly. Misleading naming conventions aside there will be a lot of power to be had in the top units, no reason to not be happy with that if that is what you need, if not go with a desktop for better bang for the buck. Looking at the first incoming results from this laptop generation it looks like for QHD the 4080 will be good enough and for 4K even the 4090 will be borderline so I would go with the 4080 if I was into mobile gaming and considering that the 4070 has turned out to be quite the disappointment.
  14. It has been explained here and in other threads that laptops used to have higher TDPs, more memory and storage slots and they were also more modular. No need for people to delude themselves into thinking that laptops couldn't be better as clearly they could be. Subpar GPUs are probably the biggest hindrance to greatness followed by a combination of slim and light and abandonement of socketed GPUs and CPUs. Those developments were not necessary for all laptops and there was a market for bigger and higher perfomance units until AMD, Nvidia and Intel stopped supporting socketed designs and all of that was accelerated by the thin and light trend that now means we do not even get thicker BGA books any more.
  15. 4050 to 4070 being so gimped that more power does not do anything for them is ridiculous and almost amounts to false advertising - why advertise a TGP of 140W if you only have 100 or 105W when it counts? Nvidia better address that! A 4080 laptop for 2500 and a 4090 laptop for 3000 aren't that bad compared to the last generation so I will not be too harsh there. What annoys me more is that these are hardly what I would call proper DTRs any more and the workstations that could fill in will usually be power limited and/or gimped with regard to things like undervolting, power limits or fan control, not to forget the memory money grab from Dell. I was really looking forward to an 18" laptop with a powerful CPU and a middle of the road GPU but I also want storage and memory in sufficient quantities and those thin and light laptops just don't offer it and overall are hard to take seriously.
  16. Must have missed that indeed. I wonder how they manage to use maximum power in Furmark then and to what effect - heating up the room in winter?
  17. Nvifdia would not be to blame for 5000$ + prices but they would be to blame if they offer their "4090" mobile chip at 4090 desktop prices. They are also to blame for not allowing a higher TGP in laptops - let customers and manufacturers decide. And what is it with crippling of the 4050, 4060 and 4070 - talk about deceiving the customer and manufacturers: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Nvidia-s-TDP-values-for-the-RTX-4050-4060-and-4070-Laptop-do-not-matter-for-gaming.698161.0.html I like how they limited power for both Time Spy and gaming so that people get a pretty good idea about the gaming performance while running Time Spy - You think you have a 140W GPU laptop but the max that your GPU is really using is 100 to 105W - can't make that up!
  18. For comparison I would like to see how much CPU power can really be sustained at a certain temperature limit with something like a 30 minute Cinebench run. For example the MSI GT77 chassis can sustain up to about 150W in such a test for 30 minutes without additional cooling and with stock TIM and at 95 degree prochot. That is quite good imo and not too far away from what I have seen from the X170KM-G in stock configuration. I would be interested to hear how much higher the X170 can go with: - everything stock and regular tim - delidding - different tims including liquid metal - aftermarket heatsink with air cooling - aftermarket heatsink with air and water cooling Both are also unbearably noisy with fans at max so it is a shame that we cannot also standardize noise levels, but then there are other variables that we cannot account for either so looking at the numbers that we can control could be a start. I am not that interested in GPU performance but I already noticed that Nvidia seems to regulate GPUs to a much higher degrees than Intel does CPUs so comparing CPUs probably would be easier.
  19. OK, it was only 2 x 190W: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Eurocom-Sky-X9C-i7-8700K-GTX-1080-SLI-Clevo-P870TM1-G-Laptop-Review.274230.0.html#toc-7 The Witcher stresstest went up to over 450W power consumption: Here are some power consumption vs performance numbers: Excellent performance down to 270W and still good performance at 220W so at around 225 to 275W we should be looking at something like 80 to 90% of stock performance.
  20. There are limits to what can be done but we have gone down from up to 2 x 200W for GPUs to 1 x 175W - manufacturers could do better than that. Also even at 250W a 4090 that actually uses the 4090 desktop chip could achieve at least 80% of the performance of its desktop counterpart and often more.
  21. To be honest the mobile CPUs are pretty good - it is the GPUs that stink compared to what we can get in a desktop.
  22. The GT77 is a rather bad example as it is hideously expensive but you will probably be able to find other models that will at least give you stable 30K and 21K respectively at a lower price. I would guess that you can sell your 3080 for not much less than you paid for it, didn't you get a great deal? As for the Clevo DTRs being overrated they have certain characteristics not found in most or even no laptops today so if someone seeks that they are still valid choices. If you only need something fast with little modularity / serviceability and normal memory / storage than you can obviously do better by now - that is just progress and it so happens that the last two years first saw a big jump in CPU performance and then another one and now also a big jump in GPU performance.
  23. Yes of course it is not an everyday demand but they are not called DTR's for nothing 😄 As for SSDs this is approximately the German price at the moment if you want a total of 8TB of decent performance TLC SSD and taking into account regular deals: 4 x 2TB: ca. 400 2 x 4TB: ca. 800 1 x 8TB: ca. 1100 So there you have it - savings and potential expansion to 20TB+ total at a later point 🙂
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