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Everything posted by Reciever

  1. My thoughts as well. That all being said its easy to look at AMD as the underdog story considering where they are coming from performance wise but that hardship was a result of their own decisions at the time. Im interested in AMD's next move mostly for how screwed we could be lol Intel is hopefully going to stick to their guns and keep investing into the GPU space. Keep hearing about how their done but that all seemed to be second hand.
  2. There is kool-aid for all stripes, each have their failings. Intel held things back for a decade, AMD tries to position itself as the crown when its not, Nvidia comes with baggage from the top and the loss of a prized AIB because they prefer to act like Apple.
  3. Looking forward to it! Might be easier if done in a new thread as well :)
  4. Adapt or die, and its looking like its about time to pick up the soldering iron and rework stations :)
  5. The limit per upload is 5MB and 50MB per post. I have bumped it up to 250MB for the remainder of the day to make it a little easier but I will return it to 50MB at that time :)
  6. I had no issue uploading 25+ pictures to the forum so if you're willing to put in the time I am sure it will work out on that front :)
  7. Annoying. I know I am not the majority here but I have been using a 3090 on my 550w psu just fine. Mind you, I have tuned the gpu to 1v and may take it back further if needed. I have pulled ip to 375w and my house hasn't burned down yet. Now we have on the horizon where I could have a similar scenario and if the manufacturer decides to be aggressive it wouldn't surprise me if it simply doesn't turn on at all. Could you imagine if GPU's simply won't accept all the power your sending it, because it wasn't the right brand or the right sku? Micro and laptop systems still experience issues of not being able to identify ID chips to tell the EC what is available to it. I tangle with this for work on the daily. Unless I'm misreading things, it has been a somber day for me.
  8. I just got my hands on a p157sm-a recently, plan to use it for my intro into Linux :) Welcome to the forum!
  9. Fill out the template, we need more information before anyone can suggest something.
  10. Spot on. @bendella Thats why generally speaking I dont mind where people post if a given topic doesnt fall directly in line with a sub-forum, it can always be moved later. If we create a bunch of sub-forums with little to no activity then it gives the appearance to people passing by that the forum is dead or dying when truthfully considering the age of this forum, couldnt be further from the truth. Its like passing by a Grocery store, if it looks empty, under normal circumstances most would just keep going until they find a store that looks like it has inventory. So if you want to make a thread but unsure of where it should go, just get it going and if it needs to be moved now or later, we will take care of it as needed.
  11. Im not sure miners would be on board unless they are buying simply in the hopes of someone else unlocking its potential assuming LHR out of the box. The current launch is not very interesting to me, what is more interesting at present is how AMD will respond. If its same/similar performance but at the same pricing then I suppose that makes things easier since I wouldnt be looking at either one lol Though to be perfectly honest I havent had the time to play any games lately anyways, between carpooling and reallocating other PC's / cleaning up the cards I just got gaming went straight to nil.
  12. I dont think anyone is authentically surprised with the pricing. The market told Nvidia they can essentially charge what they want. Depressing.
  13. Welcome to the forums @Goyo looking forward to seeing you around the neighborhood
  14. Well then, I am glad that my current hardware gets me across the finish line lol
  15. Well if amd follows suit then my outlook on anything new will be locked into an disinterested state regardless of vendor, I'll start looking at old stuff for some fun. Though I already am I guess :/ lol
  16. I like the idea, looks like we will need a little shake-up to make things fit for peripherals, mobile / handhelds. Its on my list for consideration probably over this weekend.
  17. I hope they work out well for you :) Think I still have 16GB of it in my t440p
  18. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255734672297?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=6huhU75tRdy&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=FySCCas2SSG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Just make sure it's ddr3
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