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Everything posted by srs2236

  1. How am I expected to cool the CPU?!?! Also, as soon as the package TDP falls below 180W the CPU starts downlocking itself from 5GHz. yikes... This is with -0.130v undervolt in 1pass of Cinebench r23:
  2. You were right! I had to wait a long time to finally hunt down a keyboard for a reasonable price. They are literally unavailable unless you buy from aliexpress for a hefty 100GBP price. I was able to hunt down a spares/repairs listing for P751 and even though it was not for parts I wrote a message offering 75 for the keyboard alone and he accepted. Anyways, you were right about the LED wear overtime. I got lucky on this one and for the first time I finally see the full spectrum of colors from my keyboard! 😃 Now just have to stop playing Rocket League on my main keyboard because I am scared of them failing now. This is my 3rd keyboard for my P775 over 1year of usage... =D yikes And oddly enough both of them failed in exact same fashion. D key stopped registering strokes slowly until completely dying out for one and the other just sometimes worked but most of the time didn't. I think it has something to do with a lot of key strokes during Rocket League =D Also funny how I upgrade this machine and try to push it to the limits and end up spending most of my time playing Rocket League xD
  3. My 9900KS is capable of all core 5.1GHz at -50mV. The thing is though, to maintain that 5.1GHz a lot of power is needed and at only -50mV the CPU goes in to thermal throttling before the PC can really take advantage of the 5.1GHz... So I don't know what else to optimize in my PC other than just improve the cooling somehow which will definately translate to better performance. At the moment I think I am going to look into maybe having a bit bigger undervolt on my CPU but I'm not sure if that is possible. (Currently stable with -115mV)
  4. Well, with the GPU there is no problems what so ever. The CPU on the other hand... Well, it averages 100W and tends to thermal throttle a bit depending on the game, but still the clocks are 4.8GHz average if I had to guess. For example during Fire Strike it had PL2 active and had 143W drawn for Core. It survived the Fire Strike without dropping clocks, but in normal scenario in game it would never be able to sustain 143W on the heatsink that I have.
  5. Successfully modified the bios to get rid of inf mod necessity and to correctly recognize the card in bios settings: GeForce Experience now shows notifications for new drivers and drivers from NVIDIA website install without problems. This is really nice as even when Windows 11 did the update from 21H2 to 22H2 I had to reinstall drivers again with inf mod and driver signature disabling etc and it is just pain. So now this is not an issue + automatic updates. This was achieved by altering the Device ID. The subsys part now reports same ID as X170KM-G. G-Sync at the moment is still not working. I personally think it's probably possible to get it back if the mods are done correctly, maybe some parts of code need to be borrowed from X170KM-G bios. I am not sure. But at the moment I am leaving it like it is as I don't really care that much about g-sync for internal panel. Also Dynamic Boost is still not working. I don't have the slightest clue if it even is possible to get it working with some mods or not (would be nice to run the card at 165W). When I will have time, I will make a quick YouTube tutorial video on how to modify P775 bios to make it compatible with 30 series cards for anyone who might need it in future. It is not hard and requires only some hex edits in two of the bios modules.
  6. I did it!!!! I am so happy! A completely different module needed modifications that were untouched in your modified BIOS. Not sure why the P775 and P870 work differently, but hey, glad that I got it working! Huge thanks for @runix18 for telling me that it is possible and giving me a starting point and @ViktorV for showing actual proof of it working. After like 10 if not more hours of bios modding and flashing finally got it working =D
  7. Hi! I tried it and unfortunately it just doesn't work. At this point I am convinced that to make it work on P775TM1-G there is some other workaround necessary. I tried making changes to the modules for my P775 and it wouldn't change the Device-ID no matter what. In the end I literally transplanted the whole nvidia driver modules (dxe, pei, smm) from your modded P870TM bios to my P775TM. Suprisingly enough, while very buggy (flickering screen, BIOS corruption, internal panel very dim) it actually works, I can boot into windows, drivers doesn't crash, HDMI output to my TV works perfectly. However, the Device-ID STILL DOESN'T CHANGE!!!!!!! :@ xD Pictures with the P870 driver modules in my P775: So unless the modifications for the Device ID are done elsewhere in the BIOS, the same modifications that have been done to your P870 nvidia module does absolutely nothing atleast in my case for my P775 and an RTX 3080. Maybe, I am missing out on something? Could you ask if its possible for that enthusiast to have a look on my P775 BIOS? I would even pay for a successful mod. And if indeed there were different modules modified, another BIOS dump from you before the RTX 30 series support was added would be helpful for me. Thanks!
  8. Please do! Send me in DM's your BIOS if you can! Will try and have a look 😃
  9. That's cool! Do you think similar thing could be done for the P775TM1-G aswell? I tried, but didn't succeed.
  10. Maybe the chipset died/malfunctioned? That's the first thing that comes to my mind, because of the SSD failure. It's controlled by the chipset. I assume on normal Z370 motherboards the chipset is cooled with proper heatsink, but on the P775 it's cooled using a 4mm thermal pad against the metal chassis which is kind of a joke and not actual cooling. Both of you with your failed machines have me getting very anxious about my P775TM1-G 😬😬😬
  11. Nice find, thanks! But can't I just use one of these? (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002211991684.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2a95984dAb8lz5&algo_pvid=9656c590-9309-4eef-bfc1-683bc277f070&algo_exp_id=9656c590-9309-4eef-bfc1-683bc277f070-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000019285628106"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!GBP!7.34!7.34!!!!!%402100bdec16650656325058775e1bfc!12000019285628106!sea&curPageLogUid=NshHfbYta5pO) Or is it still going to be too short and I have to buy a new special cable?
  12. Hi! Thanks for all the very cool info you have been spreading around lately. I have a question for you if you don't mind. Do you think I can install this B173ZAN03.3 4K 120Hz display in my P775TM1-G Clevo? I had a look, but I think the mounting of the panel is different than the one I currently have in my P775. (It's a 4K 60Hz panel for reference, hopefully you know it) Thanks!
  13. Yeah, this is exactly the reason why I am scared to do it... It requires skill and experience that I don't have =D
  14. I know it would be much better but I am scared to solder those shims to the heatsink as I have never done anything like this before. The K5 Pro is alright but damn is it a big mess. I wish it would be soldered... Actually, the ones I am using is 1mm but I could use like 1.5mm shims soldered to the heatsink and then the heat transfer would be excellent. But as I said I have never done this. I do have a dremel, soldering station with hot air, but I am scared because of the horror stories of heatpipes bursting during soldering process. And this heatsink has heatpipes litterally everywhere. Even one dedicated to the VRM area. Ideally I would want to solder like a 1.5mm if not 2mm copper shim to the VRM area aswell. In order to get some heat transfer from the VRMS I need to use a 2.5mm thermal pad which is more like a joke in terms of effective VRM cooling. The VRMs are actually crucial for me to do something about it as in the future I am planning to shunt mod (possibly volt mod??) the card to raise the power somewhere along the lines of 180W-200W. Not sure what realistically is possible but seeing that they had a 200W card for the RTX2080 Super I assume it might be possible? I don't think they used different VRM ic's or did they? About the BIOS mod - how would I achieve this? From my understanding the Device ID is made of two parts. First is the laptops specific ID which in my case is like some string for P775TM and the other half is a string for the GPU part in my case 3080. Because these two were never meant to be together it is not in the geforce driver list? So, would I need a BIOS mod to spoof my PC as a X170KM-G? Or does it work differently? Feel free to correct me if I am wrong as I'm just speculating... Also, did the images work for you? As a lot of people said they are broken, but I found that if you sometimes refresh the page they do load in, just slowly... I havent found the time to migrate to a better image hoster. Would be happy to hear back from you and thanks for your reply.
  15. Benchmark scores from UserBenchmark for GPU, CPU and RAM. (Couldn't finish SSD as it is too full at the moment) I know this thread is more about the GPU but included everything else just in case somebody is interested. And for a comparison here is my results with my old RTX 2080:
  16. HOLD UP! 10th gen CPU on Z370 chipset? Care to explain please? I understand it's mobile SKU and engineering sample but still. 10th gen?!?!?! Very cool stuff!
  17. Any plans of trying to overclock the card? For me after many failed OC attempts +90 on the core seems stable and +250 on the memory. Nice to see improvements though!
  18. The heatsink is unified, if CPU temps get higher it impacts the GPU temps aswell. It is to be expected in your scenario I believe.
  19. Can confirm upgradeyourlaptop is legit and safe. Bought my RTX 3080 from them arrived very nicely packaged, no import fees (atleast in UK) and it was brand new unopened.
  20. Shouldn't be an EC issue as I had before older EC version while having latest BIOS and fans ran perfectly fine. Maybe something to do with the dsanke BIOS. What's special about the dsanke BIOS anyways? Mine is just on unlocked default clevo BIOS. Am I missing out on something?
  21. Tests ran at max fan speed, because that's how I have it always when I benchmark it or play games. Used same benchmark as you mentioned. GPU core is +90, Mem is at 2000MHz (instead of original 1750MHz). At Idle the difference between hotspot and core is usually 5-6c for me. But I noticed this behaviour across the board, it's always like 5-6C most of the time. this is at 4k optimized: 8k optimized: Maybe I have misunderstood something? Why does yours run so hot? Don't you run them at full fan speeds? I can redo them if they need to be done in a specific way.
  22. Damn, okay, I will redo it when I have time. Thanks for the feedback though.
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