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Everything posted by srs2236

  1. I don't think G-Sync alone can make for a smoother experience over a 3080 without G-Sync but that might be subjective topic. I wouldn't recommend the 3080 over the 2080 you have just because it doesn't make sense performance wise. I really understood that the performance difference was too small only once I got it. And to respond about the G-Sync mods - yeah hardware is not the problem, but unless you have some secret BIOS update that can fix that, it will require someone who has really good understanding of how G-Sync verification on laptops work. From my little understanding not only there are some cookies or whatever encrypted in the BIOS for each specific display panel, there are also hardware checks on the NVIDIA drivers themselves. Put simply, to bring it back to life would be a pain in the ass. And I don't think it would be worth it anyways. Like, I am thinking of getting a new panel for my Clevo and I can guarantee I will never ever see G-Sync support on a panel that was not originally shipped with the P775TM1-G. There might be a way to restore G-Sync for the original panels that were officially supported but definately not for new ones that are not in the list. If somebody can make a proper BIOS mod so that the 3080 gets spoofed as 2080 G-Sync model maybe it would work.
  2. Yeah, about 6 minutes in OCCT it starts throwing errors for me too. Thing is with my tREFI being so high it might be temperature related. I recently added a homemade heatsink for the RAM under back cover. I ran it till the first error, turned off PC unscrewed all the screws for back cover and then put my finger on the RAM stick to see how hot it is. The result - I couldn't leave my finger on it longer than 2 seconds because it was burning hot. I suspect while 1.45v is doing good things for stability under light load it is doing the opposite under heavy loads like stress tests. The RAM starts to overheat heavily and starts throwing errors. That could explain how I haven't had any memory related crash since I stuck with my timings like 5 or 6 months ago. I might be able to confirm this as I am still thinking of ways to improve my RAM cooling. It is very hard to add any kind of cooling for the RAM under they keyboard as there is no space for any copper heatsink. But I have some ideas. About the drivers - it is a tough question... I believe I haven't looked for specific drivers except for audio drivers I have installed cracked version of Realtek drivers for Dolby Surround sound support. And the rest I think I have updated using a tool called SDI Tool. I like it as it is simple and works well for any sort of driver update. You can get it from here - https://sdi-tool.org/ For the RST EFI driver and OROM - well you need to have your BIOS dumped first. Download the latest versions from wherever you can find them (best source for this would be https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/intel-efi-raiddriver-bios-modules/23689). Then you can use the UBU Tools for replacing them in your BIOS file. UBU Tools is a pretty straight forward command line application that can do some BIOS mods easily for you without hassle. Search it on google and I am sure you will find it. After that you just flash your BIOS back to your machine and you are set! If I was you and really wanted the most of my machine I would invest in a cheap CH431a programmer and next time when doing cleaning or disassembly of the laptop I would just either solder wires to the BIOS chip or just make case mod so that it can be accessed and flashed without much trouble and dissasembly of the laptop. Only then you can truly experiment with any kind of BIOS and modifications etc. For this reason I never guarantee nothing in software as to be honest I have never used software flashing so don't even know with what to start with lol.
  3. 180MHz overclock on Core?!?! Is it stable? =D That's a bit of a insane overclock. I also ran my memory at 2000MHz for almost since I got it but I think it recently led to some instablity in Fortnite with the new engine and I had to turn it down by 25MHz to get stable (for now anyway).
  4. What I don't understand is why haven't anyone made an EGPU setup through one of the P870 MXM slots... No major PCI-E bottleneck there. For M.2 and Thunderbolt, nobody should ever bother with it unless its some extreme edge case where it actually makes sense, but 99% of the time it won't. (Coming from someone who put his heart and soul in trying to make EGPU setups be actually worthwhile)
  5. The X170KM-G comes with two 280W power supplies with total of 560W power. Nice job though!
  6. And yeah once you switch to RST, and go to create RAID volume all data on them are lost. So you kinda have to reinstall Windows or use Acronis and another storage medium to restore old backup.
  7. You can migrate with Acronis but you will need atleast another storage medium like atleast one SATA HDD or SSD. Yeah, you switch in BIOS from AHCI to RST and then create RAID0 volume in BIOS. Then just install Windows and install latest RST software. I have updated my RST modules in my BIOS to the latest revisions. In my BIOS I have: Intel-RST_EFI-RaidDriver_v18.31.3.5434 Intel-RST_RAID-ROM_v18.35.0.4635 These are the latest I think that you can get for P775. And on Windows currently I have: I am not sure if there are performance differences between RST versions, but sometimes some claim there are. Oh, and these are my settings (fastest, but at the same time riskiest):
  8. Yes it is software. Well, I will try to find some of my benchmark results if I can and post them here. I did lots of testing and with the right settings (also the riskiest) there is a performance improvement in *synthetic* benchmarks, about real world - I have no idea xD. Probably no improvement, I wouldn't know and honestly as long as synthetic are better i don't care =D edit - found one: Impossible to achieve without RAID. Same Bench results as some PCI-E 4.0 drives. edit2 - found another one, it is not labeled so I am not sure if this is the correct one for the final Kingston RAID but I think so:
  9. Actually I might be wrong here. Just first send me your GPU-Z screenshot and if you have the GPU-Z screenshot of your old GPU in the computer. I just checked eBay eurocom offers the BIOS and a card for exactly P775TM1-G so it has to be doable: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/113868206417?hash=item1a8312f151:g:nW8AAOSwAH1dZZmy&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoNrLkGHEynG4Pgl9gEoeOP3ibvrZCYbMV0%2BvHWrQZFEwYoSoRSqnh%2F20mSChPDQfVjTJUbxnKE9%2FlCVb0qOfEXtG0x4pjnTbw1Xvk2w7vj7AqawduT0sJ5nTp3lS80RDlr78gN3HNzlbN1ruutDqOa8yfYH5GDKR1YHW9pR8%2BCb34nl1%2FxKbg4xv67aP79DPgcREBz%2BPiHq6HTv7s54zGc0%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7z_7du2YQ
  10. Hi! I can help you, send me a dump of your BIOS. And also a GPU-Z screenshot+the exact deviceID of your P5000. I need to have it in full. (also telling me from which laptop the P5000 is will do) edit: Unless the P5000 vendor is Clevo I believe it is impossible to add BIOS support for it unfortunately. And I doubt it's from Clevo.
  11. To be honest in real world it might be even a loss and just another problem for the CPU like you say... But I have a problem with seeing bigger numbers so.. =D And it is like this - latency gets a hit but read and write speeds are definitely better than without RAID.
  12. Bro to be fair it definitely is not. It's not that great. Better save that money for future years to buy a BGA beast in the future.
  13. And well performance the difference can be felt, but its not as big as I would like it to be. However one of the games that I could feel the most was Warzone for some reason. Maybe because of the VRAM? As that game sucks up all 16GB without hesitation.
  14. Hi! Do you have a hardware flasher and easy access to BIOS chip? If so I can help you with the actual BIOS. I can make your current BIOS support it. There was one already out in the wild though. I believe it was dsankes BIOS with 3080 support. It was in one of the threads here. Up to you which suits you better.
  15. Played around with afterburner and found this!!! While playing Rocket League (didn't have time to test anything else) the Core 6 on average had like +17c more degrees than all other cores! (Rest of the cores was like +-4c between themselves) How can it be so bad? I had noticed this aswell in XTU where my CPU had thermal throttling even though just one core was on 99c and others were lower like 90 or something. I would understand Rocket League using just one core but then why isn't it the 1st core instead of the 6th one? And its all the time like 17c difference and thats just too much... Anyone experienced something like this? I think it definately shouldn't be like this.
  16. I think I remember this bug. You should try to uninstall CC, and uninstall XTU. Then install XTU and afterwards install CC. See if this helps. Also make sure XTU is enabled in BIOS.
  17. For me they don't interfere at all. I am using this version:
  18. Could there be a chance you are experiencing same things as them?
  19. These are my actual timings in the BIOS: Actually, maybe the timing difference what you can't achieve now is purely due to the fact I have 9900KS and its a little bit better binned? (Possibly better IMC) Because I have something in my memory that I couldn't achieve the timings I have now with my old 9900K... I use intel XTU but, you need to enable Realtime Memory Timing as you see in my BIOS and then more options for realtime timing changes appear in Intel XTU. If watchdog doesnt get violation with your new settings XTU will apply the setting on bootup.
  20. So have you tried my timings? I can give you exactly how I have, I have computer at the moment. Of course you can keep the tRAS at 34 if you wish. At the moment you and I have almost exact same timings =D I wonder if we both are limited by motherboard and not the sticks themselves. Also, is it rev.E dual rank or rev.B single rank? Your new kit. I think the only kit that can beat the ballistix is the Samsung B-die G-Skill 3800/4000 and Corsair 3800/4000 sticks but those are so fricking extremely rare that its almost impossible to get.
  21. Did you increase voltage to 1.45v? If so, does your RAM even post with 1.5v? Mine doesn't unfortunately and I don't know why. But this is very nice, especially for non Ballistix memory sticks =D rev.E rules for frequency. Maybe not for timings but for frequency its good. Happy for you, you have same primaries as me =D If i put 16 tRCD and tRP instant BSOD.. =D CL of course doesn't even train on 13. And then the tRAS is up to debate so good job!! I had same like you, in the beginning my laptop could barely train the 3200. After I found the right slots it would sometimes train 3333 but not 3300 xD Funny, I actually wanted to mention to you to try to train on 133 reference clock instead of 100. And then the add odd function or whatever it was. However, now after running it for so long with this OC, it also trains 3400 for the first time pretty much always but never works after reset. I still want to look in to the command rate and if thats not possible I want to try something similar to the motherboard of my P775 like this guy did to his desktop motherboard:
  22. I actually use both, but the Control Center I use only for fan adjustment. I think I have mine set to performance all the time because my CPU is always at 5GHz no matter the load. I use XTU for everything else. Mostly for statistics about my CPU. When I do CPU overclocking or something I first test with XTU and when I have found stable values I make them permanent in BIOS. If you enable Real Time Memory Changes in BIOS (or it was named something similiarly) you can make RAM timing changes on the fly in XTU, even the Tertiary timings. This option is available only in unlocked BIOS or the dsanke BIOS for example. If you have no hardware flasher, I actually have one BIOS from personal collection that I could send you. It was made specifically for me and it was latest BIOS but just unlocked and flashable through windows. I have a PCSpecialist model so beware, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. I hate that the BIOS is half broken for memory overclocking. For example, have you noticed that it is impossible to switch command rate to 1 (CR2 is defaulted no matter the choice). On unlocked BIOS you have the menus for Tertiary timings but none of them actually do anything, you can set whatever values you want they dont stick. Then there is the weird 3400 bug. Like I am 99% certain 3400 would work if the "Retrain on Fast boot failure" (or something like that) actually would work. You can choose disabled or enabled it makes no difference. Broken entries that change nothing. They are there but they have 0 impact. I do have one more trick up my sleeve, I am thinking of downloading ThaiphoonBurner again and try writing a new XMP profile on my Ballistix. And in the new profile I can customize the timings even more. For example first thing I would like to see if it will accept command rate 1. Even though the BIOS doesnt register the change maybe it will read correctly from SPD (XMP) and apply it correctly. Sorry for my rant🤣
  23. Yeah, I was not sure about the tRAS. Somehow, from my testing, I saw a latency decrease from running it at 32 instead of 34. Also, I have seen formulas not only like you say tRCD+tRP, but also tRAS=tRCD+4+tWR (32 if you put my values in) and tRAS=tCL+tRCD (31 if you put my values in). I would leave it even at 31 but at 31 it starts to BSOD for me with memory_managment errors. Which seems weird if it automatically defaults to sum of tRCD+tRP then why become unstable? Try it yourself, I am curious about your results. When I get home I will also double check. But I am pretty sure that it was an improvement because I did very rigid RAM OC testing, even buying new sticks just to try to OC and stuff. This was my best result:
  24. I am not home anymore so can't share timings, but I found an old post of mine on reddit, this should have all the same timings as I have now. I doubt that your motherboard is better than mine, I would like to believe the tolerances between them would be smaller. I think that when I changed my 9900K for 9900KS there was a change in RAM OC headroom. I remember that I could lower my timings even lower than before. So it might be CPU affected. But it to be honest shouldn't be. Maybe it's a case of how well the CPU can manage bad signals or something because on desktop the i9-9900k shreds at RAM oc. Also, I just noticed my 4th Slot has some pretty serious burn damage only god knows from where😂😂 so so much for a good mobo. Luckily it was only ground pin but still odd. I will be adding a heatsink to that ram though, so hopefully the temperatures will go down. About the screen, the 4K is nice for anything but gaming. For gaming it is absolute trash. Ok maybe some story games but absolutely not for competetive games like Warzone. Stick with your 1080p panel. Me myself I use a portable 240Hz asus monitor. Also 1080p.
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