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Everything posted by Aaron44126

  1. Presenting: NBRCHIVE — a static, read-only archive of the NotebookReview forum. (Super early version.) Along with myself, @Sandy Bridge, @Reciever, and @Hiew have been involved in this project. I'll give extra props to @Sandy Bridge who brought along a tool specifically designed to pull data from XenForo forums. Without that, we would have been basically left with HTTrack, which takes way longer... and much less of the forum would have been able to have been archived with the level of resources that we have. We've been working over the past few days to grab as much as possible. We have not yet captured every single post, but we have hit the areas that appeared to be of the most value and also areas that were requested by other NBR users. (We are actually still actively pulling down content and will continue until NBR shuts down.) I'm still working to tie everything together and I will edit this post with updates as new sections are hooked in. This was a quick and dirty job, to some degree. TechTarget didn't give us that much time, and their web application firewall which starts throwing errors if you download too many pages too quickly also slowed down progress. For some forums, we only pulled threads with a certain number of posts (varying from forum to forum) and excluded the smaller threads. Also, I wanted to get something live for everyone as quickly as possible and I'm still working through cleaning some stuff up. You may see oddities while browsing threads — missing images, links from one thread to another not going to the right place, and maybe even a small number of threads that are cut off or otherwise "damaged". There are some known but fixable issues that will be addressed over the coming days and weeks. Threads downloaded with the XenForo archiver tool are not paginated, so your browser might choke on very long threads. (Internet Explorer seems to handle these the best, if you can believe it.) The Dell business laptops section (pulled via HTTrack) also has issues with some attachments and the "up arrow" link next to quotes, and it's still trying to pull a few files from the live NBR server when you view one of these threads. If you see anything else odd that seems like it could be fixed, feel free to let me know. Bear with me as I work to integrate all of the downloaded threads into a cohesive archive. I'm working on a simple tool to link threads downloaded by @Sandy Bridge's tool into the forum/thread list that I grabbed with HTTrack. This project is dealing with literally millions of tiny files so there is also some just waiting for stuff to be transferred around as I get it all prepped for hosting. When the integrated archive is ready, any threads that were not pulled down before the cutoff will still be present in the list. I will have them point to archive.org, which hopefully has a record of most of the threads. Also, I'm going to see about changing the top-right search function (currently pointing to "live" NBR) to just perform a Google site search. I will also clean up the presentation somewhat — removing any hint of the ads, non-functional bits like the logon link, and so forth. I don't think that I should be the sole holder of the archive. For NBR regulars who would like to download an offline copy, contact me via PM and I will arrange it, once the archive is in just about the best shape that I think that I can get it in. If TechTarget issues a takedown request, obviously I will have to comply. I'm hoping that they will leave it alone. I'm hosting the archive at my own expense; there are no ads and I am not taking donations. By taking the forum offline, they are not in a position to profit off of the material anymore, so it might as well be made available. The current status of the archive is: Forums integrated into the archive: Dell business laptops (Precision, Latitude, Vostro) Forums available to browse but not yet fully integrated into the archive: Hardware, software, and accessories Hardware components and aftermarket upgrades Accessories Gaming software and graphics cards eGPU / external graphics discussion Windows OS and software Security and antivirus software Linux compatibility and software Chome OS and software Networking and wireless Notebook cosmetic modifications and custom builds Desktop hardware Smartphones and tablets Notebook news, reviews, and deals Notebook news and reviews Notebook and tech bargains Notebook manufacturers Acer Packard Bell Gateway eMachines Alienware Alienware M11x 2015+ Alienware 13/15/17 Alienware 14 and M14x Alienware M15x Alienware 17 and M17x Alienware 18 and M18x Alienware Area 51/Aurora and Legacy Systems Alienware desktops Apple and Mac OS X Asus Asus reviews and owner's lounges Asus gaming notebooks Dell Dell XPS Fujitsu Gigabyte and Aorus HP HP business class notebooks Lenovo LG Microsoft MSI MSI reviews and owner's lounges Panasonic Toughbook buy, sell, and trade forum Razer Sager and Clevo Sager and Clevo reviews and owner's lounges Reseller feedback forum Samsung Toshiba VAIO / Sony VAIO / Sony reviews and owner's lounges Other manufacturers You can Ctrl+F for the name of a thread that you are interested in if you want to take a look at it.
  2. This is normal, the tamper protection in play. I feel like I saw an option in the BIOS somewhere to reset it? I'll try to remember to check on it next time I reboot. (Not quite as annoying as older Dell desktop systems which I can recall showing an alert that the case has been opened at boot, and requiring a keystroke to dismiss it every time, prior to the OS booting...)
  3. Some chatter on & pictures of NVIDIA’s new GA103 GPU chip, which will presumably be used in GeForce RTX 3080 Ti (mobile version) and also some of the high-end Ampere refresh mobile workstation GPUs. https://videocardz.com/newz/nvidia-ga103-graphics-processor-pictured-features-496-mm%c2%b2-die-area https://www.tomshardware.com/news/nvidia-ga103-pictured
  4. I heard good things about Mass Effect (original trilogy, anyway) and I'm planning to give this a try soon. Sort of liking the "activity" feature on this forum as it has me poking around different parts a bit... on NBR, I stayed in the Precision niche. So I will ramble about games for a bit! I pretty much always have a game going. I have a backlog that is way too long to ever get through (like most of us probably). I enjoy bouncing between genres, and between epochs (checking out both older games and newer games). If I had to pick a favorite genre it would probably be "Metroidvania" (Hollow Knight FTW, can't wait for Silksong). But I also enjoy platformers, JRPGs, strategy games, puzzle games, .......I'll basically try anything. My time is limited with work & kids so I stick to single player (playing for an hour per day maybe after everyone else goes to bed). I'm also into emulation, I love how you can play games from just about any platform on the PC. Always interested in suggestions for basically something that is an enjoyable single player experience but doesn't take like hundreds of hours to feel like you finished it. Lately I've been doing more 2D/pixel games — I do enjoy the style, but also I recently downgraded my graphics card to raise funds for a new laptop purchase this year. Once that arrives I'll get back into some newer high-end/3D games. Some 2D/pixel games that I have played lately that I enjoyed are Celeste, Wargroove, The Messenger (hilarious dialogue), and Shovel Knight: King of Cards. I am currently playing an older game – Tales of Phantasia, PlayStation version, in RetroArch, with this English patch specifically. I've been playing it for about a month and I'm pretty close to the end, exploring the depths of the Moria mine.
  5. Well, I was curious so I went to look back at the video. You can find it here. Time code 16:50. I thought it was XPS-style system (5000 series) because of the glossy display. Looking more closely though, it seems too thick and it has ports that are clearly not USB-C on the right side. Seems like it is 3000-series, it looks a lot like the Precision 3560/3561. Only hint of a business Alder Lake system from Dell so far, as far as I know.
  6. You can click your name in the top right to see how close you are to the next rank. You get points for posting, and also if other people react to your posts ("like", etc.), and maybe other stuff too. It seems that you also get points for sending PMs? (That might be why I have more than some others with around the same post count. And I've started a few threads.) As you'd expect, the number of points you need to rank up increases with each rank. I found these other stats pages. 1. Go to your profile and click on "Recent badges" to get a page that shows all of the ranks and where you stand on the forum (percentage-wise). [Edit] - Reading more carefully, I see that you already found this. 2. https://efgxt.net/leaderboard/ I saw the leaderboard after it notified me that I "won" a couple of days. Not really trying to. 😛 Looks like a three way tie yesterday and it probably gave me the reward because my name dominates alphabetical order. I also feel that ranking up is a bit too easy. I have less than 30 posts and I am on rank 6 out of 14 somehow. I don't know what the later levels are like though. Hopefully we don't have everyone sitting at the top rank after 2-3 months. Also, going by these "stats" I am one of the top members here now, but I was never among the top at NBR and I expect that I won't be top for very long if some of the other NBR members get over here and start being similarly engaged.
  7. Running the laptop shut is fine in any orientation, as long as the vents (bottom & rear) are reasonably clear. (Can't comment on the dock issue, I haven't been using one.)
  8. Don’t think that the heatsink will fit. There’s not much clearance between the drive and the chassis bottom cover.
  9. The name is a placeholder and I think that we will be able to settle on a new one that appropriately describes the community once things settle down a bit. I'm not really in charge of that at all, just commenting based on the way that I saw the discussion going at NBR. We needed a new site now but the name should be chosen with thoughtful consideration and represent who we are as a community without outright copying the old name which is TechTarget IP (I imagine it will be NotebookSomething). You can see the full user list here. 128 members, but 30ish joined before the forum really launched and don't have any content (other than Hiew and Reciever). You can also see an activity log here that shows when new users join. We've been growing at a steady pace. Total post count is now higher than the other site which had a ≈24 hour head start (that wasn't the case yesterday). We should spread the word at NBR while there is still time, but without being annoying or "spammy". I would suggest that you get in touch with other users at NBR that you have had familiar dealings with but who might not have heard of this site yet (you could post in a subforum you frequent, or in the "next chapter" thread, and tag a bunch of people... or maybe reach out via PM). You can also drop a prominent link in your signature that might be seen by others before the site closes ("size" and "color" bbcodes help). See my example on both counts.
  10. Configuration detailed here. http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/forums-closing-at-the-end-of-january-alternatives.837530/page-4#post-11138264 We now have the NBR Panasonic section completely archived and hope to share the archive site this weekend.
  11. I don't know if a review embargo just lifted or what but I saw some new information on Alder Lake laptop performance pop in this morning from multiple sources. Here, Ars Technica compares a MSI system with Core i9-12900HK against a HP ZBook Studio G8 with Core i9-11980HK (and also MacBook Pro with M1 Max, in some of the tests). https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/01/testing-intels-12th-gen-alder-lake-laptop-cpus-many-cores-make-light-work/ Here, Tom's Hardware is testing the new Alienware x17 R2 with Core i9-12900HK, and the same MSI system as Ars, against the prior-gen Alienware system with Core i7-11800H and an Asus ROG system with Ryzen 9 5900HX. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/alienware-x17-r2-tested Tests along these lines are likely as good as we are going to get until we get some information on the S-BGA "H55" Alder Lake CPUs... Not really expecting to hear anything from Intel for another couple of months, perhaps. Dell could announce a Precision 5570 or 5770 (with Alder Lake H45 CPU) perhaps a few months before the 7000 series. An XPS-style Precision was demo'ed (very briefly) at Intel's CES press event earlier this month.
  12. Maybe you noticed this already, but to anyone who didn't — A dark mode has been available since the start. Go to the very bottom of any page, click the "Theme" drop down, and select "Inverted". I've been using it all day and I like it pretty well. (Maybe this is an auto-generated one off of the default theme but it doesn't seem to choose bad colors or anything as far as I can tell.) [Edit] Looks like the "Bravo 6" theme is also dark. It's more gray and the "Inverted" theme has more dark blue colors in it.
  13. To be clear — Precision 7760 and 7560 do support PCIe4 in the one NVMe slot that is by itself in the middle of the system. The other slots in the corner support only PCIe3.
  14. Copying over a "fix" post from NBR. [Edit] 2022-03-14 This fix failed to hold up; about two months later I started having drive disappearances again. Some Precision 7X60 users have noticed that the drive in the PCIe4 slot can "disappear" sometime after startup. I personally observed this on two different systems with two different PCIe4 drive models. The cause seems to be that the slot is only functional while this switch is pressed down... and the plastic drive chassis/enclosure thing does not always press it down firmly enough. I took the system apart and located the switch in the PCIe4 slot. I can definitely see that the plastic card holder thing might not keep the switch pressed all of the way down. I cut off a piece of an old credit card and glued it to the plastic holder thing. I then installed the Sabrent Rocket Q4 drive in the system in the PCIe4 slot, with the credit card bit holding the switch down more firmly. This was back in mid-December. Before the "fix", the Sabrent drive would disappear within a few minutes after startup. After the "fix", everything has been stable and the drive has not disappeared at all.
  15. OK, makes sense. Refining my suggestion. Ideal situation: "Show that this message has been edited" should be available, and checked by default... but removed after some period of time (5-30 minutes?), and once it is removed the behavior should be the same as if it was checked.
  16. OK, hmm, that is it. I tested it by editing the post above. I guess that option wasn't there yesterday? I definitely didn't go out of my way to check it. So I'm fine with this but I guess my suggestion would be to have this checkbox checked by default rather than unchecked by default.
  17. I think yesterday, this forum was showing when posts are edited ("Edited by user at time" at the bottom of the post). It doesn't look like it is doing that anymore. I do think that there is value in seeing that a post has been edited. I would like to be able to make quick edits, within perhaps five minutes of the post going up, without the notice being shown. I tend to post and then read it again and make quick edits. However if the only options are show the notice "always" or "never", I'd rather have it "always". [Edit] See? I just had to make a quick edit to this one 🙂 [Edit 2] Actually there seems to be mixed behavior. This post shows that it has been edited but this one does not (I edited the latter within the last hour, over 24 hours after it was posted). [Edit 3] Test edit.
  18. Welcome. Just adding links herehere: NBR "legacy" M4800 owner's thread https://www.nbrchive.net/forum.notebookreview.com/threads/m4800-owners-thread.736032/ M4800 driver RSS feed
  19. I mean that it should be this low. You originally had screen shots of four drives (that's what I saw when posting); the Samsung drive shows 75% and the rest showed 90%+. I think it's a reasonable value given the amount of writes that the drive has. I just made the comment because again the health status is prominent in the screen shots and it makes the Samsung drive look "bad" if you don't look at the writes too.
  20. I am wondering if it would also help to get a thicker thermal pad and put it on the other side of the "heatsink" so that there is contact between the heatsink and the chassis bottom cover (in particular if you have the chassis without the SSD door). I haven't seen any information about anyone trying this to see if it helps reduce the drive temperature.
  21. Just commenting on the "health status" which is pretty prominent in these screen shots. Here, the Samsung drive has the most writes (nearly 50 TB) and it is on the small side (just 256 GB) so you would expect it to have the lowest "health status" percentage of the bunch. The TBW rating for a 256 GB Samsung drive (TLC) is just 150 TB. (For a 2 TB drive it is 1200 TB.) [Edit] When I posted this there were four drive screen shots but it looks like it has been edited down to two.
  22. Precision 7X60 is kind of weird here I think. The PCIe4 slot has a plain metal plate heatsink and nowhere really for the heat to go. The heatsink would at best serve to "spread the heat out" a bit. The multiple PCIe3 slots each also have metal plate heatsinks, but they also have thermal pads on top which come into contact with the chassis so at least the heat can go there. Since you would expect the PCIe4 drive to run the hottest of the bunch, definitely a curious design choice. I wonder if it was because of the "SSD access door" which is specifically for that slot. (My 7560 does not have the access door, but it still did not come with thermal pads on the heatsink there.)
  23. I have probably six or seven Samsung SSDs and those have worked great for me. If I was buying a 2TB SSD I would probably look at Samsung 980 Pro for top speed, or Samsung 970 EVO Plus if you want something a bit cheaper.
  24. Might be a small thing but I kind of wish we had a "thumbs up" rather than a "heart" icon for liking a post 😛
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