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Everything posted by sliderfra

  1. Hi mate, alienware/dell don't have native fan control for AMD cards except for firepro m6000/6100 or 7970m. You may use hwinfo64 to use alternate EC control and force the GPU fan to work (you can even create automatic profile). It's not perfect, but it works OK (done this with my R4 & rx480 mxm) AMD mxm cards are pain in the arse, ie my rx480 showed code 43 or driver install errors until I found a good vbios. Then it worked flawlessly. Good luck
  2. @ÊtaPegasus: Hi, It's been awhile already and I did not take notes on my mounting, as it was just a quick test... - SG mode? Yes - driver version and driver installation method : I don't remember exactly but it was either last geforce mobile driver / quadro mobile, I did the inf mod myself - heatsink model (oem or 5 pipe copper) and pad placement : OEM nvidia 100W IIRC - testing methodolgy: nvidia kombustor --> I did not notice any TDP drop - vBios version: - sBios version: A14+ or A16 by Remek002, UNLOCKED of course. I did not tamper with bios settings, except force SG mode. Sorry I cannot help you more. As I told you before it was a quick test on the 17 R1 but I did not notice any TDP drop. That's why I was so surprised when I encountered that on my friend's AW18... Just to compare, screenshot on AW18 R1 was done with HP RTX 3000, the one from m17x r4 was with PNY RTX 3000. As you can see, with HP variant, there's no TDP drop on the AW18. PS: es-tu Francais par hasard?
  3. Hi, I tested the PNY Quadro RTX 3000 (standard mxm 3.0 type B) -> 1F76 hardware id Card is working with: MSI GT60 / GT70 Ivy bridge & Haswell (with optimus ON) DELL M6800 Alienware m17x r4 & 17 r1, m18x r2 & 18 r1 (on AW18 I had strange 40W performance cap) HP Zbook 17 G1 & G2
  4. Hi, Quadros are LOCKED unfortunately. And usually they have lower memory frequency than the geforce counterpart, that explains your lower scores.
  5. most probably! But I tested the exact same card with the same heatsink in m18x R2 after I tested it the AW18. Both laptops have unlocked BIOS obvisously with same BIOS settings --> it worked flawlessly with the R2 but the AW18 showed some strange 40W TDP limit (due to RAM throttle at 200Mhz). Either it's a strange bug from HASWELL AW motherboard or it's something with the vbios of the card, as the HP RTX3K worked alright on the AW18
  6. Hi mate, Sorry it also happens on your AW 17. I could not find any solution for my friend's 18 so I installed his 1060 back. I installed a year ago an HP RTX3k in an AW18 and it worked flawlessly. Maybe key is to crossflash this RTX 3K with HP vbios. TDP is 90W for HP & 80W for PNY but I'm pretty sure PNY one can handle the extra 10W without a hiccup
  7. Hi mate. Exact same issue... That's really weird because hp rtx 3k works well in Aw18...
  8. At 80w RTX3000 is the same as 150w GeForce 1070. But it runs cooler and gives you RT and DLSS. IMO it's much better
  9. Wow man! I'd not recommand Radeon for your alienware as the fan will not work unless you auto start hwinfo (or some other fan profile software). But RTX 3060 for 285$?? The price is totally crazy 😀 If the site is legit, that's a gold mine you found us!
  10. this card is actually an RTX 3k, only the string was renamed into Geforce RTX 2060 in the inf NVIDIA file. It definitely works fine on other computers, but strangely the 1060 that was originally mounted on the AW18 works perfectly fine as well. Only this one goes nuts...😌
  11. I tried that card on M17X R4, 17 R1, DELL M6800, DELL M6700, MSI GT60/70 Ivy & Haswell --> trouble free I tried the HP version of Quadro RTX 3k on the AW18 and it was also trouble free. IDK why this specific card / AW18 give me headaches...
  12. Unfortunately no dice on the AW 18. Still the same problem. All drivers are up to date. I tried a full bios reset and nvram reset (uplugging coin & 30s power button push). as you can see on GPUz board draw goes from 80W to 40W all along... IDK why and I've already lost two full afternoon working on that thing. I reinstalled the 1060 that was inside and it works perfectly fine. The RTX was tested in a MSI GT60 Haswell and also works perfectly fine.
  13. Holy crap! I think I figured it out... Tested the card on an MSI GT60 haswell without battery and exactely same sh*t happened. Then I remembered something: MSI GT60 haswell uses some kind of Hybrid power with a battery connected (as the PSU was "only" 180w on that model)... I tested with a battery connected and BINGO! VRAM of the card does not throttle at all. So maybe there's a goddamn driver / programme on the alienware 18 that does the same kind of sh*t. @ssj92, any hindsight as you have the same laptop?
  14. Hi fellas, and happy new year BTW, I tried to upgrade an alienware 18 (Haswell, BIOS A12 unlocked) with a PNY MXM 3.0B Quadro RTX 3000. Installation wain painless as the card is standard MXM. Driver installation and inf mod was also easy (I'm quite used to doing it now 😁) But when I start any 3D app, as soon as the card hits 60°C barrier, it starts to thermal throttle hardly until temp is below 55° (or so...), and it goes up again, and then down again... In details: - core frequency stays the same ( between 1600Mhz & 1800Mhz) - RAM throttles down to 200Mhz (instead of 1750Mhz) !!! - TDP reports 50% - Power reports ~40W - Perf cap reason on GPUZ: Thrm (Thermal, but WHY???, card stays below 60°C) What I tried already: - I thought at first it was that crap of windows 11 --> I installed win 10 = same behaviour. - I tried with 3 different drivers (the 3 latest for quadro RTX 3000 mobile) = same behaviour. - I tried 330W & 240W psu = same behaviour - I repasted the card twice and checked if all RAM chips were properly covered by thermal pads What do I try next: - alternate vbios? Do you have any idea of what's wrong with that card? Or is it the alienware itself?
  15. I also ordered 2 RTX3k before stock ran off... Feedback from french forum about the RTX 5k: it's definitely NOT standard MXM. Needs heavy work as it's longer than standard MXM and the mounting holes are 5mm offset... So honestly I'm glad I did not order one of these. But 100€ for RTX3k was definitely a bargain 🙂
  16. I got 2 from that PNY seller to upgrade "old" Alienware m17x R4. I got more than 5400pts on time spy now. Not bad for a 10 yo laptop 🙂 I wish I bought 10 more as all my friends are asking for that card now to upgrade old MSI GTs and Alienwares... Reports on french forum say the RTX 5000 is not standard mxm and needs heavy heatsink modding (5mm offset of mounting holes for the X bracket)
  17. hi, you need unlocked BIOS then force IGFX mode to prevent detection of mxm card. Then you can use the laptop without mxm with fan curve working perfectly.
  18. Hi, unlocked bios is necessary to force the system in SG mode (if you have 60HZ LVDS screen). Normally if you have 120Hz edp screen, your stuck with PEG so no need to unlock bios but 1060 GTX should handle it with the right VBIOS (ZOTAC & Asrock vbios don't work IIRC) how come installation did not finish? Do you have code 43 in device manager? Use DDU (display driver uninstall) in safe mode before to flush any signs of old AMD/Nvidia drivers before processing. I'm pretty sure you missed something on your inf mod. you need to edit nvdispi.inf (1 line) and nvdmi.inf (line at the back with your device ID then line on top with different sections) Then restart with disable driver enforcement and you're good to go
  19. he says clearly he isn't so technical! I installed the RTX 3k on my AW18 and I can definitely say that it is NOT an easy task. If you don't have the appropriate tools and gameplan, that can easily turn to a nightmare. Standard MXM modules do exist, and quadro P4000 is not so far away from RTX 3000 performance wise. But it is cheaper! Unless he absolutely needs RTX stuff or to push his old RANGER to the edge, he should stick with standard mxm.
  20. HI, no RTX3000 is a very bad idea as it needs a lot of chassis modification on the 17 so I definitely do not recommend this GPU unless you want to loose a day of hard labour. Go for standard mxm 3.0B card such as 1070 gtx, quadro P3000/P4000/P5000 or P3200/4200/5200 (ones that are fitted with bios chip ONLY)
  21. yeah most probably a dud card, as the P106M is detected as 3D accelerator, and not standard VGA adapter. It only needs inf mod and it's alive, but as I said, performance is quite low as the core freq is limited to 1200Mhz and there's no turbo boost whatsoever
  22. for 15$ mate, go for it! performance wise, it's between 970m and 980m GTX. But card stays super cool. Problem is the BIOS, there's absolutely no way to mod this...
  23. Do you know how much an m18x R2 mobo cost?? As it may only be a BIOS issue, he should do whatever it takes to recover it instead of wasting 200 or 300$ into a refurbished mobo
  24. When you get the laptop back, try to run it without any RAM to see if you have the 2 / 4 beep error code. Then do the recovery process mentionned above (CMOS batt in, main batt disconnected, 1 stick of RAM, no hard drive) Laptop should do loud beeps during all the process (around 5 to 6 min) then reset by itself. Then you should get something on screen Last resort is to use CH341A and flash a working dump of the bios. It's not easy and could do more harm than good so...
  25. Hi, If you want Tesla P106m to work you absolutely need modded BIOS to force SG mode Then you want to mod nvidia drivers, otherwise card will be detected as 3D accelerator. Performances are alright (around 2200pt on Time Spy with i7 4700mq) -in between 970m & 980m- Plus side is clearly the thermals as temperature on burn is around 70°C on MSI GT70, and 60° on Alienware 17. Down side is locked bios & no turbo boost (card stays at 1200Mhz) thus the low performance compared to 1060 gtx 6Go (around 3400pt on time spy). I tested them in MSI GT, Alienware 17 & M17X, DELL Precision M6700 & M6800, HP Zbook 17 G2... On MSI & Alienware everything works (even hdmi / DP) but on precision & Zbook you will not have any output on external (as hdmi & DP are routed directly to mxm) except for VGA out (routed to IGP). On your m18x R2 you might get something better like RX480 (90€ on Ali), s7100X (60€ if lucky draw on ebay) or 1060 / 1070 / 1080 (expensive options...)
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