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Everything posted by sliderfra

  1. Hi, That's impressive! Where do the cards come from?
  2. Yeah so it's not 100% working. Did you get the RTX to work on R1 in PEG using an nvidia primary GPU (like an old 560m gtx) for the internal screen?
  3. 980m is super fragile as it gets really hot, plus power rail is underrated (not enough MOSFET for a 100W TDP+ card) so usually the card dies quite quickly. 1060s are much better (run cooler, faster, gen 10...). MSI 1060 mxm can be grabbed for "cheap" on aliexpress (~150e), they are much better than the gecube version. Gecube will also do fine as long as you don't mess with TDP. Zotac mxm version should be avoided as they miss a temperature resistor so fan will either not work (alienware, dell, HP) or run at 100% (msi, clevo). On alienware you can force fan with hwinfo64 so it's still ok.
  4. They do work perfectly fine with OPTIMUS. You don't need a custom bios but Unlocked BIOS gives you some valuable options (overclock, XMP...) You will have to inf mod the nvidia drivers, that's all! 🙂
  5. R4 is better than 17R1. Upgrade options are roughly the same although R4 does not struggle with RTX upgrade (17r1 and 18r1 have a TDP glitch with quadro RTX from PNY). Plus R4 motherboard is stronger than Ranger's (quality of CMS, power rail from CPU, MXM power...) 4930mx is marginaly faster than 3920xm so CPU wise, there's virtually no difference. 17R1 screen replacement is way easier though, as R4 has the damn glass cover with 3M tape...
  6. go into the BIOS. If you have thourough ADVANCED options availables, it means BIOS is unlocked. Unfortunately with the R3, your best best is 880M GTX. Any card above 880m won't work perfectly. Your best shot would be to order R4 motherboard and swap it. At least with the R4, there's no limitation.
  7. hi, yes you can upgrade easily with the 60Hz screen, as you have NVIDIA OPTIMUS. Best options are 1060 gtx (~150€), 1070 gtx (~200€), or even quadros P3000/4000/5000. You can even go with 2060 RTX (quadro rtx 3000) but it ain't cheap (350€+). Changing screen to an EDP screen would reduce the spectrum of options (as cards absolutely need good vbios with edp activated) but would give you a much better screen than the old TN 60Hz LVDS, altough a lesser battery life (as optimus is inhibited).
  8. the one without SLI connector is MSI GTX 680m. It's not a dell card. But you could crossflash vbios
  9. it looks bad. Do you have ch341A? You could reflash the main bios with it. I strongly recommand to reflash same bios revision with a clean bin file. Which bios did you have?
  10. hi, did you try to clear CMOS? Worst case scenario you need CH341A to reflash the main bios chip
  11. cool! what was the problem? What did you do to get it working?
  12. As far as I know, RTX3k will only work with optimus as the edp channel on the card is not the right one... So you need LVDS screen and SG mode. Then it will work.
  13. well, that's weird indeed for the 980m. You should try dell vbios on it. Fortunately maxwell gen can crossflash vbios easily. Silly question: did you try throttlestop & uncheck BD_PROCHOT? Sometimes it's the solution to strange throttling behaviour... For the tesla m6, I'm pretty confident that unlocked BIOS & SG parameter should do the trick. Tesla m6 is a really good card but needs to be driven via OPTIMUS.
  14. I don't remember if it was p3000 or p4000 that I tried, and IIRC it was with some O/C vbios I got from macrumors... I don't have any quadro car atm, nor any working AW laptop... I should get an m17x r4 so I'm gonna try a 1060 6GB with it, along with O/C vbios & edp screens (144hz & 300hz I have)
  15. hi, your 980m is throttling, most probably due to heat / power. Look on gpuz sensors and see the perf cap reason, that should give you a clue about what's going wrong. You might try some other vbios, IIRC you can get unlocked vbios on on techinferno About the tesla m6, it works but SG must be set on in BIOS (optimus mode on). It will not work at all with 120hz screen. If it does not show, either card is defective, or you need to do a full bios reset (take the coin cell out).
  16. If you stick with 60Hz screen, then yes, RTX3k is definitely THE better choice
  17. Hi mate, If you wanna stick with 120hz, screen, you may cross RTX as they won't work on internal screen. P3200/4200/5200 need soldered bios chip & I'm not sure whether they would work in PEG so I'd stay away from them. I'd definitely go for 1070, which ha in my opinion a much better price/perf ratio than the p5000. You might also find some cheap p4000, and I found once an overclocked vbios for it (maybe coming from @TheQuentincc IIRC), that was nearly on par with stock 1070
  18. hi SapphiraTriX298, do you live in the US / Canada or in Europe? I'd be interested in the 4TB ssd if you live in Europe (to avoid customs taxes). Thank you
  19. do you have the unlocked BIOS in it? Have you tried to reset CMOS? I definitely think it's a vbios issue.
  20. Pascal cards do work with edp screen on R4: https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/alienware-17-and-m17x.1079/Alienware m17x R4 GTX1070 mxm successful upgrade/
  21. The second connector on the MB is for edp. The cable is 40pin 0.5mm pitch so most edp screens should work (except the narrow 0.4mm ones that may need an adapter). But the problem is the fitting as the 3D screen has same layout as LVDS (big metal frame with side mountings) whereas new edp screens are all slim type with top/bottom mounting tabs (or without any tabs at all). In any case it has to be DIY mounting with 3M rubber tape. But it works 🙂
  22. On the R4, the edp cable for the 3d screen is 40pin. So basically you can put any edp screen with that câble, including 4 lanes 2k/165hz screen.
  23. Hi, I'm pretty sure that quadro pascal & geforce 1060 / 1070 work in PEG mode. But it may vary if you have a wrong vbios... Some pascal geforce have gsync vbios that may prevent screen from working in PEG. Same goes for pascal quadros. You might wanna ask @TheQuentincc about it
  24. Hi. PNY/Aetina RTX3000 works perfectly fine in m6700/m6800. Your rx6600xt May work in m6700 but only on external screen as m6700 disable hybrid graphics with any AMD card. Unless you have edp screen & your rx6600 has edp registers enabled, it will not work on internal screen.
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