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Everything posted by aldarxt

  1. Thanks @ssj92, I spent the day flashing, started with nvflashk but nogo, probably only good for nvidia cards. The programmer worked fine, tried AMD, then there was a Dell that gave me a little hope, windows installed the driver with no hiccups but the AMD software just does not like the card or the m17xr4, keeps freezing and not letting it shutdown or restart, I need to hold power button even when I DDU into safe mode. At least it boots into safe mode after power shutdown. I tried some strange AMD drivers also WHQL-R-ID-Software-Hybrid-24.1.1KB-SuicideSquad-, amd-catalyst-15.7.1-win10-64bit.exe, even from Dell but I get the software is not compatible. There are only desktop vBios on Techpowerup, I have seen 6600m tried 1 but not recognized. Today I have had enough and put the P400 back in and on restart it was installed all by itself like I didn't uninstall it but I knoe I did, I started with DDU to uninstall Nvidia drivers and shutdown, very strange, my brain is getting bloopy LOL
  2. So then it doesn't make sense to modify the m6700 heatsink and try the rx6600xt. Now I got no use for this card unless vBios can be modified. Maybe rx6600m vBios? techpowerup has 37 rx6600m vBios hmmm Hey just looked at this card and the chip is on the back. it is still in the heatsink, I just swap out the whole setup, I hate messing with the thermalpads, drives me nuts, wish they were sticky on just 1 side. So flashing will be a breeze even if not successful.
  3. Is it from X vision, does it work?
  4. I don't know if anybody knows this or if its a glitch I found, But only on Night Raid if I record a GPU-Z screen with game bar my score doubles 10 773 RTX 3000 i7-3920XM M18xR2 25 162 RTX 3000 i7-3920XM M18xR2 If anybody can verify this give some results. I found this by accident. I wanted to see where the throttling was happening so I recorded speccy screen then ran Night Raid but this only works for Night Raid and no other test
  5. OK Here we go after a stressful day of glitches https://www.3dmark.com/fs/31484271 Solar Bay https://www.3dmark.com/sb/136214 Time Spy https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/108245810 Wild Life 36 515 RTX 3000 i7-3920XM M18xR2 Night Raid 25 162 RTX 3000 i7-3920XM M18xR2
  6. I want to put the RTX 3080 in m18xr2 and I think @sliderfra said the RTX 3000 works in the M6700 but am still going to try the rx6600xt in M6700 since it is all apart, I just had a day of glitches with the m18xr2 after the latest micro$oft update I had to do cmos reset and then Nvidia drivers were giving issues but looks all smoothed out now, running a string of 3DMark tests now and on the side looking for vBios for that AMD card. NOW I want to see if @ssj92 gets the 3080 just to see if it works LOL
  7. Does the WX7100 work in Alienware?
  8. OK that explains alot. So I removed the GPU heatsink from M6700, thats a really nice heatsink, wish I could make it work in the Alienwares. I purchased 2 more heatsinks for M6700 just in case I butcher it beyond belief. It has more copper and I will have to file down to the single pipe but looks like I won't be able to get it flush and I don't want to take too much off the pipe or it will blow a gasket. And on the side looks all clear to make the notch cutout. They placed the resistors in odd places. As for vBios that looks like an adventure I am going to have to deal with. But you make it sound hopeful, Thanks
  9. Yes I have a programmer, I was thinking of that, I have flashed a few cards and some multiple times, but the last card I flashed was the RTX 4000 maxQ and now it is dead. Nvidia put a block on flashing since RTX but the nvflashk works around the block. IDK about AMD. If the card doesn't work in the M6700 then I would try to flash it.
  10. I put it back in m17x r4 SG mode and accidentally went into Win 10 on the HDD because Ububtu numbered my drives backwards. I have the win 11 SSD in #2 slot and win 10 HDD in #1 to keep it cooler but it is slow as molassas. Win 10 is updating the AMD GPU so I am waiting to see maybe win 10 can do better. As far as the M6700 I need to mod the heatsink. Maybe I'll feel up to it tomorrow. I just thought it strange that win 10 picked it up so fast and win 11 did like after my 3rd attempt with AMD driver install even though after restart would give a code 31 and another time a 43
  11. Yeah cause that has a GTX 680m and nothing else will work in it, If this card works in it that will be my Best Alienware YET!!!
  12. I am installing Ubuntu now with the Nvidia P4000. Before with the RX 6600xt It wouldn't install for some reason. Very Strange. But after I get Ubuntu installed then I will swap the cards and see what happens
  13. I went into windows graphic settings and it only had intel HD 4000 for both high perf. and power saving. How would I modify amd drivers because I did find a .inf and put in a line with 0551 but there were so many I only did Navi. the Hardware ID is 73FF but there were many other lines with percentage numbers. Just not sure how to do AMD .inf
  14. It literally took me 2 min. to swap out the amd rx 6600xt and swap in the P4000. Now I am going to try ubuntu with nvidia installed and then swap in the amd card if I get linux going if all fails then the M6700 is the next victim. OH! and ebay has m17xr4 GPU heatsinks for 10 bucks, just bought 3 tripple pipes Yeah Baby!
  15. Failing to install ubuntu-22.04.4-desktop-amd64. This is not my first time but I dont really care for Linux but never had a problem installing any bistro before. The rx 6600xt is on ubuntu website as compatible. Getting Lost In The Woods! LOL
  16. A viable option after all attempts get exhausted on the m17xr4. I am burning an Ubuntu .iso now with rufus. 2nd attempt, the 1st I set it to GPT but it needs to be MBR so failed attempts are just common practice LOL
  17. I did try that and all 3DMark tests said no except cloudgate but only on intel HD graphics
  18. I am running SG, I tried PEG and got a load of beeps 8,7,5,3 and also black screen, also the amd software locks up Firefox browser and MMC device manager and I have to power shutdown to go into safe mode to DDU. Right now I found on sourceforge modded AMD install package, cant get the bookmark cause firefox wont open also disabled driver signature enforcement which popped up but on restart had code 31 Here it is https://www.amernimezone.com/ Trying this but it wont finish, just seems jammed up
  19. Yes this is a great Idea! Great Guidance from the Wizards of Notebooktalk. Thanks @Jerryzago I will do this today, both options are easy, so I am Off To The Races!
  20. This was my first experience with AMD and it will be my last. I cannot get the software to work in m17x r4. I thought I would eventually try the RX6600 XT in my M6700 but with the heatsink buchery I don't think so. I am so glad I didn't try it in the m18x r2 because it is so much easier swapping in the m17x r4. I tried a few from AMD and even went to Dell but nothing worked. I went the whole gammut from CMos reset, DDU and amd cleanup utility and AMD software compatibility tool. For some reason the GPU fan would not run with the AMD card and when I did the last uninstall and removed the card I needed to hold it with a napkin it was so hot. So as much as we complain about Nvidia and that being much deserved, Nvidia is so much better I can't see how there is any competition. So What GPU is next???
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