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Everything posted by kojack

  1. Never thought of that. I installed the VRM heatsink on my board that never came with it. Good call!
  2. We are back down to "normal" temps here thankfully. it's 9deg Celsius right now at 6:08 in the AM. NICE outside right now. We did get cooked for 3 weeks however, hottest temps we have seen on the island. But, the winds have shifted bringing in colder northern air to give us some relief. EDIT: just like to add, the climate is still royally eff'ed. We had 2 tornado touchdowns this summer alone. We NEVER get tornadic activity here. Don't get me started on the power of hurricanes here now as well.
  3. In the machine with the CX600 PSU, whats the crazy dual fans at 90 deg for?
  4. Close to my heart. It's my province, Ron Hynes was a hero to me, and Signal Hill KICKS MAJOR ASS.
  5. Could you be more clear on where this is directed? ha ha.
  6. It's mostly good. Yes. It will take some fine tuning but it's a start. But, how bout' them wallpapers/backgrounds. 😁
  7. I think it's just you. The new digital bill only is acting on news feeds that are polluting our society with mis information and B.S. My next door neighbour is brainwashed with said news feeds from facebook and more than likely truth social. Sad. The amount of wacky from his once normal brain is mind numbing.
  8. Microsoft should just ask for 44 billion dollars to use it. Ha ha.. Musk is a dumbass.
  9. Mine's the same as yours. The setting "gear" is well enough away from the close icon.
  10. Uncle Tru, has nothing to do with searching for wallpapers....sorry to burst that bubble. Only cutting down on bullcrap "neuz" sources. That's the only thing that legislation does.
  11. I think everything looks fine, but I would love to get rid of the "recommended" area and just have more of my apps listed. That's something we should be allowed to change.
  12. All the good pastes are within a degree or two of each other. So any good one will work. I am using Noctua NT-H2 with great success. From stock, my temps are down alot. could they go down and extra deg using liquid metal? probably. Is it worth it for all the effing around most definitely NOT.
  13. Agreed @ryan. All this debloat this, and change that does nothing to the function of your pc, It only changes the thoughts inside your head that make you think microsoft is spying on you for some nefarious reason. I used to change all this crap and remove "junk" from windows thinking it works faster and better, but it's all a farce.
  14. That's what I have been doing for years, but lately I have just been getting places where you have to physically download stuff. I am not into that one.
  15. My 150 dollar Samsung galaxy tab A8 can do this as well. Pop the SD card in for media. Great tablet with great battery life. Another option is an older iPad and go that route.
  16. I downloaded and installed cutefish OS. Only to find out after when reading about some issues I was having that it was not being supported anymore and that it's DOA. So I removed it from the partition. Now I am downloading Deepin 23 beta. It looks really nice and should be fun to try out. I think I erased part of my windows partition on the laptop. No matter as it was my sons old device which nothing on it was important. I will just format the SSD and away we go. Best part it has an extra 16gb ssd built in I an use for cache and whatnot as well.
  17. So, we are in a place where tornados were never a thing. Yesterday, there were 3 spotting of them. Seriously people...we are EFF'ed.
  18. Yeah, It's bad enough that we get it for a few days up here. You guys get it for months on end...ewwww. I hate snow but the cold is fine! ha ha.
  19. We, here in Newfoundland have an abundance of water right now...Maybe different in the future, but it does rain ALOT here. Just hasn't in the past 2 weeks and it's HOT AS F....BRUTAL! It's a little more bearable today with the lower humidity today. It was sticky this morning, but now at 1:50pm it's drying up in the air a bit. Still 32 deg here right now.
  20. That's why I do it mainly. Pain, relax and sleep relief. Side effect of chillin out listening to music is awesome! I do get more creative using as well!
  21. The watermelon sour sounds awesomely interesting. I have been partaking in N/A beers and spirits lately as the hangovers are BRUTAL lately. Sign of getting old. One wonderful thing cannabis does. NO hangy....also, you always have your "wits" about you. Not like when you are really drunk where you just flop all over the place. ha ha.
  22. You are going to have to go WAY north...or better yet, south. I am fairly north in a "temperate" climate. I guess temperate means G/D HOT now. 42deg here yesterday. I had a house in florida for 14 years and never felt it as hot as it was here yesterday. We used to go to the house in the summer too as we liked the area without the winter tourists.
  23. You are not being paranoid at all. Do whatever makes you feel safe. I took mine off as we have a smaller population here. I can see how heat triggers anxiety. I was out in the evening, my core temps are still up (maybe due to the beer I was drinking as well), but I don't feel good today. Stay safe and happy!
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