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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. This is my best thus far. Once I get the bare die Velocity2 from EKWB (probably end of month) I will work on pushing 6.0+ GHz on all P-cores in Cinebench.
  2. I can see what they are saying now, but still do not agree with requiring ECC enabled. This will probably move up in ranking on HWBOT when they finish deleting scores that cannot demonstrate ECC was enabled. It knocks roughly 1,000 points off in Time Spy. My CPU and GPU are both overclocked higher than systems with benchmark scores higher than mine. My physics score is much higher, but their GPU scores are off the charts with ECC disabled. There is no point in my submitting scores that beat theirs with ECC disabled if HWBOT is just going to delete them later like they have done to @johnksssand @Papusanalready. @electrosoft +1600 memory seems stable. No artifacts. Using the Galax HOF 666W vBIOS. https://www.3dmark.com/spy/35634413 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5198499_ https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/88953755 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5198507_ https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/88954202 | https://hwbot.org/submission/5198509_
  3. Not yet on the edge run. I put the Gigabutt 600W vBIOS on it and testing now. HWBOT is apparently making a big deal out of it because some of the golden boys with influence got butt-hurt because some peons matched or beat their scores and they claimed the scores were bugged because ECC was not enabled (even though the scores for the golden boys didn't have ECC enabled). Hypocrisy in motion. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/221655-mandatory-systeminfo-555-update-and-new-benchmark-rules-for-rtx40-series/?do=findComment&comment=634934
  4. I answered my own question. ECC garbage really gums up the works. About 6% slower even with a higher overclock. HWBOT sucks for making that a requirement. https://www.3dmark.com/compare/sw/339800/sw/339363#
  5. Darn. Nobody except an eBay scalper from Italy has Alphacool Eisblock Aurora in stock for the 4090 Suprim. I can pay more for a Bykski block, but I don't think that is a smart move. I guess I will have to wait until someone has the Eisblock. They were available last week. I think it will more likely be better. Anyone here interested in the 3090 KPE with stock hybrid and Hydro Copper block?
  6. Definitely voltage limited. Lowering temps is going to be key to working within the gimped 1.100V sissy-boy voltage cap. It seems really strange to only see 700W being pulled from the wall on my power meter. I am used to seeing 950W to 980W in Time Spy with the 3090 KPE.
  7. It has no problem with +1500 on memory. I've only tried +135 on core (which put it at 3000), but I think that it is going to be thermally limited until I get a legit waterblock for it and start pumping chilled water through it. I can kind of tell already, LOL. Have you found enabling ECC changes memory overclock capacity or performance? There are some cities where it might freak some people out if they are in a liberal anti-gun state, but that kind of place is where you actually need it the most. The crime is a helluva lot worse in those places. I would imagine in foreign countries where firearm ownership is severely restricted or banned it would really make people freak out since only outlaws and cops have them. I live in an open-carry state that requires no permit, so it would not freak out anyone else. It's as normal as breathing air and drinking water. Only the anti-gun Nazis have a problem with it, but they should find a new place to live so it doesn't bother them. And, I think that is being kind. I have better success selling on Craigslist. Every time I have tried to sell something on Facepoot Marketplace the people have all been very goofy, and usually didn't show up for an appointment to see/buy what I was selling. I can't say too much because I have a wife, other family and co-workers that spend a fair amount of time on Facepoot just as a means of checking in on people they care about, but IMHO is it crawling alive with weirdos and I want no part of it. I know I can block everyone I don't want to associate with, but I don't want to patronize Zuckerbutt's Meta(stasized) filthbook.
  8. The 4090 seems like it is probably a decent sample. I literally just got it and installed it. I will do some more testing to confirm it's not a turd before ordering a waterblock for it tomorrow. Stock: OC'd: The best reason to is because you can, and no other reason is necessary. Never know when you might need it, even if for a reason unrelated to the reason you are there. Always better to have it and not need to use it, than need it and wish you hadn't left it at home.
  9. That is a strange story. I would keep telling them if open carry, just so they don't freak out and think you have nefarious intentions. If concealed carry, then I would not tell them. Kind of defeats the purpose. I would not cancel the transaction if it were me. The fact that you are telling them prior to the meeting should dispel any notion that you have evil intentions. But, some people are just flipping idiot weirdos when it comes to firearms, so it would not surprise me if the person is a gun control Nazi that they might cancel the meeting. I've heard stories about restaurant owners that are anti-gun goofballs that refuse to serve people that are carrying a handgun even if they have a permit. They would not deserve to get any of my money, even if I were not carrying.
  10. Hopefully mine will be at least that good. If not, it's going back to Amazon for a refund. Will know later today. It has been sitting at UPS since Tuesday on delivery hold since I was out of town until last night. Maxing out at +700 is unacceptable. Premium price demands a premium product, and that is garbage.
  11. yeah I bought a 3060 it handles everything at 1080p and alot of games at 4k and 1440p. but im just benching these days. that 3060ti should be good for gaming for quite some time if your just doing 1440p/1080p it handles the next big engine (45fps) and thats about it. you really dont need more than 45fps but 60-120 is nice I played several hours of Crysis 3 Remastered last night on my laptop and the Quadro P5000 handled it with ease, even with all of the eye candy enabled.
  12. benching... only I don't need one for anything else other than beating my best 3090 scores. For gaming, I don't even need the 3090. I am content with the gaming performance of the 3060 Ti at this time.
  13. It is a mistake to judge a book (or a notebook) by its cover. Small size usually means compromise and diminished capacity. Being big on the outside does not mean big on the inside, or big performance. If the guts are no better than the small turdbook it is going to run like a small turdbook. It is more than probable that the extra size will include wasted/unused space to accommodate a larger screen and keyboard, but not a more robuse motherboard or an excellent cooling system.
  14. All laptops should ship with a protective skin like this one by default. It applies universally.
  15. 100%... Well said, Brother. Yup, each will rise to their own level of incompetence. There is not a single shred of awesome or excellent to be found.
  16. The part that is revolutionary is the widespread celebration of lameness and mediocrity. All they need to do is say it is special for the sheeple to get excited. It doesn't matter that it is a lie because its success is derived exclusively from the ignorance of consumers.
  17. My friends are mostly here. I have never met most of them/you. My friends that are not here are those that I like to be around when I have the luxury of choosing who I want to be around.
  18. It is ironic, especially in light of the asinine 4090 prices, and particularly so considering how severely they are crippled by the NVIDIOTS; whereas the Dark is the extreme antithesis of crippled.
  19. If you do the wrong reg tweaks that can happen. I don't think I could function without them. Some of those tweaks, and some you already have applied, you can use software like what you're already doing, only using a GUI, but many are registry tweaks.
  20. No need to turn it upside down. I never did. Just set it directly over the AC vents (assuming you have a unit with vents blowing air vertically instead of horizontally) and use it as you normally would. This will blast freezing cold air into the laptop at probably 10 times the velocity and 200 times the volume than the laptop fans can do maxed out. A 10,000 BTU can keep a 10x10 ft room colder than most people find comfortable. So, imagine how well it can cool less than one cubic liter of laptop.
  21. You wouldn't say that if you have actually done it. The air coming out of the vents on a good AC unit can actually cause frost and ice formation on the inside of the laptop. It doesn't have time to mix with the warm air in a room with the bottom of the laptop sitting directly on top of the vents and it can be below freezing point. When I was still benching laptops with mobile Extreme CPUs and desktop CPUs in them it would transform a 100°C throttled piece of doggy poop into something special and keep it well below normal idle temperatures with the CPU under full load. As a bonus, it keeps everything else freezing cold, too. PCH, SSDs, CPU, GPU, VRMs... the whole shebang stays frosty. Using a freezer can also work, but you have to keep lots of air moving through the radiators to stay ahead of the curve. The portable AC unit can move far more air (CFM) than chintzy laptop fans.
  22. @ryanis in Canada, so he should have ample cold air right now. Portable AC unit is the only good way to keep a laptop cold enough for benching. I learned that from Brother @johnksssa long time ago. You place the intake vents on the bottom of it (or remove the bottom cover) directly over the AC unit with high velocity freezing cold air being force-fed into the chassis and out the radiators. You can use it year 'round and keep your office cool in the summertime. Only recently did popular guys like JayzTwoCents start using it for desktops, but it works good for a desktop as well. Just make a duct to force the cold air through the radiators or CPU/GPU air coolers and you'll see results you never dreamed possible using ambient air or ambient water cooling.
  23. Maybe HP forgot to pay the kickback to UL/Futuremark to include your hardware ID in the SystemInfo scan so it doesn't produce fake scores like the OEMs that remembered to send a check to UL.
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