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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Notice that the benchmark score is merely an expression of the average frames per second. You can see that in your score and you can see that in this example from my 3060 Ti. While it is not very scientific or creative, it seems logical and simple enough.
  2. We will get a more accurate view of how it works when I get mine because right now I am running delidded CPU with liquid metal on top and bottom of the IHS. This is how I was able to see the original version of the SuperCool direct die block was a failure on 12900K. Had I only compared with stock solder and normal paste it might have seemed like a good product even though it was a failure. The more the die size shrinks and more cores are added, the more concentrated the heat is in a small area, so I expect the benefits and gains of delids and bare die configurations to be less evident. You can only put 5 pounds of sand in a 5 pound bag. At some point you can only remove a certain amount of heat because it is passing through a small surface. Also like the diameter of the hose and the size of the nozzle on a fire hose limits the amount of water than you can push out of the hose. You can add more water pressure, but the volume will be limited by the volumetric capacity of the hose. So far I find nothing to complain about. The ability to at-will change from CPU microcode 10E to 105 is nice and 105 microcode definitely lowered VID. My memory overclocking seems to be great as well. Unless I find something I do not like that I have not seen yet, I think this is the best BIOS update they have had since launch.
  3. Well, certainly not until we take the trash. Canada is in an equally horrible spot with the Trudeau Clown Possee. But, hallelujah, that is starting now. Republicans do not need to accomplish anything new to be successful. If they can block the socialist left agenda from moving forward and undo some of their messes it will be a huge win for America and an accomplishment in its own right. A lot of damage has been done in just two short years under the dominion of utterly insane, evil people. There may be hope, but the first step is stopping the insanity in its tracks. This is a good start.
  4. LOL... 🤣 things are going to start getting fun very soon. I just love seeing the panic set in when the tables get turned and you give them a taste of their own medicine poison. As they say, "what's good for the goose..." Hopefully, it is not too late to undo all of the damage they have caused.
  5. Did you even find one at a Microcenter? It is rare to find one available anywhere except from scalpers. I am not sure why availability is so poor. Maybe just a way to keep pricing jacked up. Even at MSRP ($700) on the ASUS store page it is overpriced. It wouldn't be as bad if their warranty and support service were not so slow and sucky. It would be nice if we started seeing ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte and others do like EVGA and essentially only sell their products on their own store pages or micro-sites managed through their own sales department and cut out resellers entirely. This would help keep prices in check, as the OEM would determine the price, and anything sold through another channel would be deemed as undesirable overpriced scalper/gray market trash, or consumer-to-consumer sales or used parts. @Talon BIOS 2.08 (E699 DARK K|NGP|N / E698 Classified) Please note that this is a Beta BIOS, but it is stable enough for those of you who wish to test to give it a shot. Updates CPU microcode to 10E and provides microcode option 105 (has lower VID value) Supports CPU 13900KS OC table. Supports CPU 13100. Adds undervolt protection item (Microcode 10E only). Adds CPU power limit item. Improves memory stability. Edit: So far I find nothing to complain about. The ability to at-will change from CPU microcode 10E to 105 is nice and 105 microcode definitely lowered VID. My memory overclocking seems to be great as well. Unless I find something I do not like that I have not seen yet, I think this is the best BIOS update they have had since launch.
  6. Yes, you're absolutely right. I was using that terminology as a figure of speech, not intended literally. On the West Coast we often refer to people from the East Coast as being "from the opposite/other side of the world/planet" in casual conversation and that is what I was doing here. Russia is a half day (12 hours) ahead of my time zone (Mountain). I think @ryanmay be in the Pacific Time Zone.
  7. CPU performance is degraded with the newer driver (which is unfortunately very common). Do not compare stock with overclocked. It will lead you to very wrong conclusions and false assumptions. It is important to keep everything as consistent as possible, including ambient temperatures. A minor increase in ambient temperature can lower GPU scores. It only takes an increase of 1°C to take you past the threshold of the point where firmware will drop the GPU clock down by the next step in the bin. It can also go the other way. A decrease of 1°C can be all it takes to allow the GPU to boost a bin higher. Either way, benchmark scores will immediately reflect that change.
  8. The best place to start is often the first or second driver released on a new GPU launch. So, figure out when your GPU was first released and test the first and second driver, maybe third. Things often start going downhill after that, but the Green Goblin puts its best foot forward at launch to make the new GPU stand out from the GPU it is intended to replace. Older is often better where drivers are concerned. The exception is the changes they do to fix glitches with specific game titles, and those fixes might be good for the game, but maybe not so good for benching. Then, they do so-called "security" updates and those are almost always bad for performance. I am not aware of any example, ever, of a computer performing better after security updates are applied.
  9. He is on the opposite side of the world (UK) so there is a big time difference. He also has a young family and works, so he may not have as many opportunities during the hours we keep. I think people that complain about hot air coming from their radiators (or laptop exhaust vents) is a reflection of not understanding how thermal management works. While it is certainly not pleasant if you are in the line of fire of that hot air, and makes for an uncomfortable workspace if you do not have good air circulation in your workspace, the hot air being created is actually good from the perspective that it means the cooling system is working efficiently. If hot air is not being produced, the heat is staying in a place where you do not want the heat.
  10. The right to keep and bear arms is no less important than freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and all other articles of our Constituion. The push against it is diabolical and against everything that has made this the greatest nation on the planet. Disarming of citizens has historically been a first step in the powers of darkness establishing a totalitarian government. I am in a meeting and will watch the video when I have a minute. Ironic that I just said to @Papusanlast night that we would likely see reviews from Roman and Jay before I get mine. Edit: Watching it now. I suspected that Roman was directly involved in the development, as he often is with EKWB, but I had nothing to base it on. His involvement enhances the likeliness that it will be good. @Papusanit looks like KitGuru's initial involvement was the prompting of the product and EK ran with the idea, rather than the other way. That probably explains the lackluster initial results as well. Before Direct Die: Over 90°C EKWB Direct Die: Below 80°C (roughly 13°-15°C improvement versus IHS)
  11. That could be useful depending on the installation. An example of where it could be useful is an open bench setup. We are starting to see more examples of really goofy-looking cases as well. Weird doesn't even begin to describe how ridiculous some of them look. With the fan facing downward, it would put all of the cables exiting the on the closed side panel side of normal tower case. If you had enough space between the PSU and side panel, it could be helpful to make extra space for drive cages in in front of the PSU and maybe help with cable management. On a case with very little space between the side panel and PSU it would not work at all. On a case that has no basement cover hiding the PSU and the horrible rat's nest of cables, this could also greatly enhance the appearance of the build, assuming there is enough air space between the PSU and side panel for the cables.
  12. Time will tell. Almost everything sucks now. It is nice when we discover an exception and it doesn't suck. If it works as it should it will be a nice cooling upgrade. If it works correctly it will be a helluva lot better than the SuperCool design that requires taking special steps to avoid dumping water on your motherboard. The 7000X3D not launching on Valentine's Day is a gift. It would be cruel to release a crippled CPU on a day where you should be honoring the people that love you.
  13. Right, but it was obvious that the parts did not fit together correctly and it was a rough prototype barely under development. Hopefully, it will be turning out good, but it would be kind of wrong to believe that initial concept prototype shown in that video is the same result as the final product 5 months later. He was sanding it on a belt sander to try to get it to fit and I can't believe that they would sell a product like that and place their brand reputation in such jeopardy that way. At least they took an extra 5 months time to get it right before sending it to production. I wish SuperCool would have done that instead of sending me a piece of garbage. Anyway, we will find out together and if it is trash I will demand a refund or place a dispute with my credit card if they refuse.
  14. We will find out after I get it because I am running a delid with liquid metal on both sides of the IHS right now. My temperatures are higher than they showed in the video, but it's not a good comparison because they were using the default voltage and causing the CPU to overheat. The video is worthless from a technical perspective. It was poorly executed. But, it is interesting to see what they were working on. I think the video was not a good thing to release for a beta product because it shows results that may not be an accurate reflection of the final product. Viewers may form opinions based on flawed or inaccurate information. Since it just now became available for pre-order we may see some reviews by Roman or Jay before I get mine.
  15. Newer versions of 3DMark are screw up and results over time are unreliable because they change too much between versions. It is no longer a good benchmark tool due to its flaws. That second "update" video was from 5 months ago when the product was a work-in-process beta prototype that did not fit properly. So, I do not think we can put much weight on it. Even so, the temps shown here after sanding down the frame are better than I saw with 12900K with the first (flawed) version of the SuperCool direct die block. If I remember correctly, in that video they were using BIOS defaults, which would be far too much voltage and cause the CPU to run crazy hot. BIOS defaults voltage is always way too high. Both of my Z690 Strix and my Dark motherboard apply over 100mV too much with BIOS defaults appled. If it is no good I will demand a refund for selling a defective product. But, I expect it will be good, and better than with an IHS. I do not believe EKWB would release it if it is not properly functioning. It would be harmful to their reputation. But, we will find out in 5 or 6 weeks when I get it.
  16. This video was just posted today. They use the direct die kit. I am watching it now to see if it shows anything in terms of results. The early prototypes from 6 months ago that we saw on KitGuru had a way to go before being ready for prime time. Their new delid kit looks better than Rockit Cool. Man, what an ugly looking case. Edit: No results on cooling, just a build video for the kiddos.
  17. The part they are missing is the complaint is not about "no benefit" but actually harm to the functionality of the 980 Ti. That is different than "no benefit" to older GPUs.
  18. To be fair, I would not expect a better response from any of the other vendors. NVIDIA is at fault for it. It affects all brands, correct? Remember all of the problems a long time ago with clock-blocking and the way they ruined 780M SLI performance? It is likely that nobody has the ability fix it except for NVIDIA because it was their cancer driver. What would have been an appropriate response from Zotac is "Thank you for alerting us. We are sorry this has happened. We will see if we can confirm the problem in our product support team and reach out to NVIDIA to have the problem corrected." But, I doubt ASUS, MSI, Gigabutt or any other brand would do that. None of them give a rat's butt about end users. EVGA might have, but now they are out of the picture. I agree the example of Pontius Pilate is fitting here. Sadly, NVIDIA does do whatever NVIDIA wants. They do not care about end users, their AIB "partners" or any of their products that are not current generation. That is one reason why EVGA is no longer in the GPU business. And, in other news, AMD drivers are killing 6000-series Radeon cards. What a wonderful slice of heaven we have in PC tech today.
  19. Yes. The point being is that the problem is probably driver and Windows and/or 3DMark version. Scores go up and down and things change, and it is rare that scores ever improve with 3DMark version updates. It is also rare that performance improves as the Redmond Retards update their trash OS. Things almost always decline. Sometimes scores can improve with NVIDIA driver version changes, but almost never does 3DMark or Windows performamce get better after an update. More often than not, Windows Updates actually impair performance and recovery from the performance loss is rare, if not outright impossible. Like everything else, newer is always better newer. It is not a coincidence that it rhymes with manure.
  20. Yes. Straight from the NVIDA playbook of dirty, rotten tricks like 3090 Ti. Did you follow up on my previous post? Look at your unmatchable high score. Note the date and what NVIDIA driver was used. Go back to that NVIDIA driver and re-test. If still low, refer to the date and remove all Windows Updates installed since then, and retest. Bear in mind, 3DMark is known for being buggy. Sometimes you will get a high score than neither you nor anyone else can match because the test run with the high score glitched out. Firestrike, for example, is notorious for having horrible results in the combined test (last test in the sequence) if you are using the wrong NVIDIA driver. Even with the same driver, you can reboot and rerun the test and the combined score can be much higher. The combined test result will have a major impact on the overall score as well.
  21. It was a long wait since KitGuru started talking about it, but I was finally able to pre-order one.
  22. I have had one in a shopping cart a couple of times. The money causes me to pause, but thinking about the lack of Windows 7 support has been the reason I emptied my cart. That has been enough to keep me from going over the edge so far. It does not help NVIDIA that their only drivers now are DCH feces. Any tech company that relies on Micro$lop Store to deliver their digital dung is part of the butt-kissing problem and I hope their lack of good judgement measurably harms them to the same degree that it angers me. If I wanted that kind of worthless trash for zombie sheeple on my PC I would run ChromeOS and use Google Play Store. But, I don't want to and I have no respect left for Micro$lop. I would find great pleasure in witnessing their calamity and be glad about their ruin. I'd love to see Apple collapse as well. The world would be a better place without both of them.
  23. In case you haven't seen it, please take care about what drivers you use with your new GPU. It would horrible if this happened. The drivers released in December seem to be the issue if I am understanding this correctly. Maybe go back and retrace your steps. See what drivers you were using at the time, and remove any Winduhz Update cancer that has been installed since that date. Drivers or changes to Windoze are the most likely explanations for the degraded performance.
  24. That is a horrible story, indeed. It would be nice for a civil war to erupt and derail his criminal activity in Ukraine. Speaking of goodies, I'll probably have more coming up soon when I stop being lazy and post them. If any of it is of interest to you, give me a shout. See below. Nothing particular in mind. I am deliberately avoiding comparing pros and cons with any level of seriousness because I am really pretty disgusted with tech in general right now. I do not want my judgment to be clouded with misguided excitement from my investigation of the options. EVGA exiting the GPU market also makes me apprehensive that anything I buy will either be a compromised product, have a horrible warranty process, or both. I am not confident that I will ever be enthusiastic to spend the amount it would require to own a 4090 even if EVGA was still in the picture. I don't even want to feel excited about blowing that much money. Of course I really want one. To say the performance interests me would be a huge understatement, and therein lies the problem. I am seeing reports of issues with people that are having systems that will not POST with 4090 and 4080 cards installed, and I am not interested in that kind of drama. Seems there are some random firmware conflicts. And, I am still not particularly interested in giving up Windows 7, as I haven't reconciled the idea that 4090 performance is enough that I would view it as being an acceptable compromise. Defiance and rejecting the Redmond Retards' efforts to force using their latest trash is a good enough reason for me to want to keep using it. I would want to because of that even if I liked Windows 10/11 because their Nazi approach pisses me off real bad. Whatever I would choose would need to have a waterblock readily available for it, preferrably from two or more manufacturers. The one I am most interested in is the Zotac 4090 AMP Extreme AIRO. Optionally, one of the better MSI models, Colorful, PNY or (last choice, but not excluded as an option) a Gigabyte product. I am least interested in owning anything made by ASUS or ASRock because I do not like what they stand for as companies, or their shoddy warranty processes. I do not want anything that is a hybrid or has a factory waterblock unless it were available at a freakishly weird price, but those seem to be among the most overpriced options. At least one of the liquid cooled options seems to perform poorly compared to most of the air cooled options (can't remember which one now) and that seems inexcusable. There is a part of me that seriously wants to sell my 3090 KPE, use the money to buy the Acer Arc A770 and put the rest of the money in a savings account. The only reason I haven't already done that is the loss I would take on the 3090 KPE. If I could sell it for $800 to $1,000 I am not even sure I that would be willing to spend the additional $700 to $1000 difference for a 4090 right now. Knowing myself, there is a really good chance I will eventually cave in on this. I don't want to and I expect that if I do there will be some regret involved. For all of the above reasons I am making an effort to do nothing at the moment, and as much as I can, resisting the temptation to do any looking because I know that will just make it harder for me to keep a level head.
  25. It probably would be no more traumatic than the self-condemnation I endured after blowing an idiotic sum on the 3090 KPE. I still haven't really forgiven myself for that, and I haven't derived enough personal satisfaction from owning it to justify a repeat act of similar indiscretion. The kindest way to describe it would be: Good product, overrated, and poor value. The 4090 is all that, on steroids. At a certain point it becomes too difficult to balance desirability against repulsive pricing for a product that will be obsolete before it is old enough to get dirty. Barring the possibility of a momentary lapse of good judgement, probably not going to happen. I am avoiding using the word "never" because I don't care for the taste of crow meat.
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