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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I looked though all of my files and YouTube videos and I didn't save any screenshots or anything else relating to the Strix mobo that might be useful. I was certain that I had, but I cannot locate anything, so maybe they were deleted. If you still have a BIOS profile saved, apply that profle, then change the RAM settings to default profile, then save and exit the BIOS. This will apply the CPU overclock but not the RAM overclock. Then save the profile again before you begin tweaking the RAM. Make note of all of the CPU settings on all of the menus (F12 will take screenshots and save them to USB). I have attached ASUS TurboV Core that you can use for tinkering in Windows. It is lightweight and a much better tool than XTU. It is useful for dialing things in to later apply them in the BIOS. It will not work with newer versions of Windows 10. I know it works with 1809. (Same is true for MemTweakit. Both are broken by newer versions of Windows 10, just like all good things that are actually worth having are.) This video might be helpful as a good starting point for the CPU overclock for 52x core, 49x cache. The menus should be the same. I always have overclocked using an all-core fixed ratio and fixed cache ratio. All TVB options disabled, power limits and current limits maxed out, and turbo time limt maxed out. I do not recommend using any AI overclocking features. TurboV_Core_1.10.08.7z
  2. Still about $800-$1,000 more than I am willing to spend on a GPU, but it looks nicer than the prior couple of generations of hybrids did. Although I am not a fan of air-cooled GPUs and wouldn't want to use one that way, I think going forward I am going to try to confirm the GPU I am planning to buy has a couple of options available for aftermarket water block support and then buy the air-cooled version to make things easier. Although I seldom sell my used graphics cards, having a stock air cooler makes it easier to resell to people that are scared of water cooling. As difficult as I find it to relate to, I know that some people actually prefer air cooling. The hybrid AIO thing and no air cooling unit would also make it not a usable product for the people that plan to stuff it into a SFF easy-bake oven with no room available for a GPU radiator. It somewhat annoys me that PX1 identifies my KPE a hybrid due to the firmware even though it's no longer that. It would be nice if EVGA stopped including that in the GPU name/description in the vBIOS. Just call it a Kingpin, FTW3, etc. and skip the hybrid naming convention.
  3. I agree. I don't like using software for fans and RGB, or for most other system controls. A mechanical control mechanism is best. I have been using a manual hardware fan controller on the desktop for several years and that is my preference. It is how I control the external fans and pumps. I don't have a hardware controller that I can use internally, but I don't really need one. All of the fans are set to run full speed 24/7 except for the loud 3000 RPM Noctua fan I use for blowing on the RAM. I have that one set to change based on temperatures in the BIOS. I think I am going to get a water block (waiting for a cheap price) for that and then I won't need to even use the loud Noctua fan at that point. Until then, I am going back to using the BIOS.
  4. I changed my mind. I have had the fans randomly not work until opening the software and manually changing something with the sensor to make them restart, so I am going to remove it and go back to using the BIOS only. Reminds me of years ago using HWiNFO64 for Alienware laptop fan controls... which worked great except for when it randomly did not work.
  5. Yes, it is an extraordinary 10850K sample and that voltage 52x all core with 1.375-1.400V is right where it ought to be. You may be able to run a little bit lower voltage with lower core temps and higher LLC. If the LLC is too low the voltage will drop too much under load and crash. I would run the LLC at Level 6. The Level 4 (default OC for ASUS) allows too much vdroop. Most 10850K won't even run at 52x, some use that much voltage at 50x all core.
  6. Looks like it is going to force me to install the latest DCH GeFarts driver filth in order to launch it. It's pitching a fit about me not using a DCH cancer driver. Edit: Spend a fair amount of energy trying to figure it out and I can't get it to work right, so I will have to wait until it is in a distributable runtime format.
  7. Incoming... http://www.supercoolcomputer.com/en/product/39/direct-die-intel-gen12 Thanks, bro. I will check it out.
  8. Probably so. I normally do manual timings and memory clocks. If you go into the BIOS and change it to XMP it should override the manual memory overclock. You may have to set it to memory default, save and exit, then select XMP to get it to apply the XMP profile correctly.
  9. Sweet. Looking forward to seeing more. 👍 Looks like you got one of those build-your-own square aluminum frame chassis, too.
  10. Awesome. It makes me super happy to hear that. Have you posted any photos yet (I haven't looked, but will). Another thing I am happy about is I finally got rid of the blue 200mm front panel fans. I couldn't get any in white at the time I completed this build, but the ones I wanted came back in stock. Now it's all black with white lights, just how I like it.
  11. This should come as no surprise to anyone, but it's good that Steve is calling the balls and strikes. That's OK. As they say, "imitation is the greatest form of flattery" and as long as proper credit and public recognition is given for Dell's moral, ethical and technical failures, that's what matters most.
  12. Yup. And, it is only a "touchy" or sensitive topic to those that are outraged (and intimidated) that anyone would have the gall to dare to question their supreme authority or speak against their agenda. As we have seen, more prevalent than ever since COVID-19 surfaced, "science" is no longer scientific, logical or based on evidence. It starts with a wild guess, it becomes popularized to fit somebody's narrative, then it is dubbed "science" by the group with an agenda. If you say anything logical, scientific, based on evidence or present data suggesting truth or fact is anything to the contrary, they label it dangerous disinformation, then censor, shadow ban, cancel and/or attempt to cyber-bully their way to compliance. "Follow the science" is modern code for "fall in line" but it doesn't sound as mean to the sheeple that don't use their brain.
  13. At the end of the day, it's all about the turdbook muppets and what they think we can all do to advance the global warming hoax. They can't produce castrated trashbooks that weigh nothing and run for a week on coin cell watch batteries as long as people like us exist. I am sure they would poop their pants and try to "cancel us" if they saw us talking about 1.4V and ~300W benchmark runs. The 100°C+ doesn't bother them though. That's normal for their trash. It's also pretty cool temps compared to where they are going to spend eternity, LOL.
  14. The average response time for a 911 call is 10 minutes. The response time of a .357 is 1400 feet per second.

  15. Probably my fondest benching experiences of all time were with the X299 Dark and 7960X/7980XE CPUs. There are still quite a few benchmarks that 5960X and 12900K can't touch with those CPUs. Those are the only CPUs I ever owned that could handle a 100% overclock (double stock speed) and pulled over 1000W. Wicked to the core. Certainly will be remember in history as the greatest CPUs ever made even when something is released that beats them by a mile. It has taken years for anything else to even come within striking distance. Good luck with the sale and your business venture.
  16. Neither of these videos receive justice on crappy laptop or small desk speakers. If you have nice speakers with a subwoofer, use them for both. You're welcome.
  17. Yes, I like his content as well. I also like that his presentation is little bit rough around the edges and it feels like real, like something one of us would produce. His personality and communication style (voice inflection, tone, etc.) is annoying to me. If I ignore that, I enjoy most of what he produces
  18. The fan software works pretty nice on the Unify-X. It also reads the two sensors on my Z490 Dark as you noted, but there appear to be no fan controls available for the two sensors that it sees, so it won't be of any value on the EVGA board since it is unable to serve its intended purpose (fan control), Weird that it only identifies two fan headers.
  19. Neither the lighting nor the fan apps work with the Z490 Dark. The fan app detects the sensors, but there are no software controls available for the fan headers. The lighting app doesn't detect anything at all. So, both are utterly worthless on EVGA. But, the cool part is I don't really need the lighting app on the system with the Z490 Dark because the EVGA app isn't UWP feces. It would be nice to have a way to control the fans connected to the motherboard headers without having to go into the BIOS to change things.
  20. The Pook (user at ExtremeHW and Overclock.net) just mentioned this one to me... https://openrgb.org/ I am using external hardware RGB controllers attached to SATA power to set my lighting to white because using the motherboard headers for lighting control sucks with the OEM software for any brand other than EVGA. I want the lighting. It is extremely useful to me, but I want it set permanently to white. I don't need any other options or variations, and definitely don't want any animated RGB rainbow puke parade. A hardware control solution with knobs to adjust speeds for each channel for fans it by far the best solution. That's what I use for pumps and all of my MO-RA3 fans externally with the Lamptron controller. I am going to look for a PCI slot model that draws power from PCIe that isn't ugly to look at, but so far I haven't found such a solution. But, I don't want any tacky-looking wires stretched over the top of my motherboard to get to the hardware controller. My 200MM cases fans just need to run at 100% 24/7. They move lots of air and max speed is like 800 RPM. There is no reason for them to run at less than 100% because they don't make any noise at full speed.
  21. Now we need a similar third-party motherboard lighting control so we can skip the Window Store dung that the numbskulls at ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte have moved to. It is really stupefying to see what a worthless posse of idiots work for these OEMs. To the best of my knowledge, EVGA is the ONLY one that hasn't prostituted their software into a UWP feces distribution model.
  22. This could be useful info. Sacrificial Celeron idea actually worked. This is a good find as well. MUCH NEEDED to avoid the OEM motherboard software filth.
  23. Yes, it's not shocking at all about Dell. The only thing I ever find shocking about them any more is when they do something right. That totally catches me off guard because it is so out of character for them. I can honestly say the same thing about the Redmond Retards. The chance that anything they do will be pleasing or acceptable to me is too low to measure. The taskbar change that you hate is widely despised and the fact that they implemented it with no way to toggle it back to "the right way" is prima facie evidence of what absolute dumbasses they are and why they have earned so many derogatory nicknames that some of us have come to enjoy using in place of their brand name. They've earned every ounce of hate coming their way, and it won't' stop because, like Ron White says, "Can't fix stupid." Short of a miracle, there is no opportunity for redemption for either of them at this point. I am not saying people that like the ugliness are stupid. I could, but that would be a bit too harsh... eye of the beholder and what-not. What is stupid is implementing the massive aesthetic change and not giving the end user the option to stick with what they want. If they had possessed only 50% of ordinary intelligence they would have known that doing anything like that is an extremely stupid business move. It's proof that they're not only as dumb as a box of rocks, they don't care what anyone with a different opinion thinks about them or their products. Businesses like that deserve to go under. They are unworthy of finding acceptance and financial success. If you don't want mustard and pickles on your burger, you should expect them to be left off when you sit down to take the first bite.
  24. https://hwbot.org/submission/4981077_ https://hwbot.org/submission/4981094_
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