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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Seems to be working well. Using an image host and using links works best to preserve image quality on larger images, but the forum seems to be working great for me.
  2. Maybe after Steve Burke's GamersNexus videos they figured it was time to get their act together again, pronto. I hope so anyway. Now, if they will knock it off with the $200 membership racketeering thing to be eligible to purchase GPUs we will be making some headway. Good that they price-matched. Congrats on that.
  3. Sold and shipped the Z590 Dark today. Started this thread: EVGA Z590 Dark BIOS Mod with PPD and VMax Stress Menu Options
  4. Me, too. I do not plan to stop using Windows 7 for as long as I can acquire drivers that work with my hardware. It is unfortunate that newer versions haven't actually brought measurable improvements and introduced functionality regressions, reduced configurability, less efficient navigation, and performance degradation due to unwarranted amounts of frivolous bundled trash. I no longer use any consumer versions of Windows 10 and ruled out Windows 11 as an acceptable option. I still have W11 installed on my turdbook, but no longer boot into it. I will reclaim the drive space wasted on it the next time I have a reason to power it on. Every system I have is a multi-boot configuration that includes Windows 7 and Linux. For Windows 10 I am using exclusively LTSC 2019 and 2021 (the latter sucks compared to the former) due to the enormous payload of garbage the standard Pro/Enterprise versions carry. (Using a Home version has been totally out of the question since that option was introduced long before W10.) The move to DCH driver crap and the artificial reliance on Micro$lop Store to provide things like NVIDIA and Intel Control Panels is totally unacceptable. They are either stupid or don't care (behavior suggests the latter, but the former is also indicated by the inferiority of the product itself) that their actions are unacceptable to a lot of technically savvy people that would have preferred to remain dedicated Windows users, but will ultimately find themselves seriously entertaining the idea of moving to Linux as an unavoidable necessity as the lesser of two evils. I am already moving that direction, but definitely not because I want to.
  5. I would love to see a tower case with external 5.25 inch drive bays underneath the bottom floor with the bays facing the same direction as the left side panel. That way it would not waste internal capacity for radiators, fans, pumps and reservoirs. It would need to be slightly elevated, but not a big deal in my mind. For example, positioned like this, but with slightly more elevation... enough space for a full-height 5.25 inch drive bay, or fan controller, etc. The case could have an optional removable bezel on the left side to give a finished look and a removable skirt or sight shield on the opposite side of the chassis to hide the extra cables.
  6. Notebookrevival has kind of a sappy-sounding sense to it, as if to resuscitate an interest that had died or become dormant. And, notebooktalk sounds like the name of a talk radio program. At the end of the day it makes little difference to me what it is called. I would have doubts about a person that made any kind of decision about being a participant in the community on the basis of the URL or domain name. I would say that poor soul needs professional help unrelated to technology that none of us can provide.
  7. A manual fan controller with knobs. You don't have to worry about damaging the cheap fan headers on the motherboard or buggy software garbage. You can run more fans than you would ever need with power to spare. I run 18 fans and three D5 pumps on mine. This is what I use: Lamptron CF525 Fan Controller PRODUCT INFORMATION: The Lamptron CF525 is the spiritual succesor to the classic and powerfull FC2. The CF525 provides a whooping 60w per channel through its 5 channels providing a total of 300w for the power hungry. To put it in perspective, this controller is able to control 10x of the infamous Delta AFB1212GHE-CF00 fans at full speed at the same time (2 per channel). These fans require 29.5W/4.5A each, that’s 24.5A/295W of draw in total! With the CF525 we can safely say you will only ever need one controller in your system regardless of how many cooling solutions you choose to use in terms of power needs. For your consideration, The Lamptron CF525. No Frills, Just Power. Features: - Most powerfull controller in the market - 60w per channel - Very high quality materials - 5 completely independant 60w/5A channels - Other Great Features! - CNC milled aluminium face-plate - Sleeved cables - Black PCB - No frills, just power This would work well in a case with no 5.25-inch drive bays. Probably powerful enough for most uses. Lamptron PCI Bracket 4-Way High Power Fan Controller Product Highlights - Black frosted aluminum panel - Knob control - 4 channel - 36w each - 4-pin terminals compatible with 4pin and 3pin fans - 2-12VDC, fans can be turned off
  8. That will make it easier for your to beat your own scores later. If you do it now there will be nothing to look forward to later. If the GPU is getting hotter so will the CPU on a system with a unified heat sink. That is what happens when the CPU and GPU are constantly puking on one another. Flawed engineering is very popular. Virtually all craptops and notepoots are made this way now. Monkey see, monkey do. The only ones not made that way are no longer made. Stupid is as stupid does.
  9. Excellent. I do exactly the same thing, even with the chilled water. It rarely actually gets "cold" here (almost never below freezing) but having my office around 40-50°F then turning on the chiller for 20 minutes before powering the computer on works much better than trying to chill the water after the office is already full of warm air. It takes a lot longer for the water to get cold and it is more difficult to keep the water ice cold if I am pushing warm air through the condenser.
  10. I would just delete the AMD and Intel MC files from Windows on any version of Windows unless it is a very old version. Totally unnecessary to have them. Just rely on whatever the BIOS has. Locate mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll and take ownership, then delete. Or, a person can rename it with .old or .not after the .dll if they are weirded out about the idea of deleting system files.
  11. Use Easy Services Optimizer to create an "Extreme" profile with everything disabled, or run MSCONFIG, hide Micro$lop Services and disable everything else (have to reboot). Use Defender Control (or just run a script to remove Defender completely). That will help in addition to setting priority to High or Realtime.
  12. Nice. If you change the priority from Normal to High or Realtime and kill all of the worthless background services and processes that are running and do not need to be, you can probably go even higher.
  13. Because the truth is sometimes painful, people do not like being told that their baby is ugly.
  14. I am not hiding, but for a couple of reasons I do not publicly disclose my first and last name together. The obvious is privacy reasons and identity protection. The second reason is that I like to keep business and pleasure completely separate and my personal comments and opinions are neither the business of my employer, nor a reflection of the values of my employer. Given the nature of the idiotic cancel culture we have lived in for close to a decade it is best that nobody that has any direct influence over my life can connect the two. There are some pretty demented people in positions of power at large corporations and in social media, and I don't want some vindictive militant retard that doesn't like my opinions messing with my career. Better for me if they can't clearly connect the dots. That actually almost happened to me about 10 years ago. I was asked for my opinion. I shared it when asked, then HR placed me on a "final written warning" for answering the question. They didn't like my answer. Since I am in a relatively high position of power, they cared more than they had a right to care that my opinion didn't mesh with their woke definition of political correctness. Basically placed on a "gag order" by HR that I could not ever express my opinion at work again, even if solicitied, without cause for termination.
  15. I am Mr. Fox. My first name is missing, but my last name is Fox. My first name is also a last name. There are a few famous people who have my first name as a last name and it is the German word for "burner" (like the burner on a stove or a Bunsen burner used in a lab). I don't post my first name in public, but I would tell you in private. In that respect, I am the literal FireFox (by name) even though I don't like that browser very much at all.
  16. I can't believe the brand new sealed box Z590 Dark has been sitting on eBay and Mercari for $170 below retail since Jan 24 with zero interest. Not even any low ball offers. Maybe the gamer kids will go wild if just keep it and instead offer the craptastick Strix Z490 mobo with a CPU and RAM, since they tend to value branding more than quality or performance.
  17. If it is cold outside, put your laptop on the patio, turn it off and let it normalize with the ambient temps. Once it is stone cold and matching the outside air, then go out there, turn it on, max out the fans and run the benchmark again before it has a chance to heat itself up. You'll probably set a new record with that hardware config.
  18. They probably do not, but the bottom line is that it is none of their business. I am glad it did not stop you and I feel bad for people that are so locked up with worry about voiding their warranty that they are willing to tolerate products that malfunction because they were poorly engineered by the nitwits that designed it. It really begs the question about the point in purchasing something specifically because of its potential to be special if you plan to leave it floundering in mediocrity.
  19. Is GPUPI 3.2 a "portable" app that you simply extract and run? If not, did you uninstall it as well? If it has no installer, delete the folder. If you get an error about a file in use or needing permission to delete when trying to delete the folder after running System Restore and rebooting, then it could have been packing some extra stuff that is nasty. You could try deleting it in Safe Mode if that happens. If you start Windows Task Manager, see if something is hogging up CPU and/or memory resources. If something is running in the background it could affect the audio.
  20. Unless the Redmond Retards disabled it and you didn't notice they had, run System Restore and it will probably be as good as new.
  21. @ryan that is really strange. Not sure why that would happen with GPUPI 3.2 being installed.
  22. I don't disagree with you conceptually, although I do not consider that rejecting what you find objectionable is tantamount to virtue-signaling. It is the opposite. Pretending to be inclusive or embracing everything can also be a form of virtue-signaling. Virtue-signalling is very popular among certain groups and hypocrisy in any form is repulsive, but the word "notebook" existed before computers were created or Apple hijacked it. It is also not particularly descriptive and is as misused as the terms "Sheetrock" and "Kleenex" are, but it is generally associated with thin and light stuff. That is why I invented the term "turdbook" (very descriptive) but I now apply that universally to include the so-called DTRs that are equally compromised. Note that I own a turdbook (in my signature). I don't like it very much and don't use it except when necessary, but it is directed in a derrogatory manner toward products and not the people that own them.
  23. Yes, I use a dark theme from Chrome store, but some of them I have used in the past do not render pages correctly. The one I use now does not force dark mode on web pages that do not already have a dark mode option. It generally works best when it is natively supported. Otherwise you get random weirdness like text being too dark to read or black everwhere except text with the text being white over a white background make it as impossible to read as black text on a black background.
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