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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Yes if you mean the generic 16GB A-die. Sold with the CPU and mobo package.
  2. Hey, you're in our thoughts and prayers, Brother @ryan
  3. LOL... so stupid, but actually worked better than I expected with the water in the can. As cool as a gaming turdbook TBH.
  4. 6800 with the Unify-X, but that was early in the life of DDR5 using M-die. I'm sure it could do better with better quality memory available now. A-die did not even exist back then (mid-2022) and everything has changed for the better in terms of firmware and memory IC quality. It's getting closer! I'm looking forward to seeing how the Arc B980 works out.
  5. I think grabbing a 4080 Super for $999 (if you can actually buy one for that) is a really good purchase. It does not surprise me that the 3090 Kingpin is still kicking. Probably the most bulletproof card one could have purchased. It is getting to the point of being so stupid that I think even people that love rainbow puke are starting to get a gut full on the idiocy. I agree with your comments. The default should be OFF. If they can't do that, then it should be white LED. And, having the ability to save the settings and have them persist without RGB software running (even after uninstalling) should be mandatory. The settings should be saved to the DEVICE, not system NVRAM.
  6. It's not enough for them to castrate turdbooks with cancer firmware and EC herpes, they have to go the extra mile with collateral damage by removing their "frank and beans" with Windoze power profiles. His opening comments were very accurate... "If you ever want to see a system get unstable fast, start installing RGB software."
  7. More often than not, Intel does the right thing. Working in an industry where the exact opposite is true, that says something. I think this is a Windows/software issue. Fixing it should be a burden for the Redmond Reprobates to carry. If their cancer OS wasn't such a piece of crap it would not need optimizations.
  8. If you are referring to seeing Jacob in action, totally agree.
  9. Just for giggles, try setting that power profile with the e-cores disabled and see if you regain stability even with that power profile enabled. I would be curious to know if the errors are only with e-cores enabled when using that power profile. Here is something else I discovered. If you are getting TM5 errors on a memory overclock that is normally stable, switch to a different CFG file, then launch it and switch back to the one you prefer to use. Something happens (not sure what) where it seems like a corruption of some sort causes the errors and loading the config file fresh makes the problem go away. Where I have seen this happening MemTest won't have any errors and TM5 does and after a clean reload of the CFG file TM5 errors vanish. I can't explain why, only what fixes it. Maybe there are temp files that get corrupted and flipping the CFG profiles causes them to get deleted and created fresh. Linux is really the only respectable operating system. It has limitations and isn't perfect, but it's not as screwed up as the other options. If Linux could run all of the software I want to use, I wouldn't even waste any drive space on a Windoze installation.
  10. I just snagged a good deal on an Aorus RTX 2080 TI Xtreme Waterforce GPU for Windows 7 benching. It looks almost new, includes original box, etc. It was the slave GPU in an SLI setup, so being watercooled and not used much (slave GPU) it should be a nice piece with a lot of life left in it. I did not realize these had 3 HDMI, 3 DP plus the USB Type-C. Crazy that you could run 5 displays on this.
  11. Apex Encore BIOS 0080 is 11F and so is the Apex 0071. What MC is the Encore 0071 you are using now? I switched back to 0080 on the Encore because I don't feel like taking time to tune away the memory errors for the 8600 profile. I may switch over to the BIOS chip with 0071 in a couple of weeks when I have more time to mess with it. The CPU block mounted screen is idiotic, to put it bluntly. But, nothing is too tacky for gamers. Tacky and garish trash seems to be something they thrive on. But, screen aside, I like the fact that the waterblock is actually a waterblock, and the pump is mounted to the radiator. That is much better design for AIOs and a long overdue step in the right direction. The crappy pumps mounted on the CPU block is one of the design elements I dislike most about AIOs. It's antiquated and not a very smart design. The pumps are weak and noisy. Having wires running to the CPU block to run the pump and lighting crap on it also kind of sucks. If they made a version of this in black with no screen it might be something worth jumping on.
  12. Got it flashed and my 8600 memory overclock is not 100% stable with 0071. I will have to play with the settings to find out why. It boots and benching fines, but has errors in TM5 I was not having with 0080.
  13. Thank you. Testing 0071 for the Encore now. If it is older microcode and older Intel ME it should be better.
  14. Where did you find 0071 for the Encore? I did not see it at HWBOT, only 0071 for Apex and 0080 for Encore.
  15. Working very well. Well enough that I don't think I am going to try anything else.
  16. Dad gum. Looks like PNY is about as shifty as ASUS. This really sucks. Totally dishonest. At least is was such as easy fix (no actual damage). It shows how lame the RMA centers are. They didn't even look at what was wrong, just looked for a way to deny warranty. Bastards.
  17. It was too long ago to recall with absolute certainty, but I believe it was the TF5 and Eurocom secured it so @Prema could get the BIOS mod ready. But, it was long enough that I could be totally wrong or mistaken about which system it was. It may have been the P870DM. Whichever it was, it was provided for that purpose and I did not purchase it for my own use. It was when 8700K landed that I shifted my interest to desktop. I could not buy one anywhere and eventually gave up trying to (after several months) and ordered a prebuilt from iBuyPower so I could have an 8700K. OEMs/System Builders was the only way to buy one for like 6 months if memory serves me correctly. I've heard some not good things about 15th Gen. If any of the scuttlebutt is true, it might be a downgrade. I'm not sure how much is true at this point. It would be disappointing to wait for 15th Gen only to find out you'd have a stronger performer with a 13th or 14th Gen CPU. Reminds me a bit of 11th Gen. Made no sense for it to even exist. I guess we will all find out together. I will have a surprised look on my face if "MSRP" actually turns out to mean anything. It has been a long time since we have seen a GPU sell for the correct price. They seem to sell for "whatever the market bears" and the market is controlled by evil people and price gouging is facilitated by stupid people willing to overpay for whatever they want without questioning anything. I wish I knew the answer to that last question. If I had to take a guess, I would assume stupidity or differing priorities, or a combination of the two. Either way, it sucks. We could build a pretty long list of negative adjectives, and most would be accurate.
  18. I think that video is geared toward people that do not have maxed out systems, yet they blame the game for being crap because the game runs like garbage with ultra settings when their build does not include ultra-capable hardware.
  19. Are you referring to the Tornado F5? I didnt buy it. It was a product review. My re-entry to desktop world and abandonment of laptops began with 8700K. To the best of my recollection, the only products I have had on or before launch day are product review items. And those do not count since they are not purchased items.
  20. I don't remember ever buying new tech on launch day. I generally wait a bit (30-90 days) to see how things shake out after the hype train returns to the station. As excited as I am about Battlemage, I will most likely be letting other people spend their money first and watching what happens. Your best bet might be camping out at a local retailer, arriving early enough to be at or near the front of the line.
  21. The common acceptance of trash is probably why we see so many garbage GPUs from NVIDIA. The bottom-feeders are why we can't have nice things anymore. It wasn't enough for them to ruin laptops. They are like rats. Rats multiply rapidly, spread disease, consume trash and ruin everything.
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