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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. It looks like some of the GPUs with cracks in this video are Asus, not only Gigabutt. I think any video card that doesn't receive proper support and is allowed to sag and bounce around is at risk to end up fractured. Same is true of people that handle their system like a ragdoll. The bigger and heavier the GPUs are, the more likely they are to end up with cracks or broken solder points due to flexing and distortion of the PCB. I think it is a huge mistake to ship a system with the video card installed in the PCIe slot. GPUs should be packaged separately and installed by the receiver. If the receiver lacks the basic skill necessary to install a video card, then they probably don't have any business owning the computer to begin with because they're too ignorant for that turn out well. Aside from the probability of paying more for mediocre components than better components, the biggest drawback to purchasing a pre-built desktop is the physical damage that is very likely to occur in transit.
  2. I'm at the point that I expect nothing less than garbage from tech companies. I only want to buy things from companies that accept hassle-free returns because about 8 or 9 out of 10 products that I purchase are a worthless or compromised piece of feces and I want my money back. So, yeah... not surprising at all. It's unfortunate that the supply of chintzy trash is so abundant and there is no longer any emphasis on quality. Even if it were fan-tastic (pun intended) it wouldn't be worth purchasing at a price north of $15, so it was predestined for failure in my eyes. If it was under $15 one could easily overlook it's lower performance like many of us have always done with the weak Arctic F12 fans that are super cheap. But, I've moved on now. This product falls into the 80-90% bucket of filth and simply isn't worth burning any more calories on.
  3. I remember some people had an emotional meltdown when Trump put tariffs on China. It was a brilliant move and appropriate. Doing business with your enemies and providing them with a revenue stream of any kind doesn't make any sense. China doesn't have the resources to thrive without support from other countries and we should deprive them of anything they need to be successful as a nation. We should stop selling them anything and ban the import of anything they produce. It would mean doing without some things that are non-essential in the short term, but it would end up being worth the sacrifice in the long run. The bulk of what they produce is trash anyway.
  4. They should just come out and tell NVIDIA that they will be stiffly penalized for selling China anything that promotes business of any kind and just outright forbid them to service China clients in any manner and threaten to impose brutal fines if they do. In fact, they should just do that for all technology providers and not limit it to NVIDIA. Make it across the board for all companies. Maybe impose a 100% tax or a fine equal to twice the estimated revenue generated from the sale of any technology-related products or services to China. Make it functionally and financially impossible for them to conduct business with China.
  5. It is unfortunate that it does not perform better. It is far too expensive for me to even remotely consider as a viable option even if it performed the best, but lower performance at a higher price is a pretty condemning scenario. It is puzzling to me that a fan could be considered the "most anticipated cooling product" of the year or the "biggest disappointment" of the year. I can't relate to the idea of a fan being overly stimulating one way or the other. Being excited about a fan just seems kind of weird to me. Evidently, fans are a fetish for some people.
  6. A new release from Brother Tom MacDonald. @ryan
  7. Dang it, why is it so hard to find normalcy, decency and goodness is this goofed-up spinning chunk of rock? Open source and closed source, both vessels of wicked machinations and degenerate, ignoble underlying agendas that do not serve the greater good. I was using Thorium as a Chrome substitute (on Chris's recommendation) and it turns out to be filled with Easter eggs planted by their sick-o developer. Kudos to Chris for posting this video to retract his previous recommendation. We're waist deep in crap and surrounded by filth and it is getting worse, not better. All of the off-grid survivalists and anti-social hermits that have been unjustly labeled as "tin foil hatters" are making more sense than they ever have before.
  8. It's funny, I almost posted a comment on his video about him moving to Texas. That shows a tremendous amount of wisdom on his part to escape from New York. New York and California are two of a number of very horrible places, because of their utterly insane, absurdly incompetent government "leaders" that are not content with destroying their own states, but want to bring their corruption, destruction, depravity and psychotic dystopian world view to the rest of our nation. The only reason I did not comment is he chose Austin, which is about as nutty, far left and woke as it can get for Texas. It truly baffles me to think there can be fellow human beings with a pulse that don't care about the causes he champions. It is all common sense stuff that adversely affects all people, that anyone paying attention should care about. But I digress... paying attention is something not nearly enough people do. A growing number are too stupid to know they should.
  9. It seems to be becoming more and more common that things that are stated or claimed bear no factual semblance to reality. It feels like sometimes they just make stuff up based on what they think people want to hear. It makes matters even worse when they are full of crap and their assumptions are way off base, or reflective of only what a like-minded segment thinks.
  10. I wonder how long until the leftist deep state lunatic fringe orders a hit on Vivek to silence the truth? The demonstrations of journalistic incompetence on the part of goofball, degenerate, government-sanctioned disinformation cabals like CNN and MSNBC are truly astonishing.
  11. If the OEMs and technology sponsors want their Chosen Ones to get money they should just give them money because they are "special" or favored people. It is nobody else's business and they have every right to do that. It is a marketing tactic and should be seen as that. However, creating an impression that they "won" the cash or merchandise in a competitive event using special hardware and firmware that is not available to all is specious, if not outright surreptitious. Likewise, changing the rules to benefit select participants during a competition and only making modified firmware available to the general population at HWBOT after an event has ended, or so late in the game that it cannot be leveraged by all contestants, is just dishonest and immoral. Nobody likes playing a game when the outcome is rigged. No one should have a surprised look or their face or scratch their head in wonderment about why the sport is dying and participation is at an uprecedented low point when their behavior is what caused it. When it was decided that ECC needed to be enabled on 3DMark submissions with 4090 they were swift to disqualify submissions by the general public, but deleting submissions by the Chosen Ones that did not have ECC enabled did not occur swiftly.
  12. It's unfortunate that certain groups want to silence voices and opinions they do not agree with and characterize them as evil, crazy, spreaders of disinformation and other things. It reflects more poorly on those haters than it does those who are the victims and their objects of hate. I think it is fine to think whatever they want to think, but trying to silence them with mischaracterizations that are an ironic reflection of themselves fits the cliche of the pot calling the kettle black. It probably terrifies them that the Jones they want to cast as a lunatic has been so freakishly accurate with his information, forecasts and predictions that they have worked so tirelessly to prevent from becoming public knowledge.
  13. Truthfully, I think it was the last version that did. Everything they have produced since then sucks it instead of kicking it. They haven't managed to do anything right in the grand scheme of things since then. Only varying degrees of worthless and a relentless pursuit of failure. They are approaching the threshold of mastering incompetence.
  14. It would make no difference to me if they worked better and/or looked better, or both. I will not pay $30 each for a fan. I don't care how good it is. None are worth that much. That is just far too expensive. I will not purchase a fan that costs more than $10 to $15 each and I shoot for about $5 each. Those Apex fans would cost about $540 on my MO-RA 360 and $270 for my Nova. Not enough benefit if the fans cost that much no matter how great the fan performs.
  15. So, on 14900K a P-core SP109 voltage is essentially equivalent to voltage for a P-core SP120 rating on a 13900KS. At least for now, based on that table. It is too bad they are not tracking the voltage requirements for the E-cores by SP rating. That would have made it even more useful. It looks like the average 14900KS has P-cores with the same silicon quality as both of my 13900KS and worse e-core silicon sample. So, if I purchased an average 14900K it would not be an upgrade due to the frequency/prevalence of lower quality e-cores.
  16. Congrats on the CPU. It looks like the voltage requirement is about 0.040V less than my second 13900KS at both 6.0GHz and 5.8GHz on P-cores (SP120) and about 0.025V more on your E-cores than my 13900KS (SP97). Overall SP ratings are 107 and 112, respectively. Comparing your SP107 (SP117/88) 14900K to my other 13900KS SP108 (SP120/88) the voltage requirements are even further apart. So, the scaling is drastically different and cannot be directly compared (which we already expected).
  17. Oh, I totally agree. And, I am not making excuses for them. QC is no longer something anyone in tech does right. QC is in the toilet. But, we also shouldn't penalize a company for being transparent and providing a detailed change log or release notes. Contrast that long list of things they fixed (which should be expected, not viewed as being special,) and the transparency of information with change logs and release notes that are empty, incomplete and meaningless, or even totally non-existent. Release notes that say almost nothing like "improves memory performance" or "support for next gen processor" that we so often see are essentially worthless and may omit things that matter a lot. It makes me suspicious and raises questions about what they are hiding.
  18. Most of the "supporting software" we see from the OEMs is buggy, bloated garbage. If I had to identify something positive (like the needle in the haystack) it would be that they fixed a lot of broken stuff. We should expect them to. If I contrast that with extreme trash like Armory Crate it seems positive on the surface. iCue seems better, in the same way that that polio is better than brain cancer.
  19. These kids are pretty talented. Liliac is a 5-piece Atlanta-based, family Rock/Metal female-fronted band consisting of all siblings ages 16-24. The lead singer has a nice set of pipes.
  20. Correct. No. In fact, doing it should be prosecuted as a felony if it happens in a public venue. It should only be acceptable in a private club or organization designed to be an echo chamber exclusively for like-minded individuals. In that scenario, expression of a differing view is trolling in a place you have no right to be and are not welcomed.
  21. These products are for a very special market segment. So special, in fact, that Tom wrote a song about them. Interesting metal case fans from Alphacool... I like how they are made but $30 each is too expensive.
  22. I am glad to see more and more examples of public dialogue occurring against the cockamamie idea of an EV world without an infrastructure or desire for it. I think it is time to take back the ground we have lost by letting goofballs control the narrative and push their lies. $7000 is still too much for something you don't want even if it were being offered for free.
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