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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Yes, I agree. Now, if (and only if) you can get a good pair of the 16GB modules they are better... much tighter timings and lower latency, but they are hit or miss. I've got the 48GB G.Kill kit dialed in 24/7 stable at 8600. It works great, but my 8200 profile with the 2*16 generic sticks with much tighter timings performs on par with 8600 speed with the looser timings and has lower latency. Seems like everything today is a silicon lottery crap shoot. I am starting to get sick of the amount of nonsense we have to deal with in terms of PC components. There is too much chintzy junk, or grossly overpriced parts; or the deadly combo of chintzy and grossly overpriced junk parts. If I am totally honest, I am also starting to find it hard to identify any major components that I am interested in buying even if I had tons of disposable cash to blow on anything I wanted. This is particularly true of video cards and motherboards. In a very undesirable manner, it is reminding me of the reason I abandoned laptops. There was nothing available that was special or good enough that I would be willing to waste my money buying it. Not quite there yet, but dangerously close. We are surrounded by lots of tacky gamer e-waste designed to titillate the senses of the RGB fangirls.
  2. Congrats. You got a good kit. I RMA'd that exact same kit a couple of weeks ago. It was defective. Couldn't pass any memory tests using the XMP profile with defaults or after giving it more voltage. And, it was unbootable using a saved profile that worked flawlessly with other modules. Edit: I take that back. The trash kit I RMA'd was 2*16GB not 2*24GB. The 32GB kit was rubbish.
  3. My employer uses Google services for many things and at least once a week (at least it feels that frequent) Google makes a change that looks and feels repulsive. They continually dumb things down, bloat the UI, create ugliness and do things that diminish usefulness and user experience. They make using a PC feel like I am using a tablet or smartphone and I despise them for it. Micro$lop isn't really any better. They are two turds in the same toilet. I'd love to flush them both down the drain, along with the third turd (crApple). All three companies are sewer rats.
  4. Wow, that's just brutal. It's sad to see examples of a government financially assaulting its citizens in such a malicious manner. It is just so ethically perverse, wrong and messed up.
  5. If may be as simple as needing to register it in Secure Boot or disabling Secure Boot so it will work. I hope so. You can run in UEFI mode with no CSM support with Secure Boot disabled just fine. I do that on all of my system because Secure Boot will prevent certain types of Windows software from functioning and often does not play nice with Linux. It also was not supported by Windows 7 and I was still using Windows 7 until I could no longer get working drivers (4090 and Arc A770 have no drivers).
  6. Nice write-up, brother. Any idea what "misc" voltage is actually for?
  7. I'm not familiar with the options available in your BIOS, but what you describe sounds as if the PCIE slot itself is not being initialized during POST. Have you already poked around for options to designate the slot the card is installed in as being bootable? You may have to choose between that slot or eSATA, for example. That card should work nicely. I have several like it. The fact that the drive is visible once you load windows and you can install TrueNAS to it, but it does not show during POST suggests a BIOS configuration option is either missing or not toggled for it to become bootable. If you have Secure Boot enabled that could also be complicating matters. You would need to register it in Secure Boot as a boot device if the device supports it. I do not know if TrueNAS supports it. You can try disabling Secure Boot if it is enabled. At least for troubleshooting. Secure Boot introduces numerous functionality complications and this may be a manifestation of one of them. Everything works out better for me and there are fewer headaches to deal with it when it is disabled.
  8. It looks like they are going to scrap the 4090D now, so that's good. A world without China's participation would be a better place for everyone else. It does not really matter what the law says, China will steal whatever they want if they can't buy it. They do that already even when they can buy it. Attempting to skirt a law designed to hurt or hinder China's success and prosperity should carry a severe punishment by itself for NVIDIA or any other company looking for a loophole. It should be viewed as a form of treason and aiding and abetting organized crime. In addition to that, payback for COVID should be severe and have no expiration date. Those involved on our side (Fauchi and company) should be looking at facing capital punishment. Ask a Uyghur that has had family members executed or a Christian that has been imprisoned or executed for their faith how they feel about China's government.
  9. The only way this can ever get fixed is if enough people wise up and make it impossible for the imbeciles scalping the public to earn a living by forcing them into bankruptcy and shutting down their businesses with aging inventory that is only sellable at a price less than what they paid for it. I doubt there are enough intelligent people for that to happen, but I would love to be proven wrong. If things turn out like they should, it will turn out like this for all of them...
  10. Unbelievably stupid, but not as unbelievable and stupid as the reality that idiots are willing pay that price (and even a lot more than that) for one. They are responsible for it just as much as the dishonest people scalping the public. Scalpers can't scalp if there are no people dumb enough to be compliant. It is $2500 to $2800 on Amazon depending on who the slime ball seller is. Like it or not, all of us suffer the consequences and misfortune of an idiotic minority's existence.
  11. Better yet... Copilot functionality be disabled in the registry. Copy and paste in the command below in an elevated PowerShell or Teminal window and press enter: reg add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot /v TurnOffWindowsCopilot /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f Then sign out and back in or reboot for the change to take effect. To re-enable, as if you would ever want to, you can use the command: reg delete HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot /f I am looking for a script to completely uninstall/delete Copilot like the one I use for Defender. That would make it permanent and irreversible, which would be ideal. Anything we can do to facilitate or contribute to the failure of AI development, no matter how seemingly small, is worth doing. I'd love to see all of the "investors" lose their butt and end up scrapping the idea.
  12. Given my natural tendency to extend more forgiveness than what is deserved it is possible that could happen, but apart from that the chances of it are extremely slim. Every time I have given AMD another chance to make me happy it has ended in regret and unhappiness, so I will try to keep that historical fact in focus and not expect a leopard to lose its spots.
  13. I think that any and all forms of trade with China, Russia and North Korea (perhaps a few others) should be banned by the US and its allies. These nations are the enemies of the free world and they should be deprived of any means of earning an income or flourishing financially in a global economy. They should be put in a position where mere survival becomes extremely difficult and their primary point of focus. They treat their own citizens like crap, so the idea that they should have a place at the table with the rest of us is simply ludicrous. Yeah, same here. That's just way too much money for a mainstream consumer CPU. We don't make any money, gain fame or notoriety off of this hobby and if I have to pay anything that closely resembles double retail to get a decent part it becomes very difficult to enjoy. Especially so when it will be obsolete in a matter of months and might suddenly die without a warranty to replace it with another just like it, or refund my money, before I am done playing with it.
  14. I read through all of the posts and I'm still not clear. Let me know if this is accurate. You have an NVMe M.2 that was pulled from a Dell laptop. You are attempting to use it on an Acer AC100 server and it is not recognized in the Acer's BIOS. The NMVe M.2 is installed in a PCIe expansion card designed to accommodate an M.2 PCIe (not M.2 SATA) SSD. Correct? Have you already tried using DIskpart to run a clean command on the NVMe? If you boot from a Windows installation USB media and run Diskpart from a command prompt (Shift+F10) and run the list disk command does Diskpart identify it? Sometimes running a clean command will make an NVMe that is not visible in the BIOS become visible. I'm not sure exactly why. If the drive is not visible using Diskpart then either the PCIe M.2 SSD, the PCIe card or the PCIe slot is having an issue. Do you have another PCIe M.2 you can test in the expansion card to see if it is visible in the BIOS? You cannot select a data drive in the BIOS as a boot drive or choose it from a boot priority menu until is has an OS boot sector or a bootable EFI partition installed on it because it is not a bootable drive (yet). But, if TrueNAS setup sees it and allows you to install to it, it should then become available to select as the boot drive at that point because it has become a bootable drive. If it is the only bootable drive installed, then the BIOS will most likely configure itself to boot from it without any need for manual configuration. Can you post a photo of the PCIe M.2 expansion card? Or, a link to the product listing from when you purchased it?
  15. It is sad and scary how many people will fall for this scam and it is Micro$lop's fault for allowing this on their own web pages.
  16. I look forward to seeing how it turns out. The delid of the 5950X that I had provided no benefit whatsoever. Temps were terrible with liquid metal due to poor contact (uneven CCD heights) and was basically identical to pre-delid using normal thermal paste. I hope it turns out nice with liquid metal and the TG IHS.
  17. Try Waterfox. It is pretty decent. Chrome has been my favorite for many years but Google has never been trustworthy and the things that the Alphabet A-holes are doing now is worthy of death. The sad truth is all Windows and Mac OSes suck now and so does the vast majority of the software garbage that runs on them. Browsers almost universally suck. The limitations of Linux and Linux software are becoming more beneficial as the state of decline progresses.
  18. This is what I have and it has served me well. https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/water-chillers/hailea-ultra-titan-hc-500a-110v-1-2hp-790watt-cooling-capacity-waterchiller.html
  19. I do not have the container to verify, but it should be ethylene glycol. It is whatever I can buy for the least amount at Walmart that is not red or yellow. I usually look for the blue Asian car type. It is a premix and after I add the gallon the rest of what goes in the loop is distilled water, so it is diluted quite a bit.
  20. So, you're talking about what shows in HWiNFO64 then, not the BIOS, correct?
  21. Hey Brother... Unless you are referring to information visible somewhere else, the P-core and E-core VID on the AI Settings page does not change. I already have the E-cores set at 4.7GHz and that is what it shows and it never changes based on the actual settings applied because manual settings are not AI Optimized. None of the values under AI Optimized Settings has anything to do with the settings applied unless you elect to go with ASUS AI Optimized overclocking, and if you do that the settings shown here are what gets applied. Let me know if you are wanting me to look elsewhere.
  22. My E-core SP97 chip is 1.264V at 5.6GHz. So, your SP95 E-core guess is probably very close. His $750 CPU is just a tiny bit better than my first 13900KS and the MCSP is the same (85). So, very decent but not a show stopper. Wouldn't be worth it for me, but for someone buying their first CPU or replacing a trashy sample, probably a good one to grab for $750. I wouldn't buy the other one for $1050. Too expensive in my opinion. Not a lot too expensive, but enough that I would pass. It is a better price than some of the insane greedy scalper prices we have seen.
  23. LoL... From the mouths of babes... Dana is spot-on...
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