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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. To be fair, they were not always horrible garbage peddlers.Things started circling the drain with Haswell machines due their half-hearted and half-assed effort and things have gotten steadily worse since. I have no reservation in saying that I believe they are incapable of doing anything correctly where high performance computers are concerned. The only thing they do somewhat well is business machines, but even those systems have kooties.
  2. Sad, lame and lazy. More status quo. Nice. (Not really.) I wonder what their problem is? Don't care enough, or it's just too difficult? Mmm. How 'bout no. Huh-uh. The new design as not as horrible as the old, which was utterly atrocious, but it's still butt ugly. And, it's still made by a disgusting company that produces trashy proprietary crap. Hard pass.
  3. When you finally kick laptops to the curb, I doubt you will have any regrets. I now have zero interest in wasting my money on one. I wouldn't even want to if the socketed CPU and MXM Clevo beasts returned. I don't want to waste my money on overpriced compromised trash. Laptops are a compromised, no matter how they are made. They will always be an inferior option. They have a place and they fill a need, and the best approach is to attend to that in the cheapest way possible. There is no such thing as a "desktop replacement" laptop.
  4. They don't care. They know people are going to buy their stuff because it's better than the alternative, not because it's good in its own right. They meter performance so they can sell you a minor variation of the same GPU later that performs better because of firmware and driver witchcraft, not because they released something more special.
  5. I'm probably going to volt mod and shunt mod it. Just got to take time to do the research how and then find the time to do it. Between work (my day job) and product reviews I don't have a lot of spare time right now. I probably need to start passing up some of the review opportunities and take a few days of vacation to get this done. 4090 is wickedly powerful, but it needs about 1.300V to get jolted out of it semi-comatose sissy gamerboy operating mode.
  6. And here I am, looking for a way to push more voltage and more power through it, not limit it. I am not too worried about it. If it's plugged in correctly, and stays plugged in, it won't melt. The 4090 has never pulled as many watts as my 3090 Kingpin or shunt-modded 2080 Ti did. I don't understand why people think 500 to 600 watts is a lot. Heck, I pull that much with my 13900KS LOL. Really not a big deal. I guess the gamer kiddos don't know what they don't know. *smh*
  7. No, we can't fix it. Ignorance is temporary and easily cured by receiving information, but stupid is permanent. That guy probably would change his tune if his had melted. I think the issue is not plugging it in correctly as much as it not staying plugged in. I had no problems with mine, even with heavy overclocking. But, I did not want to have to babysit it and constantly check on it. It was easier to just live without it.
  8. I don't see a huge problem. They have replaced GPUs that had melted connectors while using their adapters and have been a more honorable company than we usually see. Maybe they made a mistake in some manner, but at least they are owning it. I guarantee you we wouldn't see such honorable behavior from the likes of companies like Asus, MSI or Gigabyte. Asus has released far more defective trash than Cablemod has and they don't care how it turns out once they get your money.
  9. Makes sense he is using the Dark K|NGP|N mobo, as it is better at memory OC than the Apex. Cablemod info... I got the email mentioned and will take advantage of the offer.
  10. Maybe? I find it difficult to conclude otherwise. There is certainly no shortage of it. The question is, who will the stupid blame for their stupidity? I mean, it has to be somebody else's fault, right?
  11. Indeed. There is no way anyone can be mistaken about the message or its clear intent. That's one of the reasons he's awesome. No need for "support" from a big (woke) label. More successful without the bad influence. manipulation and undue control.
  12. I received a vertical GPU riser cable and base for the review unit.
  13. That made me curious and I had to Google search it because I wasn't sure what it was you were saving for.
  14. There are plenty of good reasons for all of us to be angry at EVERYONE that is in charge of technology right now. The leaders and influencers are all idiots and losers that produce overpriced, broken garbage. Their ability to produce trash, and replicate it, is unmatched by any other industry and it is historically unprecedented.
  15. This is not my best score, but I ran it for comparison when I finished work today. This is my work computer. But, for the record, the GPU score is higher, and higher than my highest graphics score with the 6900 XT on chilled water. This Prema-tized laptop 4090 GPU is going to make some desktop jockeys that haven't upgraded their desktop GPU from RDNA2 not very happy. https://www.3dmark.com/compare/spy/40266707/spy/40517867
  16. Well good morning from Arizona, stranger. Nice to see you here. A laptop running its memory at 7000 is pretty different. Latency looks pretty good as well. How is life treating you, brother? Your laptop 4090 graphics score is on par with desktop 6900/6950 XT scores.
  17. That is very clean-looking, bro. As far as selling it, hard to say for sure. White for computers is either loved or hated. The demand for white is very low compared to normal (black) but the passion for it is pretty intense among those who are captivated by it. If a member of the minority that is obsessed with white computer parts sees it they might pay more than you're asking. They're kind of weird that way and they pay extra for white parts when they buy new as well. I think it looks pretty good on someone else's system. I don't mind it and that build looks very good, but I think I would not like it much after a few days after the new wears off. The primary attraction, I think, is that it is different and far from ordinary. Kind of like having pets. The best pets are those that belong to someone else. You can enjoy them when you visit, but you don't have to incur any costs, worry about taking care of them or cleaning up their messes.
  18. As Brother @Papusanpointed out, upgrade is easy and less expensive on a desktop versus not happening on a modern laptop. What are the rest of the specs? Whether or not that's a good deal would depend on a whole lot more than what GPU that has in it. The one thing that laptops and desktops have in common is horrible value. You get screwed real bad when you buy it new and then anytime you want to sell it you're going to get screwed real bad again because the shafting goes the opposite direction as well. People buying on the used market expect to get things for unreasonably cheap prices... pennies on the dollar. 3060 Ti was a decent GPU. I really liked the one I had. It was respectable at gaming. Best thing to do is get it if it's a good buy on the whole system and upgrade the GPU later. You'll be able to play plenty of games on it without upgrading. As for what to do with the used GPU, be careful. Don't cave in on used prices and let yourself get screwed. You're better off just having the spare parts collecting dust on the shelf than bending over and taking it in the backside by cheapskates that don't want to pay fair prices for used parts. I had some dipstick on eBay offer me $250 last week for the bundle I have listed in the marketplace. My response was "LoL" but I wanted to respond by telling him of a destination that is hotter than the place I live and that suggestion sort of rhymes with LOL.
  19. Yes, in fact it equaled my custom loop and I started trying to figure out why. I was using the 13700K (not delidded) and the temps were a couple of degrees cooler with the EK AIO. I took apart the Optimus block and found debris in the fins and cleaned them out, and after that the custom loop was just barely better. So little better, in fact, than one could say the added cost and effort is not worth it. The custom loop has benefits like inclusion of the RAM and GPU blocks. But, for a person that plans to leave those cooled on air, the AIO is the smart way to go financially. Maybe not just any AIO, but this one at least.
  20. I look forward to seeing that. White or otherwise, I'm sure it will be nice. That EK 360 AIO then I'm going to be publishing a review on here shortly does an impressive job. Much better than I expected. You can get a TeamGroup 4TB NVMe for $159. It is not as fast as the SN850X, but for $100 less it doesn't need to be. It'll get the job done and that price is just really too good to pass up.
  21. Speaking of temperatures. Pulling cold air through a radiator is always better than exhausting hot air through the radiator. And, with the top radiator blowing on the RAM sticks, it runs cooler, too.
  22. With a TDP-handling capacity the functional equivalent of this and a thin chassis suffocating what little resides inside of it... probably so.
  23. The really great news (for me) is that because it is a laptop product it just doesn't matter to me how it turns out, LOL. That it will be a pile of manure is taken for granted before any details are known. 😉
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