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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. Thank you. I really like it a LOT. Super nice. 1. PSU is super easy to access. The top panel does not come off above the PSU, but the PSU basement side has the removable metal side plate with the RGB strip on it so you have open access to both sides of the PSU and with the bracket attaching it to the rear I/O panel it is super easy to access anything relating to the PSU. Easier than any I have seen. To pop off the PSU basement side plate you just press down in the center by the name "DARK BASE PRO" and unlatch it, then lift it off after disconnecting the RGB connector. 2. The panel next to the motherboard tray with all of the HDD mounting option is easily removable and replaces with a fan/radiator bracket that is included. This is shown in the review material (exploded view) and it is in the big accessory box shown in the video. So you can mount three 120mm fans or fans and radiator in that space. Congrats on the score. Wow, that's awesome you can set more than 1100mV. What vBIOS is letting you set 1195mV? I need that one real bad. Please share. The Strix 1000W and the Galax 666W vBIOS are limited to 1100mV like all of the others before the gimped firmware release. Edit: bummer. Looks like that is a 4080 vBIOS. I need 1195mV for 4090.
  2. It is not only Jay. I am seeing others reporting the same, and they are saying that gaming cards will be the Plan B for a cheaper, but less effective, option for AI. The way I look at it, if it's not that then there will be some other reason invented so that we all get screwed over. We can count on getting shafted. That's just the way things are. Tech is build on the foundational idea of screwing consumers and enthusiasts alike. The only thing good about it is, ultimately, none of the new tech gizmo crap, including AI, is important, essential or necessary. It would be inconsequential, if not beneficial, that it not even exist or that its advancement fail.
  3. I know it's really crazy that there isn't one here. I don't understand why either. Makes no sense. They would make a killing and have an absolute monopoly. There's nothing here and nobody to compete with them. I can speculate as to why that is, but I'm not sure that it's relevant here.
  4. Pretty hard to beat for that price, as ridiculous as it sounds to say about paying $1500 video card that isn't anything special. I don't think you'll find one any cheaper than that new. Strike while the iron is hot Best Buy is the only place left in my area to purchase computer parts. They rarely stock anything that I am interested in purchasing and my only option is online shopping to get what I want. For the most part they sell low- to mid-range gamer crap. After some stuff that I read about them a couple of days ago I'll probably have to scratch them off my list of places worthy of survival and boycott them based on their unacceptably sucky woke business and employment practices. I hope they get the crap sued out of them and end up owing $1B+ in punitive damages and legal defense costs for their poor judgement.
  5. Bumping my memory overclock from 8000 to 8200 didn't seem to change much and results were equally random. It seems like the FPS in the first 5 to 10 seconds weigh heavily on the final score for some reason. If the FPS at the start are around 800-820 FPS the final score is notably higher.
  6. I was able to get it to run with RTSS/OSD by manipulating settings in RTSS. I am not running it because it lowers benchmark scores, but I was at least able to get it to stop crashing with RTSS running. My honest opinion is this benchmark just isn't ready for prime time and it is extremely unreliable and flawed. This result is not related to tuning so much as running the benchmark enough times that it eventually pukes up an abnormally high score. Looks like this is the best score I am going to get until I have time to run the benchmark another 20 or 30 times until it calculates a higher score. I am seeing 2500-3500 3DMark points variance between runs without changing any settings. I have also tried two versions of Windows 10 (LTSC 2019 and LTSC 2021) and three versions of Windows 11 (one totally stock with all of the cancer and two mods with Micro$lop trash exorcised) and it doesn't matter how many processes or services are running in terms of benchmark results. I am still seeing lots of illogically inflated results in the HOF with people running the same hardware (CPU, mobo, drivers and vBIOS) with lower overclocks. If I lower my overclock to match the illogically high results, my scores are like 3000-4000 points lower than their reported clocks depending on how many times I re-run it. https://www.3dmark.com/sb/24848 https://www.3dmark.com/sb/25014 Wild variance (same overclock values) https://www.3dmark.com/compare/sb/25019/sb/25014#
  7. Yes, I apply that to my default profile as part of my normal setup routine. Also disabled ECC. The scores are very erratic and can vary as much as 10,000 points over a dozen runs. Edit: @Talonanother thing I am seeing now that I did not before is if Solar Bar errors out it sometimes tells me that the primary display is not connected and my computer can't run the benchmark due to not enough VRAM. Never have seen that with the other 3DMark DLC. Really weird. Running RTSS in the background for OSD also triggers it erroring out for some reason. Buggy crap software.
  8. UL has turned 3DMark into a totally buggy piece of garbage. Nothing I have tried allows me to get an impressive score on Solar Bay, including testing on 2 versions of Windows 10 and three versions of Windows 11. There are scores in the 3DMark Hall of Fame that are beating mine by a lot using inferior systems that are not tuned as well, but trail my Sky Diver, Fire Strike, Time Spy and Speedway scores to a similar degree. I have similar issues with Port Royal and VR Mark, which I also think are a joke benchmark like Solar Bay. All three of them always return lower than expected scores for me and and they are prone to end with errors and no score; yet I don't have issues and get phenomenal results with just about anything else.
  9. Well, Hallelujah. I don't need it but downloaded it "just in case" I end up owning one of the castrated ADA GPUs or need to flash something unusual. Thank you. Funny Github user name for that guy. I worked there for 14 years a long time ago. Maybe his first name is Jake, so he is "Jake not from State Farm" LOL. Edit: I have been using the 1000W 4090 vBIOS and tried going back to the 666W Galax vBIOS. Instant decrease in performance. Even though it has never pulled 1000W I think there is something in the firmware algorithm that makes pulling more power more difficult the closer you get to the power limit. I will test this flashing back to the 1000W vBIOS just for giggles.
  10. Brother @Papusan Gratulerer med dagen. I hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow. Any special plans?
  11. So, where is it? Why is it not released already? Yes, that is a rhetorical question. I don't own any of them. I have a couple of WD Passports that are too old and slow to use and they sucked the day they were new. They were slower than normal when slow was normal.
  12. The saddest part of all is that any of it matters to us or anyone else. Videos, news entertainment articles up the kazoo, and threads everywhere, because human beings love a conspiracy theory, love to talk about it, say what they think about it. And, we latch onto bad news more swiftly than good news. If it is bad or messed up, then it must be true. If it is good news, then it must not be true, it is only partially true and they are hiding something they don't want us to know, or it is outright gaslighting. It would be better for LTT, GN, their employees, us and the rest of the world is none of us gave a rat's tail about any of it. Thanks to the power of the internet and the commiseration-loving flaws of humanity, we are all pole vaulting over mouse droppings to one degree or another. We should lock them in a padded room and tell them they can't come out until they've figured it out, but spare us all of the drama because "ain't nobody got time fo dat" LOL. If there are internal issues and abuses in the workplace that rise to the level of legal action, that is totally separate. They should pursue the remedies available to them. We don't need to hear about it and wouldn't be hearing about any of it if it was not involving a high profile entity. It's messed up and it happens often, but it's not news and public awareness of it just brings out all of the trolls and pot-stirring nutjobs that complain in public because they want to be the center of attention and be numbered among the noisemakers.
  13. It's not just tech-related and not limited to YouTube. It's Tik Tok, Instagram, Facepoot, Twatter, mainstream "news" media disinformation, often with governmental origination or sponsorship... we are literally flooded with garbage information, erroneous information (intentional and accidental) and stupid, idiotic and worthless nonsense that is non-stop, and a horde of zombie sheeple that believe it all and lack any ability to employ logic or common sense in terms of what they blindly accept as "fact" or reality. We were better off without it all. Now we have AI to assist us as we double-down on becoming dumbed-down. A planet filled with educated idiots, uneducated idiots, corrupt leadership and criminals (official and unofficial) looking to exploit both varieties of idiots.
  14. I had not noticed it either. I posted in that thread. Thanks Brother @saturnotaku.
  15. My opinion is the less government gets involved with this silly thing the better off the world will be. Government harms more than it helps, and even when it does help it does it wrong, and costs too much, due to mismanagement, wastefulness and incompetence. I think the "What do we do now?" video is legit and sincere. I'm not a huge LTT fan and their channel is among those I watch the least simply because a lot of the content doesn't interest me. But, I do think he is an fallible human being that probably would have done some things different in hindsight. He started small and built quite an empire. I have a ton of respect for that even though I don't give a hoot about a lot of the content. The bigger a company gets, the more it becomes subject to mistakes, and his is a highly visible one. People always look for conspiracies and juicy stories. Truth and facts are optional when it comes to clickbait and nonsense in the "news" and on the internet. Hopefully, this will blow over soon and we can all focus on something that actually matters. I've had a gut full of all of the stupid videos on YouTube from people looking to increase their subscriber base at the expense of a peer that has been influential and successful by trashing him publicly. So, I'm not defending Linus as much as rejecting the irrational way most people react to silly internet drama, and the ulterior motives behind some of it.
  16. LMG = laughing my guts out. But, it's not funny. Just sounds that way. Kind of like cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny
  17. I agree. It should have been handled privately. This is a dirty-pool publicity stunt and about as stupid as an elementary school playground fight. Beware of anyone that offers "constructive criticism" in public view. There is an agenda behind that every time. The more accurate term would be "destructive criticism" and the only way to make it constructive is to go to the other party privately and talk through the concerns. Even people that don't value the information or advice can respect it being handled in private. If that goes south and it needs to be disclosed as a matter of public service, you can at least point to the fact that you made every effort to handle it privately first.
  18. So, Gamer Meld is talking about GPUs and AI and gloomy future ahead. If AMD is not going to offer a high-end GPU, sounds like the prediction is that NVIDIA will also not offer one and save all of its good silicon for AI. Sad that the latest example of human stupidity (AI) might be screwing things up for us all. Also sad that something so unneeded and unimportant (AI) is getting so much unwarranted attention. Again, another example of how stupid people have become.
  19. I find the whole concept of influencer and influencee to be laughable and ridiculous. It's sad that (a) influencers, whether thoughtfully appointed or arrogantly self-anointed, even exist; and (b) sad that individuals allow themselves to be influenced by YouTube videos. That doesn't reflect anything good or positive about either party to the "relationship" LOL.
  20. See, that's the kind of retarded scumbag troll crap I am fed up with. That person deserves to be tied up naked in public, ridiculed and beaten to the brink of death. I am not defending Linus, but that sort of nonsensical and unsolicited attack by an antagonistic aggressor has gotten out of control. Idiots like this are, unfortunately, allowed to breed and vote. Their irrational hate is contagious and spread by an equally stupid peer group. It is OK for them to behave that way, but God forbid that anyone dare to speak against them or condemn their behavior. I agree with most of what this fellow has to say. It is respectful, civilized, meaningful and constructive, unlike the troll. https://linustechtips.com/topic/1526180-gamers-nexus-alleges-lmg-has-insufficient-ethics-and-integrity/?do=findComment&comment=16086528
  21. If you're planning to do any kind of overclocked benching with it, the only thing that makes any sense is to buy the previously owned 4090 that has not been castrated.
  22. You have to watch both videos to fully understand and appreciate the outcome. First everything is written and recorded normally to audibly sound backwards... When played backwards it sounds like it is forward... 😄
  23. It always cool to see determination and talent win out over physical impairments. I had not noticed his hand in previous videos. It hasn't held him back.
  24. So much drama... It's unfortunate that everything around us is so polarized and so many people are combative and hateful. It causes me to lose respect for the instigators of division and controversy. Otherwise, I respect a person's right to have a differing opinion. I am all for hating the sin, but loving the sinner. When you do the exact opposite of that, it's way too messed up to put up with. They don't need to be buddies, but they should bury the hatchet. If Steve will take the high road, the rest of this will take care of itself. Steve generally focuses on facts and has data to back it up, and when you consistently do that the crap starts floating to the surface. Nobody likes to be told their baby is ugly, but Linus needs to put on his big boy pants. When you come up with numbers that don't match up with anything else, smart fellas know that it warrants another look. Measure twice, cut once.
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