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Mr. Fox

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Everything posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I don't get to see a business or Enterprise side of CPU world and cannot speak intelligently on that subject. The PC tech industry on the consumer side of things is a mess for sure. On the consumer side there's no legit competition for Intel and NVIDIA unless you are married to the idea of pretending things are good for AMD because hating Intel and NVIDIA makes you extra happy. AMD brings nothing special or good to the table as far as I'm concerned. The flaws we see with the 13900K are little more than annoying compared to the alternative option. It remains the better option by all measurements. It seems you have one of the worse examples. That would be upsetting to me, too. However, I can honestly say that every new Intel CPU I have owned has been better than the generation before it, and that has been true nearly 100% of the time, with Haswell being an exception and a nasty hiccup for Intel. The thing I hate most about my 13900K and KF is that someone I know (like Brother @tps3443 for example) has a better sample than mine. I hated the same thing about my 12th Gen and 10th Gen processors. That sucks only because my primary focus is overclocking. Owning average silicon samples would be a non-issue if my focus was gaming or productivity. Other than the bad luck of being an overclocker stuck with an average silicon sample, I struggle to find something legitimate to complain about other than everything is overpriced and QC for the industry as a whole is at an unprecedented level of horrible.
  2. I hope not. Maybe he is just a loser and needed to go for things to progress to a higher level.
  3. So, SP124 on P-cores, SP117 overall. What is the E-cores SP rating? What about the MC SP rating?
  4. Well, that's a good start. Not sure they have the same SP rating scale. What are the results like in comparison? How about the memory controller performance in comparison? Any news you can share yet?
  5. The Supercool "IHS" is actually the direct die waterblock jet plate, not an IHS. It takes the place of an IHS. It is made very similar to an IHS and is used by the Intel ILM to press the CPU into the socket.
  6. DOH! My brain saw Rockitcool even though you typed Supercool. My bad. Looking forward to seeing if your bizarre good silicon lottery luck surfaces again with the KS. Speaking of luck... Looks like their luck was better than mine with the EKWB bare die. Maybe my CPU is just an inferno sample.
  7. New releases from Brother Tom (very different from his usual genre) and Avenged Sevenfold. From their new album Life is But a Dream
  8. The current administration is failing so hard they are probably scrambling to fabricate something they can point to as a win. The appearance of flexing military muscle has often been played as a card when approval rating is low.
  9. I do not think we will ever see any of these companies fix problems that surface out of production on any end of life software or hardware. I can understand them not caring about an unsupported OS not functioning. I care, and so do some other customers, but I understand that none of the OEMs do, and I understand why they do not. They have to draw a line somewhere and end of support for the OS is the logical stopping point even though it is a better product than its crappy successors. It is probably rare that an EVGA customer uses an AMD graphics card. I suspect they have no awareness of the problem. Even though it is unlikely they will address an issue with Windows 7, I will email them to make them aware of the problem. They can at least have a documented known issue. Ultimately the problem is Micr$lop's fault. Had they not stopped supporting their best OS that is still preferred, loved and used by many millions of people, EVGA would have a duty to fix it. The Redmond Reprobates would be obliged to help them find and fix the issue, and so would AMD. Let us know if the Gen 13 copper IHS is any different, and how. Does it fit the Thermalright CPU frame just like the stock IHS, and without having to grind down the left wing to the correct size?
  10. It is probably one of the newer BIOS updates. I've had no issues with NVIDIA GPUs, including the 4090 Suprim or Strix. In fact, I can run an NVIDIA GPU on Windows 7 in pure UEFI mode with adjustable bar support on the EVGA board. Can't do that on the ASUS. I have seen some that have issues, which is weird that some do and some do not. Most of the people with problems have the Classified mobo. I would never buy the Classified. The 6900 XT not booting Windows 7 on the EVGA board has to be a conflict between the AMD vBIOS and system BIOS, maybe something with how ACPI is implemented. I still prefer EVGA because I hate living in a state of perpetual apprehension about when my ASUS motherboard is going to fail. Their QC is worse than ever. It was interesting that even JayzTwoCents is starting to avoid ASUS now because of reliability problems. He has always been an ASUS fanboy. It may also be the fact that I have a KF CPU in the Strix mobo. There is a possibility the Intel iGPU is causing some kind of strange conflict with the 6900 XT. Maybe one day when I have nothing better to do I will put the 13900K in the Strix mobo and see if I have problems with Windows 7. The Strix supports Intel HD graphics. The EVGA Dark does not support integrated graphics.
  11. Good news... Windows 7 works with 6900 XT in CSM mode on the work computer. I wish I knew why it does not work on the other system. But, it is in the system it would be in if I decide to buy it from Brother @Rage Setso that's good.
  12. I think a lot of us choose function over form. But, I am a fan of avoiding ugly if all things are equal. And, that is also subjective and "in the eye of the beholder" so to speak. I have always thought they were ugly. I have some because they work well, but they don't look good, LOL. I bought them because I did not want to pay extra for the nice looking black ones. So, that's on me for choosing ugly to save a few bucks.
  13. https://hwbot.org/submission/5231387_mr._fox_y_cruncher___pi_2.5b_core_i9_13900k_47sec_756ms
  14. https://hwbot.org/submission/5231370_mr._fox_y_cruncher___pi_1b_core_i9_13900k_16sec_820ms
  15. Disgusting products for the people that love disgusting stuff. Pay extra for ASUS to get nothing in return, but ugly seems to carry an added premium.
  16. I've never heard any noise coming from my EVGA SuperNova 1600 P2 or my EVGA 850G PSU, or the Corsair RM1200x SHIFT. None of them have coil whine or fan noise that I have ever heard.
  17. I could use a win now and then in the silicon lottery, and that makes me feel like less of a loser, LOL. Thank you. 🤣 My generic naked green A-die sticks from AliExpress run 8000 CL35-48-48-42 2T 24/7 perfectly stable on the Z690 Dark with less than 1.500V.
  18. I can see where the technology would have some usefulness. But, how many people watch Netflix or other similar streaming entertainment subscriptions with their gaming PC? Maybe I am just old and old school, but my computers are not in the living room. If I am going to watch TV, I will go sit in front of the TV. If I am using my computers it is for work, benching or gaming.
  19. Yup, sure does. I suspected nothing had changed. So, I have some additional QDC fittings coming later this week. Once they arrive I will take out the 3090 KPE and install the 6900 XT in the work computer and see if it will boot Windows 7 like both NVIDIA GPUs do.
  20. Me, too. It will be very disappointing if it cannot for some reason.
  21. Check the W7 physics score, with NO performance tweaks, at a lower clock speed compared to Winduhz 10/11 filth. Hmm... that forum name is... unacceptable. I am surprised it was allowed to exist.
  22. Maybe my suggestion above will work for you. I hope so. Things are as they should be again... Now, out of sheer curiosity, I need to boot into Windows 7 with the 3090 KPE on the other computer, confirm it still works, then install the 6900 XT and see if it immediately fails.
  23. This is common in a multiboot with Windows 7/10/11 because one uses "LFS" and the other does not. They do not need to and it is not necessary. Try this and it may stop the problem. Create this reg file and merge in in Windows 10/11 registry. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem] "NtfsDisableLfsDowngrade"=dword:00000000 "NtfsDisableLfsUpgrade"=dword:00000001
  24. No, I cannot flash it. Still has the stock vBIOS. It runs out of core voltage to go higher that 2800 (1.200V is not enough). It is not a 100% stable product when overclocked beyond a little bit past stock. Sometimes it runs smoothly and other times using the same MPT profile it is totally unstable. Very odd and frustrating, but this has been what I have always experienced with AMD products, so I am not complaining or surprised by it. What does make me surprised and want to complain is lack of Windows 7 functionality. If I attempt to boot Windows 7 with the 6900 XT it not only fails miserably, it wreaks all sorts of havoc with my Windows 10/11 installations. After Windows 7 fails to boot, I have a somewhat difficult time getting the other two OSes to boot again. Something with the ASROCK vBIOS is really messed up in this respect. It takes multiple chkdsk operations on each OS (individually when they are attempting to load) to get them to boot again. Out of curiosity, I pulled out the 6900 XT and dropped in the 3060 Ti and *BOOM* Windows 7 runs like a top again. No issues whatsoever. This really rubs me the wrong way. ASROCK did something wrong with the firmware, but I don't know what or why. If you have a dremmel tool grinding off a small portion of the "wing" on the left side of the IHS allows it to fit perfectly with the Thermalright CPU frame. The new copper IHS design is *almost* identical to stock. Had they made the left side wing exactly the same dimensions as stock it would not have any issues serving as a direct replacement with no modding needed to use the CPU frame. Since your stock IHS is probably going to get the left side dented if you use the Rockit delid tool, it can also be fixed and used with lapping. The damage can be corrected, but you'll have a "ruined" stock IHS when all is said and done. Not a deal breaker in the grand scheme of things, but inexcusable and distressing for anyone that is not technically savvy.
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