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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Thank you. This is good stuff and probably could use its own sub....url http ftp tips n tricks ?!? I decided to buy this PTM7950 from Aliexpress...will let you know how it goes. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003716844509.html
  2. Mine is more based around numbers
  3. Are we watching the same nature shows?
  4. There are 3 kinds of drummers in the world. Those that can count and those that can't.
  5. I hope you (we) are wrong...but I think we are right
  6. If humanity survives long enough...I would like to see Mars
  7. Eban

    Amiga OS

    It was good back in the day...but some people just will not let it die. Linux has an issue with not enough software developers....Amiga is like 10 thousand times worse So at the moment its really just a nostalgia thing.
  8. Try Amiga Free versions are available to try https://www.amikit.amiga.sk https://www.amigaforever.com/
  9. I think Im gonna buy this shirt Edit: oh sorry I put this in wrong thread, should be i the want to buy...sorry Im old
  10. Atari 2600 Kuso.....Im old. I DID play pong with my cousins Makes me remember I cheated!....Trying to shoot the bouncing white square on tv screen> shoot ceiling light instead...it registered as a hit
  11. Back in 1999 I was in Kuwait. Anyway on a day off I was sailing in the bay with some new expat friends and a dust storm came in. You could look directly at the sun; it filtered the light that much, was most beautiful colours in the sky. Until the dust reached us
  12. Just finished watching this. Not my usual but I thought it was very sad.
  13. Ive had a crush on this girl since windows 95
  14. NIN - Closer I like watching music videos....this one is my love/hate great song...feel so very sorry to point of anger for the poor bloody monkey
  15. Sorry moved this tangent here If you google abandonware there are tons of old games free to download, no longer copy protected...........my glory years Im afraid, when you didnt have great graphics but imagination..."this block is me and that block there is the bad guy" https://www.myabandonware.com/ https://oldgamesdownload.com/
  16. Now THAT is a good idea I hadnt considered ...using Linux as the host and VM windows. *research research* In the mean time...I went backwards to windows 95 (just playing some old games)
  17. https://www.humblebundle.com/stand-with-ukraine-bundle Looks good. Games, comics, printables.
  18. Yeah I was just having a dig Ive used IC diamond before and have no problem with it. Currently using LM on my laptops. Havent seen these new pads, but I have recently bought an IC Graphite Thermal Pad. Wasnt great for me. Currently using it in my Rugged 7202 tablet, but I will switch it out at some point....possibly for IC diamond paste if I cant get PTM goop.
  19. This guy Okazaki san lives in Osaka and makes some wicked music videos. Here he is translating english to japanese to be completely wrong but very funny
  20. Just wondering. Has anybody actually purchased PTM thermal compound from China? https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20220315022826&origin=y&SearchText=PTM7950SP I wanted to give it a try but.... (Dont be shocked here).... I have heard a nasty rumour that SOME Chinese vendors sell counterfeit products! I know right. So i wanted to try this but dont want to buy a repackaged IC diamond or something. Anyone?
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