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Everything posted by Eban

  1. I know its a gimmiky turdbook, but it's 17inch and has touch panel keyboard But It does look scifi cool I'd like to see it in outdoors in full sun https://www.wired.com/story/lenovo-project-crystal-transparent-laptop-mwc-2024/
  2. I just came across this youtube, how to run your own private chatgpt like LLM on a home pc. Feed it all your own data. I havent even finished watching the video yet but had to share this..........still collating
  3. My Brothers and Sisters. I am happy to relay unto you that I have indeed found true love
  4. I'm actually laughing at this story! (its that or curl into a ball and hide my tears).....Large Languge Learner had a "brain fart" Well who in this forum is surprised? How many here 100% trust their computer to always be correct? I trust MY PC! I know in every fiber of my being, every electrical impulse, every chemical reaction of this organic brain that my pc WILL crash at some point. For me thats a lost web page, or unsaved work, missing files or a high score I didn't achieve....if GAI was in charge of our lives........
  5. AI chatbot issues a refund that airline tried to deny. Score 1 for little guy https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/an-ai-chatbot-has-gone-rogue-and-gave-refund-that-airline-has-to-honour/ar-BB1iwb7k?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=60aa93f2af384dd5922465c508a7134c&ei=23
  6. 1972 Q1...first PC https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13092177/first-desktop-computers-discovered-London.html
  7. I am also interested. My current AW17 is slowly dying...lost all except 1 usb port, so I bought a second hand mobo from aliexpress about a year ago...I would try your resistor mod on this dying board, but I no longer have a high power mxm card to install.
  8. As an Australian I grew up listening to this and just assumed everyone knew it The Master's Apprentices - It's Because I Love You
  9. Eban

    Books Thread

    Selco Begovic - The dark secrets of SHTF survival
  10. Being "nice, forgiving, retaliatory and clear" works out in the long run. I like this philosophy for life. TLDR: to get ahead be nice to other people, don't hold a grudge, DO NOT be a push over, be clear about your response to good or bad behavior (don't be random).
  11. Similar...I did install OS/2 from floppy disk's onto a 386 I think it was. Played with it for a day then straight back to Windows for workgroups 3.11 I very remotely recall that WindowsNT was an amalgamation of OS2 and Windows ?!?!?!
  12. I first heard Green Day while working driving a truck about a million years ago....loved them from the get go. Green Day - Longview
  13. No idea why, but I been watching sappy chick-flick romantic movies lately.......must be getting old and lonely Van Morrison - Someone like you
  14. Got a backup for ya https://www.udrop.com/LqQ2/Janktop_4.0-assets.zip
  15. Eban

    CF-28 Model Guide

    Those links are from the old NBR site which closed down. Thanks do those dedicated individuals you might get lucky here on the archive https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/panasonic.1012/
  16. I guess it must have started when I was a kid (to be honest back then TV was in black and white ) But.....I have never trusted microwave ovens. I remember my Aunt cooking a steak in the microwave once.....what a F'ing crime against nature
  17. This just appeared in my youtube list...been a while since I heard it Peter Starstedt - Where do you go
  18. Moonlight Shadow - Mike Oldfield I first loved Mike's Tubular Bells (played at 11 on the old volume dial)
  19. Couldn't say. I myself love coffee but never seen a usb warmer in the wild. Not too interested either....I drink my coffee hot, scalding hot. If I happen to get busy and it cools down, I suck it up and drink it cold, like a real man!
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