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Everything posted by 6730b

  1. Something completely different... Denez Prigent - Gwerz Kiev
  2. IMO one comes a long way (on any phone\brand\android version\OS flavor) by just using these 2: https://adbappcontrol.com/ to uninstall\disable anything one does not want\use\like. https://netguard.me/ to control all app's data activity. Navigation\driving alternative to Google, am using https://wego.here.com If one wishes, becomes just a GPS > all needed maps downloaded to phone, data off (or netguard killing eventual connection attempts).
  3. Just to mention those superb programs (sorry, "apps"). Been using them for years, troublefree. App disable, uninstall, save snapshots (presets) of phone's current app state (uninstalled, active, disabled), uninstalling any app has option to save it to pc for later direct reinstallation, lots more. Goobye to cumbersome command line adb. https://adbappcontrol.com/en/ Netguard, stop \ allow all \ any app (system & user) from wifi \ cellular data activity. Toggle \ set permissions according to one's exact needs > zero data behind one's back, https://netguard.me/ ps, if you like\use them, donate to the deserving developpers.
  4. Musk's deranged conception of 'free speach' in action, probably views & beliefs he more or less adheres to personally, thus allowing back anything and everything. (Pick English in translation menu) https://www-lemonde-fr.translate.goog/les-decodeurs/article/2022/12/09/complotistes-homophobes-neonazis-dix-comptes-emblematiques-de-la-derive-de-twitter-sous-elon-musk_6153754_4355770.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=fr&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  5. 😃😁😅 musk must be sooooo happy and satisfied having had the idea of buying twitter 🤯 🤕 https://securityaffairs.co/wordpress/139993/data-breach/twitter-400-million-users-leak.html
  6. Installed 10 ltsc on a 10y old HP desktop (was saved from the trash, initially w8), works great. Everything smooth, light and fast. A few, minimal tweaks + O&O shutup, ready. The perfect OS for older hardware. Edit: testing 2021 IOT, so far did not discover anything special, behaved exactly like the non-iot (activation, ram, disk, user experience, updates, speed etc). Apart from longer lifecycle & security-only updates, are there any useful gains in using IOT (that I missed) ?
  7. 😀😀 😀 "58 percent say the world’s no-longer-richest man should quit his job running Twitter" https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/18/23515764/elon-musk-head-twit-poll-tesla-doxxing-moderation
  8. Just read this, please check if correct, but even if only 1\2 of that = ridiculous disaster: "Tesla stocks has lost nearly 47% since Elon Musk unveiled his intentions to acquire the social network" 47% or so probably right: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-lost-almost-700-billion-121558314.html
  9. "Have you gone to your notifications tab on Twitter, only to see nothing there?" https://gizmodo.com/twitter-down-notifications-breaking-elon-musk-layoffs-1849856992
  10. Ain't it funny when companies providing security \ privacy services etc gets hacked. "We recently detected unusual activity within a third-party cloud storage service -\- We have determined that an unauthorized party, using information obtained in the August 2022 incident, was able to gain access to certain elements of our customers' information." Seen from their customer's side, must be the LastStraw. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/lastpass-says-hackers-accessed-customer-data-in-new-breach/
  11. Within Temptation - Paradise (What About Us?) ft. Tarja
  12. ...time to leave planet earth's troubles behind :O) Lucette Bourdin - Golden Sun
  13. DREAMING COOPER - "Exploring The Universe"
  14. & now this https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/11/21/twitters-broken-its-copyright-strike-system-users-are-uploading-full-movies/
  15. & yes, real freedom of expression !! Jack the Ripper & Charles Manson to be reinstated.
  16. Musk buys nuclear plant: - Lock out (then get rid of) all these troublesome experts and employees. They have no idea how to run the place (...to be replaced by my aunt and nephew, loyal to me). - Shut off that reactor cooling system (no need for such expensive and complicated things).
  17. Kicked out employees ...then had a go at users lol (from nov 14) "if you have SMS 2FA turned on and log out of your Twitter account, you will not be able to log back in. Technically, two-factor authentication isn’t broken, but you’ll never get the text message with your one-time code. The service that sends the message is off so it just doesn’t send." https://www.androidauthority.com/twitter-sms-2fa-3234698/
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