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Everything posted by 6730b

  1. 6730b

    Home, End, pgup, pgdn

    Some fun testing SharpKeys, it works! Now got PgUp & PgDn working 👍. And made caps lock open calculator. Once getting to know the app, seems there is much useful to be done. Thanks for the tip.
  2. No more china batt testing. Will keep the original Dell battery until really unuseable, it has lost capacity but never fails in ridiculous ways like the x-brand batteries tested. Ordered an original Dell 56wh, to be fitted when needed, + the cable needed for connecting a sata 2.5 in addition to the nvme. Staying with the smaller size batt saves the space for the sata disk, a 2TB hdd will be fitted for backups and storage etc while the 1TB Samsung nvme will take care of daily routines.
  3. From Oceans to Autumn - Ether/Return To Earth Dept. of wall of sound :O)
  4. False Horizon - Lights in the Distance
  5. ^^^ or could simply be (some, many of) these batteries (or the elctronics\sensors) are bad quality :O) Latest entertainment after posting my above post, refused to restart from sleep, like no \ flat battery, although around 50% charge. Again, plug in the power cord and it started, and battery re-worked. Old 56 wh (now 35 wh) Dell batt back in place. Amazon gets another return. Thanks for the audience at this topic, hoping it's been useful for those in need of batteries... 😄
  6. 6730b

    Home, End, pgup, pgdn

    Thanks, will try SharpKeys. No external keyboard.
  7. Anyone knows of some way to get those navigation buttons to work without the damn Fn, whatever way to control their behaviour. Or am I missing some obvious setting somewhere. One hand navigation here (in browsers) is space \ shift space, passable, but would have been so much better to simply get those keys to do what is printed on them, with one finger, and rather do line scrolling with Fn+pgup\pgdn
  8. So, a few days of heavy use of the GDORUN 97Wh, good capcaity, no heat, charging well, but..... 2 instances so far where the laptop failed to boot with a (fully charged) battery. 1st time booted after a short connection of the power supply, then battery behaved normal. 2nd time, charging led in front of laptop blinking orange, no boot, had to open bottom, unplug and replug the battery, then ok. Basically. looks like (some, many?) 1\2 price batteries comes with 1\2 reliability in one way or another. Am always fond of some tests and experiments, will give the GDORUN a few days more, will maybe settle. But soon no more maybe's, it's a return then get hold of an original Dell, and hopefully close the case (...laptop bottom) for good.
  9. Yep, started with 50, had to be careful, 100 quite relaxing, 200 feels like unlimited. Been doing well with this setup as sole internet connection, fine for my particular use > no gaming, no large up\downloads. & roaming works perfect in all needed countries. Was offered 100 GB +\month for 3 euros, declined as not needed, would have subscribed if the international quota got upped too, but not the case.
  10. Hi, 200 GB (5G), 50 GB can be used in Europe\USA\China. 33 euros. The international quota is important. Other providers\deals available, choice is down to who got the best (= least bad) coverage in the region. Ample for my work use + lots of music and quite some Netflix etc.
  11. Ok, ordered another brand, GDORUN, 97Wh 6GTPY, made by "Shenzhenshi Tengfeichunkeshangwu youxiangongsi", with such a name it can only imply eternal electrical bliss & prosperity :O)
  12. In this region (holiday home countryside south France) ADSL low speed to start with, unreliable > telephone masts falling down, old connection boxes infested by mice and insects, wires cut by branches (snow, wind) + company immensely slow to repair anything. Fixed telephone lines basically abandonned in the countryside. Instead concentrating on implementing 4G\5G & fibre to every corner of the country. Going for 100% wireless, seeing price of GB's going way down, while capacity \ reliability \ speed going way up.
  13. ok... that battery had new hiccups, another sudden drop from 50% to 0, & wear levels changing randomly- Patience exhausted and returned to Amazon. Won't critisize the brand, could have been a one-of faulty sample. Now wondering if finding any interest in testing another low-price one, or go for original Dell. btw, impressed by Amazon, reimbursed quite immediately after delivering the package at post office, long before Amazon actually receive it.
  14. ^^^ Fan of Wrong Turn movies ? So.... it's an outdoors 3G\4G omnidirectional antenna, approx 40 cm high, 696 – 2700 MHz. Vastly improving the reception\transmision capacity of the tp-link modem\wi-fi router. Router got it's own internet-only sim. Chose omnidirectional (vs directional) beacause am placed between 2 mobile towers, if one gets tech problems (happens) the antenna immediately connects to the other tower, redundancy with no need for readjustments. And If 4g fails (happens too), then it picks up some useable 3G. So basically got 4 different internet connections available. Why mobile internet? Phoneline adsl totally unuseable and fibre years away. btw, 5G will arrive sooner or later, seeing zero use for fibre when that happens.
  15. Things going well ftm. Numbers from browser activity only, no netflix etc.
  16. At the cabin, lost in the mountains. Getting a very useable 4G 'up to' 30\10 mbps = "lightening fast" :O) compared to some years ago, at the same spot was happy to get 5\2, still could live with that. Reliable connection, with any kind of speed, the most important.
  17. Things going much better today, battery 'awakening' after some use?. Wear level now showing only 1.1 %. 7,5+ hours Netflix wifi stream no problem, and a little juice left to browse and post this. If it can stabilize with such numbers then all is fine for my needs. So battery stays put ftm, will make the final evaluation just before the 30 days return period expires.
  18. "In 2022, the Shanghai National Police (SHGA) database was leaked. This database contains many TB of data and information on Billions of Chinese citizens," https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hacker-claims-to-have-stolen-data-on-1-billion-chinese-citizens/
  19. Update 1: a fine initial honeymoon, then things changed. Wear level 7%, that's tolerable if it would stay there for the future ...but far worse: sudden loss of power > laptop shutdown when the charge goes down to around 50%. Will give it a few full charge cycles to see if it profits form some kind of run-in (bad sign, should not be necessary). As it stands it's close to a return to Amazon then get an original Dell batt.
  20. & done, Amazon is good... First impressions: the 97 Wh "Wikinu" fitted nicely, did not explode :O) & numbers are perfect. + an inexpensive ssd, needed some more space than the 500 GB fitted.
  21. Your post made me go ahaead to test a 97 Wh China battery off Amazon, more out of curiosity how it'll behave than out of any real savings concerns. Got good reviews, hopefully true, time will tell. Btw not impressed by the original Dell 56 Wh, towards 45% wear without that many cycles, also a reason for trying another brand.
  22. For anyone about to install the eternal windows beta (11), latest available Rufus comes with some useful options: bypass Secure Boot \ TPM \ MS account, skip data collection. https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/releases
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