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Everything posted by Meaker

  1. I got sent it after requesting and donating for it, we have worked together for a long time.
  2. https://www.3dmark.com/spy/47636486 That's my timrspy 3080 mobile run. I'll be swapping direction of the water which I think will help the cpu.
  3. This sort of curve will do it. Not the same card just an example. It won't exceed the clock/voltage of where it goes flat. You can shift select and drag down all the values after the voltage you want to lower than your last value and it will auto flatten. my results: https://www.3dmark.com/spy/47636486
  4. The HQ series were quad before the 8th gen but that's where the U series went quad. They tended to have HT disabled so 4 core 4 thread.
  5. The 3d vache goes beyond the benefit of any overclocking in several titles. It does kneecap some of the voltages and clocks. But for someone who plays games for the games which is most people they are going to want the much cooler and quieter chip that gives them better performance. That's a reasonable desire.
  6. It's a gaming product, no point in overclocking your CPU if you are looking for the highest FPS. It's just not a tweaker or content workers product.
  7. You could limit the frequency curve to a set frequency and voltage max by flattening the top.
  8. https://www.3dmark.com/spy/47636486 Broke 14k in timespy. Just hard hitting into the 0.9V limit on the mobile 3080.
  9. @Papusan Just saw your account pop up on the aquacomputer forum, I use the aquaero 5 LT for my loop control.
  10. Yes, but I had an idea of what the core would do and I don't need to try and push the CPU so will probably leave it around the score 3 area for now.
  11. https://www.3dmark.com/compare/spy/47560084/spy/24164806# Really quick and dirty first run.
  12. My 3080 is now at the local depot so should be getting to me soon 🙂 Got some fresh coolant, tubing and paste (for the GPU) and will refresh the LM on the CPU.
  13. MPG version since it was heavily discounted.
  14. That's looking good and it will help keep airflow clean too.
  15. Here you go please don't mind the mess lol. The laptop hides most of everything to be honest. The screen has a kvm built in so I can switch between the work laptop and my own. You can see the GS30 still hiding behind it:
  16. 3080 arrived at the us depot and is now on the way to me in the UK.
  17. I got one of those for my brother who works with IBM power systems and needs fast reliable copies of the firmware for systems off the net and it works very well.
  18. 7738G went from a T6400 dual core processor to a QS9000 quad core, a 1600x900 display at 60hz to 1080p 95% RGB gamut panel OCed to 100Hz and an HD4570 to an HD7770M or if you got friendly with some inductors a 460M. That's the biggest leap I had from stock to modified I think.
  19. Yeah I went to an MSI with it all built in, less cables around too and for high bandwidth connections with DP compression it makes life easier and more reliable.
  20. Yeah they can be fatal, they are to be taken seriously. It's always frustrating when people dismiss the concerns as being needy (This is aimed at people in general, not you) rather than being a serious concern.
  21. Unfortunately the tests kind of suck so when my partner had issues we cut out foodgroups ourselves to figure out it was a dairy allergy.
  22. Got my 4k 160Hz display but that's never been quite stable and was getting some odd resolution behaviour. I moved to an active mini DP to HDMI 2.1 cable from club3d and it's happy at 4k 144Hz (160Hz produces corruption) which is good enough for me. What's the best you have had out of it?
  23. It might already be on the way lol.
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