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Everything posted by TruenoG7

  1. hi guys, i recently installed, a PNY QP3000 Quadro P3000 NVIDIA N17E-Q1-A1 6GB GDDR5, with the bios attached photo of GPUZ, when installing it on the m6700 LVDS (optimus) and m6800 (EDP), I have a infinite loop when starting, or trying to install windows, both in pure UEFI mode, do you have a solution? On my alienware 18 it works without problems
  2. Post a picture of your laptop to make sure it's the same version as you say, if you can.
  3. hello, when installing with NVCleanstall, in the part where it says: " name" you must put the full name of the GPU, another tip; When choosing the version of the gtx 1070, choose the one that ends in: "nvdmi.inf", so you will have fewer problems with the drivers, and it will appear with the correct name. In the main part, when you open the software, click on the box that says "manually select the version" and "All versions"; and choose the last driver that says for "notebook", "notebook DCH", LUCKY!!!
  4. hi, how to install the drivers so that the software recognizes the GPU? It comes out to me as a generic BGA adapter
  5. In the end, after so much forcing, I stayed at 4.3, when I reached 4.4 I averaged too much of the current limited processor and it exceeded the temperature reaching 93c, I better stay at 4.3 at 83c, I also asked for 0.75mv to be stable
  6. I am not very capable of overclocking, I do not know what the limit of each component is, I would like you to instruct me in what you can to see if I can reach stable 4.5 or 4.3 currently, this is my configuration.
  7. RTX 3000 i7-4940mx 4.1 OC https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/88235931 https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/88237557 P3000 i7-4940mx 4.3 OC https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/88241420 https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/88241936
  8. Hello, I just installed the rtx 3000 hp in my alienware 18 (2015) of the ones that are for sale on ebay, I really forgot about the heatsink so I used the same one from the alienware 18, I modified certain things so that it can fit Now I only have 2 questions, what would be the best Overclock for my i7-4940mx? I currently have the rtx 3000 and a p3000 on the 2nd MXM GPU port, and what would be the best ram for this little beast? I have the HyperX Impact 32gb 8x4 DDR3L 1866MHz cart, oh I also made some modifications to the cpu, to improve its cooling, I had to use liquid metal, currently I have it overclocked to 4.1.; The modifications of the heatsink of the cpu are made with a heat-conductive glue
  9. I was able to make it work, for some reason in the first place, apparently when I put the heatsink on, when I put all the screws correctly, it did not give a signal, when I loosened them, yes, so I left them like that, then when I started windows, only the 3D controller appeared, I did not identify it the card in another way, I forced the installation of the driver, luckily it worked great, and all good for now, temperatures do not exceed 68c with the P3000
  10. the card has its bios stock, the alienware bios A14+ mod, I managed to make it start but in the device manager you don't see the display adapter, it only shows 3d accelerator and audio, it won't let me install the drivers I really don't know what Damn it happens, I put it in my other alienware 18 and everything is perfect, I only have problems with the alienware 17.
  11. I just installed a p3000 on the Alienware 17 and I have no video (8 beeps) any idea. I tried it on the Alienware 18 and everything was fine.
  12. I would like you to try the Tesla M6 even if you don't believe it, if it would be worth using it in optimus mode, the performance loss is minimal, no more than 10% and it depends a lot on the game
  13. if it's a VGA laptop I won't buy shit, and I'll retire from the world of laptops for good.
  14. I would be interested in seeing the installation in more detail, and the spaces after it is assembled, if you are so kind.
  15. hello, do you know if they apply those frequencies for alienware 18
  16. I was able to fix the problem by uninstalling Dell SupportAssist I had that problem in alienware 18 R3, 17 r1 (2015)
  17. I tried the cpu in an AW17 and it didn't work, then I put the cpu from the AW17 in the AW18 and it worked without problems.
  18. I was trying to do a blind flash, but it turned out to be a faulty cpu, most likely caused by the previous motherboard shorting.
  19. Does anyone have an idea how to blind flash alienware 18?
  20. look what i found on ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/263364087178?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=LH62Be8mRpS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ebYMGEpRTjO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/203403016944?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=etySsHHeSy2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ebYMGEpRTjO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  21. try to turn on without connecting the cable to the motherboard, that will let you know if the problem lies in the motherboard or the screen, if it does not cause damage, it is most likely that you have damaged the motherboard
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