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Everything posted by Bidelloman

  1. You gotta edit the inf file to get that address. Nvcleanstall uses appdata local temp folder. Find the infs there
  2. I think it also amounts to how he installed the drivers, using, technically, the wrong ID address. Pfudaniel has ztec with prema and he edited the nv_dispig.inf using the 2206 template under "3080" and edited 24DC.7714.1558. He definitely has gsync with 4k screen. Dynamic boost though, no idea.
  3. I saw his control panel. It has the option for gsync, unlike mine. But it said "no" beside dynamic boost..so there is that. Mine also says 165w but never pulls over 150. Also 3dmark complains when you use gsync.
  4. ok, I think this settles it, ZTEC Prema x170s, while they require custom driver installations, DO support 3080 features like dynamic boost and Gsync, though doesn't it say "no" beside dynamic boost 2.0? Do some full load test and see via hw id if it really uses 165w
  5. you did not follow the guide, it said it does not matter whether it's one or the other. Go for 7715 and install in safe mode. You can also do it manually by editing the 3080 reference in the nvcvig.inf file into 24DC.7714.1558
  6. Follow the guide I linked. One of the ways in which you can do it.
  7. It does not install driver correctly on its own. Not in the cases thus far listed with 3 different sets of bios+EC
  8. Mod the nvcvig.inf drivers for your hardware ID and install them in safe mode. Use nvcleanstall which is much better than stock ones. Pfudaniel used nv_dispig and inserted the hw id address into the 3080 @ 2206 if I recall, should work the same. In theory being ztec with prema it should have gsync and dynamic boost working, without the damn sleep issue that is plaguing me.
  9. agreed on this, it also bends the vapor chamber if you are not careful, stock spring screws from clevo plus a couple of washers help enough
  10. yes, apparently that is pretty much the only one.
  11. yeah, well if it wasn't for lack of gsync, dynamic boost, funky driver install and, apparently, black screen problems with windows 10 sleep, then sure, it's great. @win32asmguydo you have the same black screen issue? dumps driver power state failure pointing to the gpu driver
  12. No throttlestop then? So you always sit on high power limits..I also considered this but I occasionally like changing profiles ( power saving, quiet) and not in the bios which is slower.
  13. Most impressive. I've done a similar shape foam barrier but to be honest require better materials. However it had been years and I have not used any barrier in both cpu and gpu, without problems. I just clean around with alcohol and double check each application. That LM baking process is interesting and so is the removal of the fourth cpu screw mount, I know it is offset but still find it a bit surprising it is more detrimental that not because of contact patch with the cpu. Will likely do the same thing myself in the future, just gotta get the right material ( tape, foam and another round of polish, I only have car polish and wax which I do not think are applicable here) Thanks a lot!
  14. does anyone have a picture of the hardware cooling mods that were done by zTecpc? If I remember correctly, 3 CPU screws instead of 4 and LM + foam barriers, would really like the last bit especially, since space is tight and would like to see how they did it.
  15. I do not know how they would behave in your case, you should take my experience therefore with a grain of salt. In my case fans were not only better, but also far less noisy and whiny
  16. By the way, how do you flash a .bin EC firmware for our smg via EFI shell? is there a package to download somewhere?
  17. been using them for the past 1 2 year, they are excellent on stock heatsink, not so much on hybrid heatsink ( air only)
  18. did it, finally. My pc is back in the game, the SPI flash went through well, though it took a while to find a program (and clips) that would work
  19. No I haven't. I used an old video from dave something on yt. Gotta find this post!
  20. For some reason I thought it would have been fine as I apparently mistakenly remember doing it in the past and it was fine. Clearly not. Xmg bios does not give access to xmp if I remember? I bought a ch341a programmer which is due tomorrow morning, I watched some videos on how to use it, does not seem hard. I just need a bios dump, not sure in which format. As for taking it apart I have already done it, I just need to remove that black bar somehow. Removed 2 screws from it already but it is still there.
  21. Yeah I do not have one...and gotta learn how to use it, if there are tutorials.. Still thanks https://www.amazon.it/TECNOIOT-CH341A-Programmer-Software-Adapter/dp/B07RKXSMKH Would this one here work?
  22. I need some assistance. I flashed the xmg EC and Bios both of which did not create booting issues, then used dsanke's unlocker and now it won't POST anymore, fans and lights go on, then boot loops. I tried removing the cmos battery for 5 minutes but it did not solve it. Is there any solution to this? Thanks
  23. one downside, at least for me, of swapping to the 3080, crashes (black screen) after sleep, windows 10:
  24. Agreed on ccc. I only keep the power modes ( performance, power saving etc), rest I uninstalled thanks to revo, and both xtu and the damn intel Dptf have been banned to the shadow realm. Obisidan caused you issues? Weird. Have been using it for years and apart from these connections for remote control, I never had problems. Unless you count deleting clevoservice everytime you do bios updates and/or open up the pc.
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