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Everything posted by 1610ftw

  1. You can apparently get at least the Dell 7770 with the 3080 Ti as a special order. No idea if that was also possible with the 3080 and the 7760 but it seems to be a special deal with Nvidia that they are not very public about, maybe also in order to not publicly piss off other manufacturers (Clevo) that also would have liked to offer such a card. You can read more about it in the 7x70 thread: Less connectors seems to be a trend for years now and it has been years that I saw an array of audio connectors that used to be the norm on older MSI units and to a lesser degree on Clevo units including an optical digital output, same with standard USB connectors that are dying out a lot faster than the devices that still need the connector, used to be up to 5 or 6 and now we can be happy if we get 3. Docking stations used to be an option but now they are a necessity or as an alternative we can use hubs or dongles that often do not work as well as a direct connection or necessitate some testing and trying out to find a good solution that may work well with one manufacturer and less so with another. Good point about the spikes, not sure how much of a thing they are in laptops but it cannot hurt to be able to get a bigger power supply just in case - only that we can't except if we would be willing to import that Eurocom power supply that is not really universal and has its own issues.
  2. I am not sure I entirely trust those smaller power adapters yet. The smallest and lightest 240W version that I have seen was from HP and it got VERY hot even with moderate power draw, much hotter than an older and bigger 240W adapter from MSI that barely gets hot. Bottom line is some manufacturers seem to overdo it so smaller does mean smaller but also hotter which is probably not what most people would be looking for. It would have helped if power connectors of the adapter and power delivery had been standardized many years ago - much easier for several companies to give us good power adapters in different output classes but with the ever changing connectors that companies come up with this is just not feasible. If I bought an MSI today it would mean that I would have three different power connectors between the three laptop generations I bought over the years with zero interchangeability and it is probably not that much different for other manufacturers with the possible exception of Dell.
  3. I have been using a variation of these but found this one a bit better as it folds together which is very nice on the go, plus it has two different height options which is also nice: https://www.ringkestore.com/products/folding-stand-2 I also use it on one laptop at home and it holds up to the MSI GT75 or Clevo P870 if needed. Guess they did not really think it would be used for that kind of laptop size but then I don't do slim and light 😄
  4. Would be nice to be able to get this as a kit as then it would be possible to get better fans without having to pay for the added fans which I expect to be less than great. It would also enable us to use other fan arrays like for example 2 x 2 or 3 x 2 with 140mm fans or 2 x 1 with 200mm fans.
  5. Keyboard capabilities for the mech version should be relatively comparable to the MSI GT77 that is said to have a very nice keyboard except for the numpad that apparently is intended for hobbits. I like what they are doing and if storage and memory options are good enough this seems to be the design to beat with regard to pure GPU performance.
  6. Yes most of the market wants to go into one direction but if it is because many of them are brainwashed sheep then it is not really a free decision, is it? Nor can I decide at this point that I do not want powerful graphics when there are no really powerful graphics on offer. I cannot even offer that as a manufacturer if I wanted and I assume that the secret Dell deal tells it all - Dell got the socketed 3080 Ti because they have some pull with Nvidia whereas Clevo did get nothing for this generation. It is no free choice when it is accompanied by massive brainwashing and backdoor dealings within the industry that prevents superior products being on offer as they are inconvenient and bad for business. Top of the line BGA books getting shown up is not good for the slim and light business model after all and could show people that not all is good in slim and light land.
  7. I have watched notebookcheck for years and the constant hate-mongering against anything that is a bit heavier is so annoying. A few weeks ago I called them out on it and suggested that there may be some benefit in reporting on the state of the DTR for a change or even to promote bigger and smarter machines or to inquire with manufacturers why everything in the laptop world currently seems to be going in one (thinner and lighter) direction. Of course the answer was that there was no answer - crickets. As for power supplies I have a bunch of the big 330W bricks here for my laptop "collection" and one of the bricks has the older barrel connector that used to be in pretty much universal use at Dell and others and I have a range of 180, 240 and 330W specimens with that connector and they all work with numerous Dell, MSI and HP laptops. So when I travel with a compatible laptop I can bring any power supply I like ranging in weight (with power cable) from ca. 0.6kg/1.1lbs to ca. 1.5kg/3.3lbs. Will be much easier to do this with laptops that get power via USB once we get the higher 240W power limit that is about to be implemented. At that point even without the infamous Eurocom power supply we would be able to deliver up to 330W via the regular power supply and we can add another 240W via USB-C and if there are two USB-C connectors with power delivery we could ramp it up to two of them and a total of 810W or 480W via UCB-C alone - problem solved. As for that MSI GE77HX it is quite obvious that a 330W power adapter is what is needed and the bigger GE77HX even pulls up to 350W - we used to have solutions with two power bricks for that, too from the manufacturers like for example MSI but not any more I guess - just reduce power by throttling and you'll be fine.
  8. With the power envelope of the NH55 I am quite impressed that you are managing to go up to 24K in CB23 and with that roughly double of what Clevo intended to be the target wattage. I also see the issue with the BGA chips and the silicon lottery - it basically comes to buying a unit, running benchmarks on it and then returning it if you are looking for the best of the best. That being said I am not aware of how much variance one has to expect with BGA chips but if it is as much as with the 12900K then the differences in results seem to easily go up to 10% if one hits the silicone lottery. As for the scores I have never seen a CPU or GPU score on notebookcheck or with the usual YouTube reviewers that I couldn't beat quite easily with some tweaking and proper application of thermal paste so when a score is high that is something that I am noticing as usually those scores are always quite low. As an example I believe that their CR23 of the Raptor X15 was only 17K with the 12700K which is silly as I would expect at the least 20K - shows how good they are with this as they only take the out of the box performance which basically guarantees subpar results. So I found that GE67 quite noteworthy as even under these conditions it managed to get such a high score.
  9. Thanks, curious if you find anything different. What I experience is that the system seems to stall when for example I open up another browser window or an excel worksheet. If a video is running I might also get stuttering. Closing memory hogs like Chrome, Thunderbird or a virtual machine reduces the memory usage enough to get things up to speed again.
  10. Checking a few Linux distros would be nice other than that I think that you already got your plate quite full but it would be nice to hear how the 7770 performs in day to day operation with multiple monitors and a docking station if you are using one as that is where I found the 7670 a bit flaky with HDMI sound being an issue from time to time. In the end I went back to getting more stable (still not perfect but a lot better) sound from directly outputting HDMI via the connector on the 7670. As you treated yourself to the full 128GB I am also curious to hear if it behaves any different from the previous memory in the way it fills up. With 4 memory sticks I always have an issue where it feels that the memory does not really like to be filled up to lets say 110 out of 128GB. It feels like maybe 15 to 20% of the memory not being in use works out better. Would be interesting to know if you also have noticed that in your use and if that changes with a single CAMM module.
  11. A bit late to the party but my GT72 and GT75 would like to know about the benefits of using this. I take it that they are currently on Nahimic 2 which means there are features missing not working? Or is this a case of if you have to ask you don't need it? 😄
  12. So flight attendants are the true culprits for the demise of the mighty DTR. And the idiots who tried - and failed - to stuff their P870 with two power supplies and some portable monitors into the overhead luggage compartment 😄
  13. It has gotten quite ridiculous: https://top-handgepaeck-koffer.de/masse-und-gewicht/ You will see the many entries with 8 kg and also with 7 or even 6, so the lower entries are between 13 and 18 lbs. There should be a reasonable minimum with regard to weight and volume for one piece as right now it is impossible to keep up with this madness.
  14. Yep - nice to have 560W when benching and I fully support that concept If there is another real X170 successor I hope that Clevo will learn from their mistakes and allow only one power supply or alternatively to power and charge via USB-C. With the new 240W standard I would only have neded more power than that for benching where my unit pulled a little bit above 300W even with the RTX3060. As for being a mule I have no issues to carry the weight but many airlines do not allow carry-on luggage beyond 22 lbs anymore and sometimes the limit is even set at 18 lbs - just about enough for a naked X170, the power supplies and the power cables - the backpack would have to stay home 😄
  15. Might be because of no signature but I have so much stuff sitting around that I would not want to mention as sadly it is mostly BGA CPUs 😁 The KM-G was my main driver for a while but I had some weight and handling problems while travelling and what drove me nuts was that it was very difficult to reliably drive a three external monitor setup with it and I also had massive issues with the X170 refusing to properly go to sleep and waking up from it regardless of the monitor issue. I had workstations and high end gaming laptops from Clevo, MSI, HP and Dell and the only ones that gave me constant troubles with three monitors and waking up and sleeping were the P870DM and the X170KM-G. I had to do so many reconnects on a daily basis to get all three monitors back that I went for a Dell 7760 as my daily driver. It has two cores less and I also lost about 10 to 15% multicore capability but it made life a lot easier. When travelling it weighs about half of what the Clevo weighs which is mostly due to the inability to go on the road with the Clevo and a small single power supply in my carry-on luggage. With an average power draw of well below 150W it is really annoying that the imbecile engineers at Clevo forced me to travel with two huge power bricks and two big power cables even when I did not need that kind of power for what I was doing on the road.
  16. Yep, I think I asked about it some pages ago but nobody has yet tried it - may look great but have issues with making proper contact or other things which is why I am reluctant to push brother @electrosoft to get it 😁
  17. 1610ftw

    MSI GE77

    I see you found it 🙂 I would probably start tinkering in Throttlestop or XTU to find the appropriate settings if that is possible. That is easier than having to go back to the bios multiple times. @electrosoft has tweaked his GL66 so he may be able to give some pointers but in general I would expect for the CB23 number to go up during the run and you should be able to hit at least 21K if not more. Have you checked how much sustained power draw you can manage and how the temps change? As for Time Spy you will have to mostly tweak the GPU settings for that and that will mostly have to be MSI Afterburner if I am not mistaken but maybe there are also settings in the overclocking menu that you can use for the GPU; no idea. When I did some Time Spy runs I noticed that temps always were an issue as the Nvidia likes to start throtteling and very low temperatures compared to CPUs so you may get good results massaging your Afterburner curve. I think I was able to go from something like 8200 to 9600 on the RTX 3060 when I played around with it with no other changes made.
  18. 140W is quite impressive given the seriously underpowered heatsink! 17.5K on 121W for the GL66 is awesome, almost makes me furious how fast these tiny BGA books can be. Did you get to those scores with MSI bios and other software tweaks only did you also repaste or do some other physical changes? Speaking of tiny BGA books pulling ahead notebookcheck posted a CB23 score of more than 22K for a GE67HX which again is stunning if you think about the form factor. All while the X170 chassis is not getting any further use for desktop CPUs:
  19. Good, that should be a fairly even comparison then. The KM-G came with some kind of no-name paste that I assume was delivered by Clevo. As I only went for the GPU to come with the laptop but not the CPU I had to apply the paste myself when putting in the 10850K. I have now checked and according to Throttlestop it needed 177W and 86 degrees to achieve 4.9 GHz on all cores - not as cool as yours but partly it may be the paste or how I applied it. That was with CB20 so I will have to redo a benchmark run with CB23.
  20. Haha, disabling cores for higher clock speeds is not something I was ever interested in but I can see the use for gaming due to lower power consumption. Looking forward to hear for how much those 5.4 on all cores will be good, should be above well above 17500.
  21. Ah, now I remember - you only looked at those max speeds to determine which chip has superior performance for your use but you did not actually plan to use it that way. Found your score on page one - 16500 on 10 cores with 180W is a very good point of comparison for the 10850K in my KM-G. Obviously not prema-fied so I am curious to see what kind of results can be achieved. I think I ran into some thermal throtteling at some point as that 10850K isn't delidded and just using regular paste.
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