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Everything posted by RMSMajestic

  1. Lenovo used to have the vBIOS embedded in BIOS. But it seem to have changed since P70 (there has been successful GTX 1070/ P5000 upgrades). And I can confirm personally that there is a dedicated vBIOS chip on P52/P53 mobo. Though I'm not exactly sure if the discrete vBIOS is used, it's likely that embedded vBIOS in sBIOS is loaded correspondingly with optimus settings. (the fact that I'm seeing different subsys IDs with this setting changed.)
  2. Sorry I misread things. I thought you meant for the RTX 5000 vBIOS on P53/P73/P15g1/P17g1. As for the P5200, below are the only thing(s) I have Lenovo_Quadro_P5200_86.04.8B.00.5E.rom Lenovo_Quadro_P5200_86.04.A2.00.19.rom P5200_DELL_M7730.rom P5200_HP_ZVRG1.rom
  3. I wonder if Moorethreads will ever make their GPU/VPU in m.2/ mini PCI-e form so that we can have a hardware decoder like BCM970015 for AV-1 videos on older laptops I have also seen JingJia Micro MXM cards but those are rather uninteresting given the specs and video processing capabilities
  4. I do have the vBIOS from P53, P73 and P15 Gen 1. I can use the P73 one on my P53 but not the P15 Gen 1 vBIOS. Though you might have better luck with P15 Gen 1. LMK if you are still interested.
  5. As described in the title. $325 shipped ConUS This was purchased directly from Microcenter and I have everything that you need for RMA. I left the U.S. abt a year ago, and this CPU failed just recently. (First a memory channel then both). I can only RMA it in the U.S. and right now a friend of mine is travelling there this Saturday. so this could be someone's chance to pick up a good deal. All you need is the RMA process to AMD and should have a good working one back. (Hopefully with latest stepping) Also have a R9 3900 with a failed CCD, tested working on my MSI B550m Mortar with 1 CCD turned off. One might be able to get the other CCD back by adding voltage/ turn off HT etc. No gurantee for that. Worst case it can still be used as a R5 3600. If some one wanna try for $80 or have methods to find the OEM for RMA then this is gonna be a steal. Pics to be added later (within 12 hours).
  6. Is there any script likewise for completely disable the automatic update of drivers?
  7. Update 2022.09.08 This is the temorary domain. https://bbs.ibmnb.com/ For customised mobo discussion https://www.ibmnb.com/forum.php
  8. Dude I wish you posted this while I was in the U.S. 😕
  9. Welcome to the World of Torpedoes! Shimakaze is one of my favourite ship (also my best ship in terms of stats, ~62% WR with 71k avg dmg) Also like it cos I don't have to rely on others spotting for me (which is not something you usualy get during weekends) Sadly we are not on the same server 🥲
  10. Recommend using with i7 940xm since there's no default fan control and one'd have to rely on the CPU to keep the fan busy I also made a vBIOS that OC vRAM to 1350Mhz but can't find it RN. Attached also is a vBIOS for WX7100 which should work on 8740w. I just haven't had time to test it W7170m_8740w.rom WX7100-MXM-8740w.BIN
  11. I also have node 202. It's kind of limited as well. If you don't want to go watercooling then you are pretty much stucked with blower cards. CPU is kinda okay as AXP-100 is a decent fit for it, capable of cooling a 2700x (Maybe also a bit room for OCing if you add a few 4cm fans on top
  12. Can try looking at M4000m or M5000m. These two are some times even cheaper.
  13. Also, sony/vaio subforum, think vaio is still making laptops that no one buys? Maybe OpenWrt/iKuai subforum etc.?
  14. Reporting from China, luckily the site is neither blocked nor taken good care of by the big brother. And let's hope it stays that way. Good news is, I now have more access for interesting stuffs/ BGA services etc. Bad news is, shipping is more costly. There there
  15. The first is a small bug When I tried to register, and verification seems to be required for all users with China IP. I think the security verification is based on some google verification. And google is blocked in China. While this site itself is not blocked, the inability to go through the security verification made it impossible for Chinese users to register without bypassing the Wall. Second is a suggestion: Maybe we should also add sub-forums for older cell phones/ mobile phones? There's probably a big overlap between laptop DIYers and phone DIYers, (e.g. I'm also a old sony ericsson lover) And as we all know, it may have not been a very good time for DIYers these days as lots of the forums are closed. Maybe also for the SFF PCs. I don't know how much it costs for data/storage right now but I'd be happy to offer my solution. (~$3.5 per month for 1TB broadband and almost unlimited amount of storage)
  16. What I've been told (by Jacky) is that the closure will be ~6 MOs until the big event later this year is done. I don't think hosting the site outside of Mainland China helps. Anything that has lots of traffic will catch attention of the big brother. And there is little control over what those from HK and TW might post to get the site blocked by GFW. Not to mention the slow access to oversea sites that consumers of the cheap ISPs will enjoy, along with the DNS poisoning. On the other hands, I'd be happy to host a copy/ CDN of this current site with the new (2nd handed) 16TB drives I purchased 😁
  17. Probably no. I heard that the GPUs next gen will be nuclear warheads with TDP >= 400W, even the xx70 will be near 300W (and looks like performance difference won't be that much different from a 3090?) Right now if you go very SFF the best choice you can have is the blower RTX 3090, which sounds like a vaccum cleaner. I have a A4 SFX with a blower 3080 assembled and it still weights ~7kg. And just forget about anything smaller than a A4 SFX. All the powerful smaller SFFs are almost as locked down as a laptop, such as the P360 Ultra. While not having significant performance leads If you need to play games/ do graphics work, then probably just get a Clevo. They are still somewhat upgradable. Or maybe something like this: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hS4y1H7aT Otherwise, if what you are doing is CUDA works/ deep learning etc. etc. It might be better to have your desktop running at home and do a bit port forwarding to access it via remote desktop.
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