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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. No I get it, the mods over there are full on on the job to detract from the current situation of bad mouthing nvidia. Seen that in full effect, but what wasn't in full effect was a fully seated cable burning which has magically appeared after GN did forensicate testing. could be coincident could be not. Who knows at this point. And I'm sorry, just because people post stuff on the internet I'm just not jumping on board the Jim Jones juice train just because they say it's so.
  2. I knew this was coming.... https://wccftech.com/fully-connected-16-pin-connector-on-the-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4090-ends-up-melting-too/
  3. Do you have a 3.0 PSU? Maybe I'll break out my adapter that came with my card and test fit it to see if it actually clicks into place. Edit: So I just test fitted the other cable and the click is there but a lot fainter than my native cable. Also a little bit harder to plug in, but far easier to get out than my native cable. As I really have to squeeze hard to pull it out.
  4. Ah, okay. Because I just checked mine and it has a latch and works fine even for being smaller than the norm. I hear it click every time I lock the power plug in place.
  5. Im not sure I understand.... Are you saying there is no locking latch?
  6. True, but there may be some basis to the argument but going over board about it is what some do.๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. Best watchout posting aida64 over on OCN. They have a few haters over there. LOL
  8. Looks like my Microcenter still has plenty of cards. https://www.microcenter.com/search/search_results.aspx?N=4294966937&NTK=all&sortby=pricehigh @electrosoft I wasn't really trying to make a point just giving my observation on that seller, but since we are at it. Lets see what he has really sold. This being regardless of feedback. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=4090&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=nc&_pgn=1 Since the launch of the 4090 this guy only sold 1 4090. And the 1 4090 he sold he has feedback for. Can't get any more plainer than that. So as I said before...It sounds fishy to me. Side note: Line for 4080's didn't start until about 24 hours before launch and at 2 am I saw about 30 people in line as I drove through the parking lot.
  9. Well I asked the 20 people standing in line the other day and they said no it would not stop them buying the card. And so far no one is blaming the customer yet, but they are replacing most if not all the cards that have burn marks.. So an inconvenience, Yes but still standing by the user error customer. Hell, I have to make sure I don't become that guy my damn self! ๐Ÿ˜‚ And look at the down votes. Facepalm. And then people wonder why they lock everything down tight.
  10. So let me ask you this....Is he right in doing so though? And it's a pretty safe bet to wager that no one is going to fess up and say it was their fault.
  11. True, but he has "sold" way to many for no one to say anything. That's a red flag. And it's easy enough to get it into a state where it looks like you sold more than you actually have. Example: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=3090+kingpin&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1 Says this guy sold the same card twice, when I'm pretty sure it only sold once in reality. And to also look at the other side of the coin, I sold a 3090 and no feedback receive either, but I never leave feedback first as a seller. To easy for the buyer to then post a negative comment if you don't agree to their demands later.
  12. Wow! So some users will not be happy about this if the manufacture decides to use this approach to deny a claim.
  13. Unfortunately he has feedback from 1 person with a score of 3 in the last 6 months of transactions. So not really sure what hookup you may be referring too as with high ticket items and that many allegedly sold, you would want every 4090 customer to report in. And not one guy with a score of 3. Just my opinion... Side note: Look at all those PS% people reporting in and 1 guy with a 4090....Seems pretty fishy to me.
  14. So I got my board back from RMA and the seem to have repaired it. I also noticed that this is the difference between EVGA, Asus and MSI. EVGA seems like they take a quick look and cant find the issue so they issue you another item. While MSI and ASUS actually repair the item and send it back(If they cant repair, then they send a different item for replacement), thus taking forever to get. I have two little arrow stickers pointing to the second USB port on my board which seems to be what they repaired. I have not plugged anything in that port as of yet.๐Ÿ˜‚
  15. This reminds me of when Vivian and I were at CES and I was benching their Alienware "Throttlebooks" and people were like for reals! 100C in less than 5 seconds.๐Ÿคฃ
  16. I was trying to see if that company sells it by itself, Elecgear.
  17. https://www.monaco.ubuy.com/en/product/54Q3CJW5U-elecgear-lga-1700-anti-bending-buckle-liquid-metal-thermal-paste-carbon-fiber-frame-for-intel-core-12th-gen-alder-lake-lga17xx-bcf-socket-cpu Specifications of Liquid Metal: Model: LMTP-V3 Thermal Conductivity: 82W/m-K Resistivity (20โ„ƒ):1.9x10-8ฮฉยทm Specific Gravity (20โ„ƒ): 5.8g/cm3 Physical Form: Grease Temp. Range: -10โ„ƒ - 140โ„ƒ Harmless: Yes
  18. Anyone try this one out yet? https://www.amazon.com/ElecGear-LGA-1700-Anti-Bending-LGA17xx-BCF-Leak-Proof/dp/B09ZPVCKMQ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2P5YIAPGG13TR&keywords=contact+frame+lga1700&qid=1668146067&sprefix=contact+frame+lga1700%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-4
  19. Edit: FedEx says it will be here Saturday. So about 17 days from start to finish. And repair center is in Sacramento, California. And to add...I paid extra for a Saturday delivery to them and guess what? They were closed.๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ 4 bucks gone and I can never get it back.๐Ÿ˜ญ
  20. Hummm, now that does make the post a bit more interesting.... As I definitely talked to and even gotten my first modded kingpin card from Vince. Was also part of Team Pure for quite a few years before joining Team Premamod. Never got any thing in the way of bad from Vince. So I would have to see that co-sign first.
  21. Looks like it might be a no go then.... Falk is part of our hwbot team as well.
  22. 2k huh, that sounds rather ambitious! Do not let the 2k cards with fake bidding fool you.๐Ÿ˜‚
  23. I did say my buddy would not be happy to hear that! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm going to ask further and see if there was a specific reason why not Arizona or Nevada for that matter. For now anyways.
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