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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. You got me there. I was more looking at the delid tool they made for it along with the direct die frame.
  2. I guess I mean out of the box doing nothing but set clocks and see if it can do it. No extra cooling or mods or repasting or anything else. 1500 and start port royal, no crazy artifacts(you can get always with about 10 to 15 seconds in and stop if one sees nothing), then go 1600 and then 1700 and then 1800. Up till it gets funky then back down a bit until stable and then run full test. Usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes max to find out if the memory is good or not.
  3. Wait? Why no trash card in the list? Are they being haters?😂
  4. The Unify-X is geared for memory over clocking though, these Hero 4 channels are...eha, I might work today but tomorrow is another day. 😂
  5. So you are in the same boat as the rest of us. lol. Those auto voltages do love to run pretty damn high though.
  6. Well, you know me.... Mine was an upgrade price so I jumped all over it. Now buying out right, I might have waited on them. They work great on the Unify-X board so technically I'm cool. Although they worked on the Strix gaming board.🤦‍♂️ Edit: You are right though I like the lower voltages as well so i will back the speed down and lower voltage. I like the fact that I don't have to go above 1.4 volts as well for vdimm
  7. So my 7600 sticks are not stable at XMP on this Z690 Hero...🤦‍♂️
  8. That is the top side, but what did the bottom side look like? As that is far more important.....
  9. No, I think you nailed it. With this board I can clearly here it coming from the memory as my ear is like 1/2 away. lol OS crashed then on reboot that was what i got. Windows 11 had been working fine until that happened
  10. Mine does that also, but I thought it was coming from the board as I had a chance to rule out psu and gpu.
  11. Well, Unify-X is down again... Started with a USB device drawing to much power and would turn off after 15 seconds. Did that for about 10 tries to get it to boot with nothing plugged in and then it went to - - in the lcd display. Not exactly sure what I did this time as I was benching at the time. Time will tell if it gets replaced or thrown in the gutter and do not buy another.... RMA has already been issued.... My ASUS Maximus Z690 Hero FRIST RUN!! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah right! I had to relearn the damn voltage first.
  12. But what cracks me up the most is the people that come in and do the "hey look at me" bit. I just tripped and hit the mouse by accident which loaded up the benchmark which i dropped my phone and it hit the enter key on the keyboard so I watched the run and it got 43k in cinebench(example). All without doing anything other than it was my first run. 🤦‍♂️😂
  13. Sorry, you were suppose to be in the list above.😄 But this chip is running hot so i need to check my frame and try again. Edit: I sure how that new plug is not going to be an issue....I will need to dumb card fast if that's the case.... Because what will happen is Nvidia will start requestion a lower power rated bios like they did in the past.
  14. I'm definitely going to test it, that's for sure. It booted 7600MT no problems on the Strix. P108E81
  15. I would watch that trying to run a gazillon fans on 1 header.... You might be sorry for it later.....
  16. Could be, but it seems to only do it during that test. I will have to quiet things down and really listen when i get a chance. Try 6600 and see what happens.
  17. Yes, I'm using contact frame. As for power it seems nice, but not sure if I here coil wine from it or the board when running aida64 mem test.
  18. 13 Gen was a definite uptick in memory overclocking. I went from 6800 to 7200 just swapping the cpu. In other news...
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