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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. Yes, I have ran across this issue myself, but it hasn't happened in a while. Talking about being stuck on 8 and 4 lanes. I had to pull the card reset the bios and boot in a different PCIE, then put it back and eventually 16 lanes came back. And I think you might be right with something going on with the bios....I'm trying to work through it now to see if it is somewhat like how it was with the 20 series in the laptops.
  2. I sure hope it gets better than that with 700W! I really hope it's because of the 8X lane and not something having to do with how the card was constructed. People are already doing past 3100 with out modding anything right now. And 134 is low for that many watts being pulled.
  3. I had to check my second card and my same cable for smoke, fire, brimstone and melting effects on the tips of my 12VHPWR cable and nothing as of yet. Even held my fingers on the cable to check the heat of the wires them selves and the over clock GODs have said.... Nope! Not yet. You are still "SAFE", for now. 😂 This now brings into question why the HOF card may or may not have two plugs.....Along with being may be more power hungry than 600W....
  4. Actually I was thinking the same thing....And also wondering why no comparisons against the competition this time around. Sounds a bit suspect, for gamers, but I'm just thinking out loud. Edit: @Papusan I do not think it is going to kill anything off. The pricing is still part of NVidia's base model. "Always charge higher than AMD" If they buy they buy and if they don't....then we sit and wait to see what happens....
  5. I just seen that myself. I may be getting an AMD card instead. LOL
  6. Coil wine is there and so is the pump. The wine isn't the high pitched type, but it is clearly there.
  7. Hummmm, I picked up the Suprim X liquid and I'm not impressed at all! Memory is very subpar apposed to the Zotac "trash" card. I have a ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO still sitting there that I need to go back and pickup when I return this ROG MAXIMUS Z690 HERO. Also found out that people with a microcenter account have 45 days on GPU return. Who knew. and 30 days on CPU's.
  8. I just left my MC and they have..er ah, had 4080 Strix in stock.
  9. Just push the M.2 closer to it's socket and it should come right out. Now this is where I definitely disagree with the room. I'm more for less using screw drivers when I'm constantly changing things. For a permanent build then it would be fine. Losing or striping screws gets old real fast! Edit: To broaden that aspect to water cooling quick connects and the PCIE push button release. To screwless cases.
  10. Hummmm.... 1: The braiding is only on the two 12VHPWR cables only. 2: It is loose meaning the wires move easily inside when turning or bending the cable in different directions. And can also be made to fit some what in a flat condition. 3: The reference to my T2 is that the braiding on "all" cables is tight. So if you bend it the cables stay in their rounded form. 4: I gather the braids on this cable are to cover the fact that the wires inside are single strands. And the braided sheath is to make it easier to keep the single wires in check. (From what I can feel) And this translates across at least the 1200W PSU that I have from them. 5: And going by the picture once again. They "could" have taken a single 12VHPWR cable and cut it and added the two 8 pin PCIE connectors. Technically speaking as the wires are the same, but of course that cable would have come out to be shorter. Speculations of course.... Final conclusions.... The braiding is the same as on my 1200W PSU I have from them. Still holding up after 15 years. https://bjorn3d.com/2007/06/thermaltake-toughpower-w0133ru-1200w-psu/ So to answer the main question. The cable "looks" to be identical as part of the Gen 5 12VHPWR cable.
  11. I'm not sure I understand the question? I thought I answered this. Looking at the picture that was posted and this one compared to mine they look identical from different ends of two different cables I have. I do not own a cable like the one pictured. So I have no apples to apples comparison other than I found it odd that that guy went back and changed that Aliexpress part of his comment. And the comment "how is this cable that is made by Thermaltake and sold by them vs my Thermaltake cables" from my Thermaltake power supply differ? I would think they would be the same quality as they are made and sold by the same company.(But that is speculations as I'm not about to be cutting mine open to find out) And I'm pretty sure they would not go out and by different plugs that take the same wires they already make their original 3.0 cables with. And his comment about "pins all over the place" the pins don't even move unless you are in there trying to break them to get them to move so you can say that. (12+4 connector) So I don't know...will just have to wait and see if they are crap or not, but going from mine.... They are solid so far. JMO Edit: Congrats on getting your new cpu though!
  12. Using same voltage, but started lowering the sa voltage. Going to try to get that out of the way...maybe it's the problem as I was using auto at first.
  13. You got me. I have never bought GPU/PSU power cables from Aliexpress before. I also have a standardized 3.0 PSU with real Gen 5 single cable. (300V/80C/16AWG(per wire)) The sheath braiding seems tighter on my EVGA 1600W T2 than on my Thermaltake 1650W GF3. And before anyone decides to jump on those specs. My EVGA 1600T2 wires are spec'd exactly the same word for word(VCG) for the 8 pin PCIE cables. Edit: I will be getting the angled adapters from Cablemod just to have for any future projects that may need a 90 or 180 degree turn. Or I get an HOF 4090 that has 2 12VHPWR ports. 🙂 Edit: I had to take a real look at my cables and see I do in fact have 2 12VHPWR cables so all ready for HOF card.
  14. Wont know till I get my board back....this board will post 7600, but is not stable.
  15. China? You mean the country half of America loves to hate? That China? LOL
  16. If he is in the same part of the world Roman is in...that might be a hard sale.... Didn't he buy a chip for like 1400 euro? Edit: I may have that wrong. The exchange rate is better than I thought. Not sure about vat and shipping. So he would come out way better than Roman at 1K than he did for an "average" chip at 1400 euro (speculations) So 1200 or 1300 would not be out of the question
  17. Man, sell that chip and buy another. Unless you plan on benching that chip for record points. Then tell him to show you the SP rating. LOL. Edit: Also make sure to protect your self from charge backs....
  18. Edit: found the pictures... The voltage for this one was not to far off...
  19. Damn, might have to drop igor down a few notches on my list...LOL
  20. I guess if we start experiencing 3.0 PSU and power cable (single cable) failures then we could assume so, but as of right now no one has came forth with that as being an issue....YET! Not sure how those single cables are put together because no one has torn one apart yet. I would really need to see that before submitting 100% to the idea that it is also safe. Edit To add, it was actually one of the main reasons driving me forward with that purchase. It was 1 cable and not 4 or 3 cables into 1
  21. Igorslab already figured it out and fixed it. Now they would only need to follow his lead and send out new cables under that direction and recall all cables and cards with even 1% damage for replacement. That is....if they really do have cards sitting around. (AIB partners)(Nvdia)
  22. Sorry guys, but I can't seem to let it go.😂😂 Zotac "trash" card was doing very respectable numbers. And really good vram and was up to about 550W max.
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