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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. At the current time, they seem to have no plans on expanding..... Unfortunately. Side note: I did get stuck with a 980X for 3 years because it had a burnt pad and at the time Microcenter nor Intel would not replace it. Intel came back with their tuning plan and I got it replaced at that point after some back and forth about it.
  2. And for these reasons I try to stay with buying all my parts from MC until they change their policy on their warranty.
  3. I have found that to be the loss memory dimm problem more than not. over time the pins may give under pressure and start to touch another pin cancelling out one of the dim slots. Just a suggestion.
  4. You may only need to take the cpu out and check the contacts. Then boot from one slot, then add the other stick.
  5. No, memory is not corrupted and I did see where he said he was sort of working on the project due to them not giving him the documentation in a time manner. Hopefully he will find the time and energy to keep up the good work. This program is a really good tool to have in ones arsenal of programs to have.
  6. Hummm, mine still says both profiles are corrupted when I try to read using TB. I also hace the CRC errors as well.
  7. This is true... When I flashed i made sure to have memory back to full stock first though. And I never used that user XMP profile thing either, so that may or may not have played a role in things not going according to plan....Speculations of course.
  8. Okay, so I went ahead and flashed and all went well. XMP is still there. And voltage is not locked.... So Something definitely went wrong with your flash...
  9. And they locked the bios memory voltage to 1.435V? Seriously?
  10. That does not work as I just downloaded the free version and tried to read my memory and I get the exact same as you do....
  11. Usually memory exchanges are far easier than anything else. Send them back and they send you a new pair.
  12. Then that sounds like a serious flaw as it should not be wring to SPD locked memory modules unless you unlock them yourself. As they have no way of knowing what memory you have or will install in the board. Ill have to keep that in mind going forward with flashing of this board. I am too suspicious of the "fine-tuned" as well. The board has some pretty good ones already setup with it that do not need flashing....
  13. Hummm, I think the highest version I had before was something like A48. So if it messed up the memory does that mean that A60 has SPD write unlocked?
  14. https://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/14986844 The give away was the April date of the benchmark.
  15. Didn't beat my old score form back in February, but getting closer...
  16. This sport was never about value unfortunately. And there has never really been value in buying high end parts or being first to buy them either. Ergo most people buy cheap and over clock to run on par with stock higher end parts for far less money which would be the value goal for most. Right now I do it more so at my leisure than in serious competition. This sport is far to expensive with zero (Self and world recognition fall under a different category) return on ones money. There was never a good return on ones money from day one.....
  17. The first picture was to show you we had the same Physics score.... Again.πŸ™‚ I do have better cooling, SS and LN2 pot.πŸ™‚ but that's not how we would grab first place. The only reason that is in sight is because most of the hard core crowd has basically retired from the sport..... Thanks brother. Your scores are always impressive as well.
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