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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. You don't have a normal heat sink laying around? I keep a AIO and a heat sink just incase for stuff like this. Or something you can remove the screws from or has open holes so it just sits on the mounting bracket and you just tighten it down.
  2. You could also try just cooling the gpu by itself and see what happens..... Then comeback around and remount the block on it. Also to add...I have to check my filter regularly. When my flow drops to 3.4 I clean my filter. Those filter slow the rate of flow by like .5 to 1 per filter on the system.
  3. It sure would suk if the guy with the 95 fps average was knocking the stuffing out of everyone else with a 100+ better average. All while the other guys are yelling hey look at me at a 135 fps, but my KD is .47.😂😂
  4. I totally understand. Not a problem there. But going by your higher over all temps. CPU and GPU...From my experience means the water is not flowing fast enough through the system. Causes range from filters being clogged. CPU and or GPU blocks are blocked internally slowing down the flow of water. I thought about the manifold idea as well and was going to grab a y adapter version of a manifold to test the theory, but did not get around to doing it yet.
  5. So that we are on the same page about flow rate...What does that 205 L/H translate to? On my screen it shows flow rate of 3.7 LPM to 4.7 LPM on a good day and warmer water. If I remove filters and the gpu something like 5.3 to 5.7 LPM. So right now about 4.3 LPM/1.1 GPM A while back my gpu temps stayed hot no matter what. I found that my LPM rate was .09 to 1.2 LPM. Once I fixed that no more really hot gpu temps. Edit: Had to find a converter... 205 L/H = 3.42 LPM 190 L/H = 3.17 LPM 4.3 LPM = 258 L/H 3.7 LPM = 222 L/H And the flow rate slows down when getting colder not go faster... Not sure how yours is working in reverse? Or I could be totally wrong and totally disregard. 😂
  6. Short answer....your loop. Didn't you get like 55K gpu score with your 5950X?
  7. Yes, until you need it....I did that and forgot I had benchmarks saved. lol
  8. Yes The score should be somewhere between 14000- 14600. I must be missing something because the first picture you posted had clocks flatline in the 15,6K run posted earlier? Well damn. LOL Glad you got it sorted out in the end. Now keep going with the stock 520W bios and see what you can do with it. Pretty sure you can get to or beat your best score with it. Edit: Here is a hot run as well. Not much improvement with water at 30.2C and higher clock 😂
  9. Yes, that's is about exactly what mine looks like. Now set the watts to max and run a port royal bench and see where you land with that.
  10. Hummmm, my switches are still set to default and I haven't went above 1.2V with classy tool either. I had just assumed that those were set to default already to rule them out. Also check to make sure GPU is in fact running at X16 or X8 and not X4 or X1. And maybe lift the GPU out of it's socket and place it back in place. Edit: And it could be memory as well....
  11. I would say, throw in a temp drive with fresh windows and only the nvidia driver, pe1 and port royal. and then see what it gets as a stock score. I have been doing plenty of reinstalls as of late due to unforeseen stuff happening in the background. Might have to do another reinstall as we speak. lol
  12. Could be os related... Side note. Mine have never ever held the over clock.
  13. Sounds like it might be time to dump the SP92. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I do not see me keeping two chips.
  14. Oh, it will update that as well, just not with the right bios for it is all. RTSS? Is that what you are using to boost fps or something? This is on stock voltage as well.... So I would not just pass off the 520W vbios so easily....
  15. Updating the 520W and 480W is easy. Just load it up and let Precision updated it for you.
  16. Hey Ryan, No clue, but it would be running under portable AC and modded firmware though.... 😂
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